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Page 149

Day 7

Using Oracle's Built-in

by Timothy Atwood

Day 5, "Using Functions, IF Statements, and Loops," demonstrates how to create functions, both within the code and stored. However, Oracle already comes complete with hundreds of excellent functions. With so many of these functions, it is unlikely that even the best Oracle guru will have them all memorized. Today's lesson covers the most frequently used functions. I highly recommend that you review Appendix B, "Oracle Functions Reference," and keep it near you while you work. Appendix B contains a complete listing of Oracle functions, their purpose, and their syntax.

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The best way to learn a programming language, whether it is a third-generation language or a database management language, is to always initially review all the commands and functions, their syntax, and their usage. Any time you need to use any of these, you can then refer to this chapter for the syntax and definition. Otherwise, you might miss some very powerful features, never knowing that they even exist. This methodology also helps you to easily understand and learn competing vendor's products and makes you a more valuable programmer.

SQL Functions Versus PL/SQL Functions

As with any database, you can use SQL within PL/SQL to take advantage of all the features of PL/SQL. Almost all the functions will work within PL/SQL except those functions that operate on rows such as MAX, MIN, or any other "grouping/summary" type functions, as well as special functions like DECODE and DUMP.

The Major Categories of Functions

Tables 7.1 through 7.6 summarize Oracle's functions within the category types character functions, number functions, date functions, conversion functions, group functions, and miscellaneous functions.

Table 7.1. Character functions.

Function Name Function Description
ASCII Returns the ASCII code of the character.
CHR Returns a character when given its ASCII value.
CONCAT Joins (concatenates) two strings together (same as using the || operator, which you might have noticed on Day 5 and Day 6, "Implementing Loops and GOTOs").
INITCAP Returns a string in which the first letter in each word is capitalized and all remaining characters are converted to lowercase. Does not affect any nonalphabetic characters.
INSTR Returns the location of a string within another string.
INSTRB Returns the location of a string within another string, but returns the value in bytes for a single-byte character system.

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Function Name Function Description
LENGTH Returns the length of a character string, including pads. Returns NULL if the value is NULL.
LENGTHB Returns the length of a character string in bytes, except that the return value is in bytes for single-byte character sets.
LOWER Returns the entire character string to lowercase. Does not affect any nonalphabetic characters.
LPAD Pads a string on the left side with any string specified.
LTRIM Trims character string on the left side with any character string specified.
NLS_INITCAP Same as the INITCAP function except that it can use a different sort method as specified by NLSSORT.
NLS_LOWER Same as the LOWER function except that it can use a different sort method as specified by NLSSORT.
NLS_UPPER Same as the UPPER function except that it can use a different sort method as specified by NLSSORT.
NLSSORT Changes the method of sorting the characters. Must be specified before any NLS function; otherwise, the default sort will be used.
REPLACE Replaces every occurrence of one string with another string.
RPAD Pads a string on the right side with any string specified.
RTRIM Trims character string on the right side with any character string specified.
SOUNDEX Returns the phonetic representation of a string. Useful for words that are spelled differently but sound alike.
SUBSTR Returns a portion of a string from within a string.
SUBSTRB Same as SUBSTR except the parameters are expressed in bytes instead of characters to handle single-byte character systems.
TRANSLATE Same as REPLACE except operates at a character-level basis instead of a string-level basis.
UPPER Returns the entire character string to uppercase. Does not affect any nonalphabetic characters.

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Table 7.2. Number functions.

Function Name Function Description
ABS Returns the absolute value of a number.
ACOS Returns the arc (inverse) cosine of a number, expressed in radians.
ASIN Returns the arc (inverse) sine of a number, expressed in radians.
ATAN Returns the arc (inverse) tangent of a number (x), expressed in radians.
ATAN2 Returns the arc (inverse) tangent of a number (y/x), expressed in radians.
CEIL Returns the value representing the smallest integer, which is greater than or equal to a specified number.
COS Returns the cosine of a number, expressed in radians.
COSH Returns the hyperbolic cosine of a number, expressed in radians.
EXP Returns the exponentiation of e raised to the power of some number, where e = 2.7182818...
FLOOR Returns the value representing the largest integer, which is greater than or equal to a specified number.
LN Returns the natural logarithm of some number x.
LOG Returns the logarithm of some base x of some number y.
MOD Returns the remainder of some number x divided by some number y.
POWER Returns some number x to the power of some number y.
ROUND Returns x rounded to y places.
SIGN Determines if a number is negative, zero, or positive by the following rules: If x is negative, returns a value of _1. If x is zero, returns zero. If x is positive, returns a value of 1.
SIN Returns the sine of some number x in radians.
SINH Returns the hyperbolic sine of some number x in radians.
SQRT Returns the square root of some number x. The value of x can't be an imaginary number—x must never be negative!
TAN Returns the tangent of some number x in radians.
TANH Returns the hyperbolic tangent of some number x in radians.
TRUNC Returns some number x, truncated to y places. Does not round, just cuts off at the location specified.

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