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PL/SQL Table Update

You update a PL/SQL table in a very similar way as you do for inserting data into a PL/SQL table. If you have already inserted a row number 102 in the emp_table, then you can update the same row with the following statement:

emp_table(102) := `Jack Michaels';

This statement will update the contents of row 102 with the new value in the assignment statement.

PL/SQL Table Delete

Because the PL/SQL table is not stored in the database, the DELETE and DROP TABLE commands are limited in their effectiveness. PL/SQL does allow you to nullify and delete rows of a table, but you cannot drop a PL/SQL table.

The following command is an example of removing all the rows from a PL/SQL table using the Oracle DELETE built-in procedure:


The next example deletes the 2333rd record from the employee table:


This example deletes the first ten thousand guest records from the guest table:

guest_tab(0, 10000);

Likewise, the following statement will nullify the 100th record in the guest table:


You can also assign an empty table to an existing table. This will make the existing table (one with rows) empty, as shown in the following example:

/* Statement will empty out the guest table   */

guest_tab := empty_tab;

Displaying the Contents of a PL/SQL Table
As with database tables, you will want to display the rows of a PL/SQL table. One of the easiest ways to view PL/SQL table rows is with the DBMS_OUTPUT public package. This package is supplied with your Oracle RDBMS.

The DBMS_OUTPUT package has a procedure named PUT LINE, which will output a single line of data to the output buffer. This buffer is usually your screen. The following example is a portion of code that you can include in your PL/SQL block to display the rows of a PL/SQL table. The code shown in Listing 9.7 will display the first 50 rows of the table.

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Listing 9.7. Using the DBMS_OUTPUT package to display the contents of a table.

2: for row_indicator in 1 .. 50
4: dbms_output.put_line (emp_table (row_indicator);
6: END;
ANALYSIS In the example in Listing 9.7, several assumptions are made. First, I assumed that the table begins with row number one. Secondly, I assumed that the first 50 rows are sequentially numbered.

Both assumptions might not be true. You can adjust or customize your display block to suit your local needs.

PL/SQL Table Functions

PL/SQL provides a handful of useful built-in functions for use with PL/SQL tables. These functions are as follows:

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Nested Tables

Oracle8 introduces a new collection type known as a nested table. A nested table is an item of the type TABLE and is similar to a single-dimension array that has no upper limit; that is, a nested table is unbounded. Data stored in a nested table is not stored in any particular order. However, when the data is retrieved into variables, the rows are ordered consecutively, based on their subscripts.

The Syntax for Declaring a Nested Table
TYPE type_name IS TABLE OF element_type

In this syntax, type_name is the type specifier used later in the declaration. element_type is any valid PL/SQL datatype except for:

The INDEX BY clause is optional.

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