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Overriding the Optimizer

Every now and then, the server simply estimates wrong. In the example we’ve been looking at, the server grossly overstates the cost of using the sales table as the outer table, and it grossly understates the cost of using the titles table.

Note:  I promise I didn’t “cook” the example to show the server being wrong. I just wrote a simple query and was as surprised as you should be to see the estimation problems crop up here.

If the estimation errors were any more severe (for example, if the price/type conditions were to select 75 percent of the data instead of 8 percent), it would be appropriate to force a different join order than the one SQL Server chose. To do that, you use the forceplan option:

set    forceplan    {on|off}

This option forces SQL Server to use the order in which the tables appear in the join clause as the physical join order when resolving the query.

To execute the sample query and force an optimization plan with sales as the outer table, do this:

set   forceplan     on
select     s.stor_id,   t.type,     count(*)
      from    sales  s  join  titles  t   on  t.title_id  =  s.title_id
   where   s.ord_date   >=    “9/1/94”  and  s.ord_date   <  “10/1/94”
      and   t.price  between  15.00   and  20.00
        and    t.type   in  (“children”,  “drama”,  “psychology”)
   group    by  s.stor_id,  t.type
set   forceplan    off

Tip:  Turn on forceplan right before the statement you want to affect; turn it off immediately afterwards. You don’t want to dictate the join order for every statement you execute; only for those in which you have done sufficient research and testing to prove it’s the right thing to do.

Take note of the FROM clause:

from  sales  s  join  titles  t  on  t.title_id  =  s.title_id

With the use of forceplan, the order of the tables dictates the join order for the query: sales is the outer table, titles is inner. Here is the FROM clause using the traditional join syntax:

from  sales  s,  titles  t

Here is a list of dos and don’ts that will help you get better join performance.


DO join on columns whose data types, lengths, and nullability match.
DO provide indexes to support joins.
DO watch out for server guesstimates.
DON’T use forceplan when it’s not needed.
DON’T combine index keys in the WHERE clause (as in x.stor_id + x.ord_num = y.stor_id + y.ord_num ). Use AND instead.

Outer Joins

Now that you understand join order, we can explore outer joins.

Outer joins allow you to see all the rows in the outer table, whether there are matching rows in the inner table or not.

Here’s a query that lists book types and their corresponding sales records. (All the queries in the section on outer joins are drawn from the pubs database.)

select    t.type,     sum(s.qty)
from   titles   t
       join   sales   s  on   t.title_id   =   s.title_id
group   by   t.type
------------         ----------
business        90
mod_cook        50
popular_comp    80
psychology      193
trad_cook       80

Is that all of the types? Here’s a complete list:

select   distinct   type
from     titles

The UNDECIDED type is not included in the first result set because there are no sales for unpriced, unpublished books. If you wanted to include the UNDECIDED titles, you would use an outer join. The outer join is indicated in the ANSI join syntax with the keywords, LEFT OUTER JOIN :

select     t.type,     sum(s.qty)
from    titles   t
        left    outer  join  sales   s   on   t.title_id   = s.title_id
group   by     t.type
------------       ----------
UNDECIDED        (null)
business       90
mod_cook       50
popular_comp   80
psychology     193
trad_cook      80

The outer join includes a row in the final output for each value of type in the titles table. Notice that the value of the sum for UNDECIDED books is (null). In an outer join, whenever there is a row in the outer table that is unmatched in the inner table, all inner table values in the result set evaluate to null for that row.

The traditional SQL syntax is also capable of expressing an outer join. Simply add an asterisk (* ) on one side of the join condition to indicate which table is the outer table in an outer join. Here’s the query joining sales and titles in the traditional join syntax:

select      t.type,      sum(s.qty)
from    titles   t,    sales   s
where      t.title_id    *=      s.title_id
group    by     t.type

The asterisk appears on the left side, next to the titles version of the title_id column, so the titles table is the outer table.

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