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Ordering Grouped Results

To use the ORDER BY clause with the GROUP BY, use it after the GROUP BY. However, when you order your grouped result set, you must order by a column that appears in the results.

This is because the rows in your result set are calculated, aggregate rows. Consider this output, from the first example:

select   type,    avg(price)  “Average”
from       titles
group  by   type
type               Average
-------                     ------------------------
UNDECIDED           (null)
business           13.73
mod_cook           11.49
popular_comp       21.48
psychology         13.50
trad_cook          15.96

To ORDER BY title, for instance, would make no sense. In fact, if you attempt to do so, the server returns this error:

select       type,  avg(price) “Average”
from        titles
group  by  type
order   by  title
Msg 8127, Level 16, State 1
Column name ‘titles.title’ is invalid in the ORDER BY clause because
          it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the
       GROUP BY clause.

The averages that appear in this result set are not an actual part of the table. You have two ordering options here: you could order by type to alphabetically sort the categories, or you could order by the averages themselves:

select  type,    avg(price) “Average”
from      titles
group  by  type
order  by   Average
type            Average
-------                  ------------------------
UNDECIDED        (null)
mod_cook         11.49
psychology       13.50
business         13.73
trad_cook        15.96
popular_comp     21.48

When the server receives this query, it calculates the sum of prices for each type of book and a count of the number of titles in each type. These results are placed into a temporary worktable that the server creates behind the scenes and destroys after solving the query. Once the worktable has all the results, the server handles the division of sum and count and sorts the result by this calculated Average column.

I could have asked for ORDER BY avg(price) to achieve the same result, but in this case I used a column alias and named that in the ORDER BY. I also could have used ORDER BY type.

Let’s take a look at another grouping example. This time, we’ll group by multiple columns.

The sales table has a qty column to indicate the numbers of books ordered, a stor_id column to indicate which store ordered the books, and an ord_num column (order number).

The purpose of grouping with the GROUP BY clause is to calculate aggregates from rows that share a common value. In the sales table, a store that places an order and orders several different books has multiple lines in the table. For example, for order number P2121, store #7067 ordered 40 TC3218’s, 20 TC4203’s, and 20 TC7777’s.

Note:  To see a complete list of these orders, use this query against the sales table:
select   stor_id, ord_num, qty
from     sales
order by stor_id, ord_num, qty

If you want a report that listed the total quantity of books ordered on a particular order number (in this case it would be 40 + 20 + 20 = 80), together with the store id, you use this query:

select     stor_id, ord_num, sum(qty) “Books Ordered”
from       sales
group  by  stor_id, ord_num
stor_id ord_num                         Books Ordered
------        ---------------------        ---------
6380     6871                         5
6380     722a                         3
7066     A2976                        50
7066     QA7442.3                     75
7067     D4482                        10
7067     P2121                        80
7131     N914008                      20
7131     N914014                      25
7131     P3087a                       85
7896     QQ2299                       15
7896     TQ456                        10
7896     X999                         35
8042     423LL922                     15
8042     423LL930                     10
8042     P723                         25
8042     QA879.1                      30

(16 row(s) affected)

GROUP BY groups rows together based on their sharing a common value among one or more columns. In this exercise, you asked for rows sharing stor_id and ord_num. For each group, the SUM of (qty) was calculated under the “Books Ordered” column.


Starting with MS SQL Server 6.5 the CUBE and ROLLUP extensions were available. These are used with the GROUP BY clause and allow you to calculate a super-aggregate on columns for which regular aggregates are being found. These operators are useful because they provide information on non-grouped columns without requiring you to run an additional query. They also include the information as a normal (that is, not a COMPUTE) row in the result set.

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