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COMPUTE as It More Commonly Appears in the Real World

COMPUTE is used more often during ad-hoc sessions to summarize normal columns in a result set.

ad-hoc is from the Latin term, “for this.” You hear people refer to ad-hoc queries quite often. An ad-hoc query is one that is made in a non-batch mode; that is, a user typing a query into ISQL/w, as you have been doing with the labs, is conducting an ad-hoc session and is running a series of ad-hoc queries. An application program that executes prepared queries is not issuing ad-hoc queries.

Ad-hoc queries are dangerous weapons in the hands of unskilled users. Because a novice user can mistakenly ask for something the server would require days to execute, a single ad-hoc query can steal major portions of the server’s time, memory, and I/O bandwidth.

To combat this, some systems disallow access to the server from everything but application programs and system administrators.

Intelligent use of the server’s resources, however, lets everyone issue ad-hoc queries without causing too much stress to anyone on the system.

Here is a more involved example. I need a report showing all the titles in the titles table (title_ids should be used to compress the output on the report). The rows must be organized alphabetically by title, with their advances and their prices. Then I want the advances to be summed, and I want the average price.

select         title_id,   advance,   price
from          titles
order   by   title
compute        sum(advance),     avg(price)

title_id advance                                 price
--------            --------------------------        ----------------
PC1035      7,000.00                            22.95
PS1372      7,000.00                            21.59
BU1111      5,000.00                            11.95
PS7777      4,000.00                            7.99
TC4203      4,000.00                            11.95
PS2091      2,275.00                            10.95
PS2106      6,000.00                            7.00
PC9999      (null)                              (null)
TC3218      7,000.00                            20.95
PS3333      2,000.00                            19.99
PC8888      8,000.00                            20.00
MC2222      0.00                                19.99
BU7832      5,000.00                            19.99
TC7777      8,000.00                            14.99
BU1032      5,000.00                            19.99
MC3021      15,000.00                           2.99
MC3026      (null)                              (null)
BU2075      10,125.00                           2.99


(19 row(s) affected)

This query requests three columns of information: the title_id, the advance given to the author, and the price of the book. The ORDER BY imparts a sequence to the rows. After retrieving this information, the COMPUTE clause searches through the advance column and calculates the SUM and likewise searches through the price column to calculate the AVG. These two computed columns are listed separately at the bottom of the results.


COMPUTE BY allows the calculation of subtotal aggregates in the same way that COMPUTE allows calculation of totals. When using COMPUTE BY, you must also use ORDER BY to arrange the rows so that a subtotal on them makes sense. For example, to list the title_ids in the titles table, and calculate the max(advance) within each type of book, use this query:

select        title_id,  type,  advance
from         titles
order  by  type
compute     max(advance)   by  type
title_id type                advance
------           --------              ----------------------
MC3026      UNDECIDED        (null)


title_id type               advance
--------        ---------              -----------------------
BU1032      business        5,000.00
BU1111      business        5,000.00
BU2075      business        10,125.00
BU7832      business        5,000.00


title_id type               advance
--------        ---------              -----------------------
MC2222      mod_cook        0.00
MC3021      mod_cook        15,000.00


title_id type                advance
--------         --------              ------------------------
PC1035       popular_comp    7,000.00
PC8888       popular_comp    8,000.00
PC9999       popular_comp    (null)


title_id type                advance
--------            -------            ------------------------
PS1372         psychology    7,000.00
PS2091         psychology    2,275.00
PS2106         psychology    6,000.00
PS3333         psychology    2,000.00
PS7777         psychology    4,000.00


title_id type                advance
--------            -------            ------------------------
TC3218         trad_cook     7,000.00
TC4203         trad_cook     4,000.00
TC7777         trad_cook     8,000.00


(24     row(s)     affected)

Each type of book is listed with its advance. The server puts this information (the three columns in the output) into a worktable. Then COMPUTE BY runs, moving through each row in the table. Every time the type of book changes (from business to mod_cook, for example), the COMPUTE BY calculates the maximum advance.

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