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The following sample scripts can be used to help monitor your Oracle database. You may have to make a few modifications according to your preferences, but these should steer you in the right direction by providing a handle on the sometimes tedious monitoring process.
Monitoring the size of the audit trail:
set echo off set feedback off col dt hea TIMESTAMP for a20 spool mon_aud select to_char(sysdate,yyyy mm/dd hh;mi;ss) dt, substr(segment_name,1,10) TABLE NAME, extents, max_extents MAX EXT, bytes from dba_segments where segment_name = AUD$ / spool off SQL> @mon_aud TIMESTAMP TABLE NAME EXTENTS MAX EXT BYTES -------------------- ---------- ---------- --------- ---------- 1998 04/05 09:18:07 AUD$ 1 121 10240
A sample tablespace utilization report:
set echo off create view v_alloc as select tablespace_name ts, sum(bytes) alloc from dba_data_files group by tablespace_name / create view v_used as select tablespace_name ts, sum(bytes) used from dba_segments group by tablespace_name / create view v_free as select tablespace_name ts, sum(bytes) free from sys.dba_free_space group by tablespace_name / col ts hea TABLESPACE for a18 col alloc for 9,999,999,999 col used for 9,999,999,999 col free for 9,999,999,999 tti TABLESPACE UTILIZATION REPORT compute sum of alloc on report compute sum of used on report compute sum of free on report compute avg of PCT USED on report break on report spool space select a.ts, a.alloc, u.used,, round(u.used/a.alloc * 100) PCT USED from v_alloc a, v_used u, v_free f where u.ts = a.ts and f.ts = a.ts order by 5 desc / spool off rem drop view v_alloc; drop view v_used; drop view v_free;
This script needs to be run as SYS, unless you have been explicitly granted select access on the applicable data dictionary views. Even if you have been granted the DBA role, the script will not necessarily work. Oracle does not allow objects to be created from other objects based on privileges granted from a role.
SQL> @space Sun Apr 05 page 1 TABLESPACE UTILIZATION REPORT TABLESPACE ALLOC USED FREE PCT USED ---------------- ------------ ------------ ----------- ---------- SYSTEM 10,485,760 8,792,064 1,691,648 84 ROLLBACK_DATA 10,485,760 8,140,800 2,342,912 78 TEMPORARY_DATA 2,097,152 958,464 1,136,640 46 USER_DATA 8,388,608 624,640 7,761,920 7 ------------ ------------ ----------- ---------- avg 53.75 sum 31,457,280 18,515,968 12,933,120
A script to monitor Oracle user sessions:
set echo off set pause off set feedback on set pagesize 23 set linesize 80 set newpage 0 tti off clear col col Session for a8 spool session.lst prompt prompt ######################## prompt # Oracle User Sessions # prompt ######################## prompt select substr(osuser,1,11) OS Username, process OS PID, substr(username,1,10) Oracle ID, sid||,||serial# Session, decode(command,1,CREATE TABLE,2,INSERT,3,SELECT, 4,CREATE CLUSTER,5,ALTER CLUSTER, 6,UPDATE, 7,DELETE,8,DROP, 9,CREATE INDEX,10,DROP INDEX, 11,ALTER INDEX,12,DROP TABLE,15, ALTER TABLE, 17,GRANT,18,REVOKE, 19,CREATE SYNONYM,20, DROP SYNONYM, 21,CREATE VIEW,22,DROP VIEW,26, LOCK TABLE,27,NO OPERATION, 28,RENAME,29,COMMENT, 30,AUDIT, 31,NOAUDIT,32,CREATE EXTERNAL DATABASE, 33,DROP EXTERNAL DATABASE, 34,CREATE DATABASE, 34,CREATE DATABASE,