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In addition to NCA, Oracle is working with the other major players who are behind nonproprietary, network-centric computing, such as IBM, Sun, and Netscape, to create open standards for communications, applications components, and metadata. Creating a standard information infrastructure will make it easy to have a large number of choices in components that can all interoperate—just like buying plumbing fixtures at the local hardware store.

Also, Oracle is committed to providing enterprise class implementations of these emerging technologies. For example, in Oracle 8.1, Oracle intends to provide a relational database server that runs Java within the kernel and provides a container for running Enterprise JavaBeans. It also intends to provide access to all server functionality via CORBA.

The end result of implementing a network computing architecture might be that a company could deploy low cost, easy-to-use, and highly manageable Network Computers.

Oracle8 incorporates many of the features of TP monitors, message-oriented middleware, queuing systems, DataWarehouse engines and now application servers, ORBs and transactions servers. To use Oracle8 only as a repository for data is to waste a powerful resource for your enterprise.

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