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SQL Trace

The SQL Trace facility and the Oracle program TKPROF are designed to give performance information about individual SQL statements. You can use this information to determine the characteristics of those statements.

You can enable SQL Trace for a session or for an entire instance. Of course, because this facility gathers an abundance of information about SQL statement functionality and performance, SQL Trace has an effect on the performance of the system. If you use SQL Trace on a single session, the effect is fairly minimal, but if you use SQL Trace on an entire instance, you will see a substantial effect on the performance of the system. Avoid running SQL Trace on an entire instance for this reason.

SQL Trace Initialization

Before you run SQL Trace, you must make sure that certain Oracle initialization parameters are set:

Parameter Description

TIMED_STATISTICS Setting TIMED_STATISTICS=TRUE enables SQL Trace and some of the dynamic performance tables to collect timed statistics such as CPU and elapsed times. Enabling timed statistics incurs significant overhead, because most Oracle operations are now being timed, and should be avoided except when necessary.
MAX_DUMP_FILE_SIZE Specifies the maximum size of trace file dumps in OS blocks. Set this fairly low to avoid filling up the file system with trace files. If the SQL Trace output files are being truncated, increase this value.
USER_DUMP_DEST This parameter specifies the destination for the trace file. The default destination is the same as for system dumps on your OS.

You can turn SQL Trace on and off on a per-session basis by using the ALTER SESSION command or on an entire instance by setting the Oracle initialization parameter SQL_TRACE to TRUE. By setting SQL Trace on a session, you can see the resources of a particular task. By setting SQL Trace on for the entire instance, you can view information on all tasks.

SQL Trace Functionality

Once SQL Trace is enabled, it gathers the following information:

  Parse, execute, and fetch counts. These counts can give you vital information about the efficiency of the SQL statements.
  CPU and elapsed times. This information can tell you which statements take the most time to execute.
  Physical and logical reads. This information can help you determine the effectiveness of the database buffer pool.
  Number of rows processed. This information can be used as an indication that more rows are being processed than you expected, thus indicating a problem.
  Library cache misses. This information can show you the effectiveness of the shared SQL area and how well you are reusing already parsed SQL statements.

SQL Trace puts this information into a trace file in an unreadable form. You then use the Oracle program TKPROF to format the trace information into useful, understandable data.

Interpreting SQL Trace

This section looks at some of the statistics available from SQL Trace and how to interpret them. For each SQL statement executed, SQL Trace provides the following information:

Parameter Description

count Number of times the OCI procedure was executed. (The OCI interface is the standard set of calls used to access the Oracle database.)
cpu CPU time in seconds executing. This value is the amount of time Oracle uses to process the statement.
elapsed Elapsed time in seconds executing. This value is equivalent to the user’s response time.
disk Number of physical reads of buffers from disk. This value tells you how many reads actually missed the buffer cache and had to go to physical disk.
query Number of buffers gotten for consistent read. This value represents the number of buffers retrieved in consistent mode. Consistent mode guarantees consistent reads throughout the transaction; it is used for most queries.
current Number of buffers gotten in current mode (usually for update). In current mode, the data blocks gotten reflect the value at that instant in time.
rows Number of rows processed by the fetch or execute call. This value gives you an idea of how many instructions have been executed.

By looking at each of these parameters, you can get an idea of how your SQL statements are being processed and which statements are taking the most time. By analyzing which statements are taking the longest, you may be able to find some inefficiencies you can correct.

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