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Table 19.3. Special job definition parameters.

Parameter Mode Description
job IN The current job number.
next_date IN/OUT The next date for the job to execute. If not specified, the default is SYSDATE.
broken IN/OUT Job status: The IN value is always false, and the OUT value is true if broken and false if not.

Some examples of the job definition when submitting a job are


Viewing Jobs

To view any information about jobs, you can use queries. The three views that display information about jobs in the job queue are shown in Table 19.4.

Table 19.4. Data dictionary views for jobs.

View Description
DBA_JOBS Shows all jobs in the database.
DBA_JOBS_RUNNING Shows all jobs currently running.
USER_JOBS Shows all jobs owned by the user. PRIV_USER = your user ID.

The view for USER_JOBS and DBA_JOBS has the same structure. At any point in time, you could type


The preceding command enables you to view all the possible columns. See Table 19.5 for some of the possible columns and meanings.

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You will most likely have to reduce your array size by typing SET ARRAYSIZE 10 in order for all the columns to appear on the screen without getting a size/memory error.

Table 19.5. Columns used in views DBA_JOBS and DBA_USERS.

Column Name Description
JOB Job number
LOG_USER User associated with the job
PRIV_USER User who submitted and owns the job
LAST_DATE Date of last successful execution
LAST_SEC Time of last successful execution
THIS_DATE Date started of currently executing job
THIS_SEC Time started of currently executing job
NEXT_DATE Next date job is to be scheduled
NEXT_SEC Next time job is scheduled
TOTAL_TIME Total time it took to execute the job, in seconds
BROKEN Shows Y if the job is broken
WHAT The WHAT parameter supplied with SUBMIT or ISUBMIT
INTERVAL Time interval between jobs
FAILURES Number of times job has started and failed since last successful completion

To see all the available columns (and all jobs currently running), you would type


The available columns and descriptions are shown in Table 19.6.

Table 19.6. Columns used in view DBA_JOBS_RUNNING.

Column Name Description
JOB Job number
SID Lists the process executing the job
LAST_DATE Date of last successful execution

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Column Name Description
LAST_SEC Time of last successful execution
THIS_SEC Time started of currently executing job
FAILURES Number of times job has started and failed since last successful completion

Samples for Viewing Jobs

This section gives some more examples of how to view jobs. The first example in Listing 19.7 will display all the jobs that are currently executing.

INPUTListing 19.7. Viewing executing jobs.


If you want to view information on jobs that you own, use the code in Listing 19.8 to view the process name, job number, and the next date the job will execute.

INPUTListing 19.8. Viewing your own jobs.


Job Management

So far, you have focused on creating and viewing jobs. Now, you will learn about a major responsibility of a systems administrator—performing job management. Job management can include removing a job, altering a job, importing and exporting jobs from one database to another, and even fixing broken jobs. You might also need to manage how long a job runs; if a job is taking too long, you might have to review the procedure and either fine-tune it or delegate this task to another Oracle expert.

Removing a Job

If you can submit jobs, you should be able to remove them. Oracle provides the REMOVE procedure, which enables you to remove only jobs that you own.

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The Syntax for the REMOVE Procedure
The format for the procedure REMOVE is


You cannot remove a job if the job has started executing. You will have to wait for the job to complete before removing it from the job queue.

Listing 19.9 shows an example of removing a job assigned the number 109.

INPUTListing 19.9. Removing a job.

2:      DBMS_JOBS.REMOVE(109);
3: END;
ANALYSIS After you execute the code, if the job isn't running, job 109 will be removed permanently from the job queue.

Altering a Job

After a job has been submitted, you can change its parameters with the CHANGE procedure. If you want to alter specific parameters of the job, you would use WHAT, NEXT_DATE, or INTERVAL. Again, you can only change jobs that you own; otherwise there would be utter chaos!

The Syntax for Changing Job Parameters
Several possible formats can be used to change job parameters. The first uses the CHANGE procedure:

                             process_name IN VARCHAR2,
                             next_run IN DATE,
                             interval IN VARCHAR2 );

The second option uses the WHAT procedure:

                             process_name IN VARCHAR2);

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