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Once the objects are successfully created, the following demonstration code will work.
-- Heres some things you can do with LOB data. SET SERVEROUTPUT ON DECLARE ClobLocator CLOB; BlobLocator BLOB; BfileLocator BFILE; ClobBuffer VARCHAR2(255); BlobBuffer RAW(32767); BfileBuffer RAW(32767); Offset NUMBER; BEGIN -- First we need to populate some LOBs INSERT INTO lobs (id, clobs) VALUES (1, 'A doo doo doo, a daa daa daa. Thats all I want to say to you.); INSERT INTO lobs (id, blobs) VALUES (2, HEXTORAW('04CC13FF65AB)); -- What were really doing below is linking the temp.logs file to row 3 using -- the BFILENAME function. The contents of the file will appear when this column -- is queried. INSERT INTO lobs (id, bfiles) VALUES (3, BFILENAME('BFILE_DIR, 'test.log)); -- Now lets do some stuff with DBMS_LOB! -- First well get locators for the LOB data we created. -- Notice Ive selected the CLOB and BLOB using the FOR UPDATE clause -- in order to lock the rows. This is necessary if you plan to do any updates. SELECT clobs INTO ClobLocator FROM lobs WHERE id = 1 FOR UPDATE; SELECT blobs INTO BlobLocator FROM lobs WHERE id = 2 FOR UPDATE; SELECT bfiles INTO BfileLocator FROM lobs WHERE id = 3; -- Find out how long it is and have a look at it. Offset := 1 + DBMS_LOB.GETLENGTH(ClobLocator); DBMS_LOB.READ(ClobLocator, Offset, 1, ClobBuffer); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(ClobBuffer); -- Now lets write some stuff to the end of the CLOB and read it again. DBMS_LOB.WRITE(ClobLocator, 34, Offset + 1, ' Sting is quite a lyricist -- no?); Offset := DBMS_LOB.GETLENGTH(ClobLocator); DBMS_LOB.READ(ClobLocator, Offset, 1, ClobBuffer); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(ClobBuffer); -- Lets get something out of the BFILE. -- Unfortunately we cant look at what we got because its RAW data. DBMS_LOB.FILEOPEN(BfileLocator); Offset := 1 + DBMS_LOB.GETLENGTH(BfileLocator); DBMS_LOB.READ(BfileLocator, Offset, 1, BfileBuffer); DBMS_LOB.FILECLOSE(BfileLocator); -- We could go on forever, but just one more. -- Well get a string from the CLOB. Offset := DBMS_LOB.INSTR(ClobLocator, 'no, 1, 1); ClobBuffer := DBMS_LOB.SUBSTR(ClobLocator, 2, Offset); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(ClobBuffer); EXCEPTION WHEN DBMS_LOB.ACCESS_ERROR THEN RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20100, 'Maximum Lob Size Exceeded); WHEN DBMS_LOB.INVALID_DIRECTORY THEN RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20101, 'Directory is Invalid); WHEN DBMS_LOB.NOEXIST_DIRECTORY THEN RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20103, 'Directory Does Not Exist); WHEN DBMS_LOB.NOPRIV_DIRECTORY THEN RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20104, 'Insufficient Directory Privileges); WHEN DBMS_LOB.OPERATION_FAILED THEN RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20105, 'Operation on File Failed); WHEN DBMS_LOB.UNOPENED_FILE THEN RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20106, 'File Not Open); WHEN OTHERS THEN RAISE; END; /
Normally, a PL/SQL block can only contain static DML statements. You cannot issue DDL or dynamic SQL without using the DBMS_SQL package. The reason for this is that PL/SQL blocks are compiled into a format called p-code before they are executed. This process checks object definitions and binds values to all variables. Although this early binding increases the codes efficiency, it makes it impossible to use dynamic or DDL statements because the object definitions and bind variables of such statements cannot be resolved until runtime.
In order to overcome this limitation, PL/SQL 2.1 introduced the DBMS_SQL package. This package gives the programmer control over the execution phase of SQL statements so that all object definition checks and binding can be done at runtime.
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