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Once a PL/SQL developer understands how to display data in HTML, it is a relatively simple thing to integrate information from the database into a display. Listing 27.4 is an example of a PL/SQL procedure that queries the database and displays the results in an HTML file.
Listing 27.4. Pl/sql procedure with html and database data merged.
CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE list_donors (region_code_in VARCHAR2) IS CURSOR c1 IS SELECT do.donor_id donor_id , do.lastname || , || do.firstname full_name , do.state state , TO_CHAR(do.amount,$999,999,999.99) amount FROM donors do WHERE do.region_code = region_code_in; c1_var c1%ROWTYPE; -- cookie_id_var INTEGER; -- BEGIN -- -- Most of my applications start with a call -- to a routine that checks the users cookie. -- This is a call to the check_cookie procedure -- in a package I created called util$. -- util$.check_cookie(cookie_id_var); -- -- If the cookie has a problem, it will be -- dealt with in the check_cookie procedure. -- If control reaches this point, then the -- user has been authenticated. In addition, -- if I need to know the users identity -- for this procedure, the cookie can help -- identify her. -- htp.htmlOpen; htp.headOpen; htp.title(DEMO: Show a list of all donors); htp.headClose; htp.bodyOpen; htp.header(1,List of All Donors,center); htp.line; -- htp.centerOpen; htp.tableOpen; -- htp.tableRowOpen; htp.tableData(Donor Name); htp.tableData(State); htp.tableData(Amount,right); htp.tableRowClose; -- OPEN c1; LOOP FETCH c1 INTO c1_var; EXIT WHEN c1%NOTFOUND; -- htp.tableRowOpen; htp.tableData(htf.anchor2(detail_donor?donor_id_in= || TO_CHAR(c1_var.donor_id), c1_var.full_name)); htp.tableData(c1_var.state); htp.tableData(c1_var.amount,right); htp.tableRowClose; -- END LOOP; CLOSE c1; -- htp.tableClose; htp.centerClose; -- htp.bodyClose; htp.htmlClose; -- EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN -- -- Its a good idea to at least have a WHEN OTHERS -- exception handler. Otherwise, if something goes -- wrong, youll just get a general HTTP header -- response from the server, instead of the Oracle error -- message. To see the Oracle error message, you either -- have to look through the web servers logs, or -- create a procedure (ours is show_error) that -- captures the error message and code, and displays -- them on a web screen, in much the same fashion -- that this procedure writes to a web screen. -- util$.show_error(list_donors,SQLERRM,SQLCODE); END; /
Listing 27.4, when executed, will create a stored procedure called list_donors. This procedure, when stored in our database and accessed via a browser, displays as Figure 27.5.
Figure 27.5. list_donors output browser.
By clicking View -> Page Source in the browsers pull-down menu, we can display the HTML shown in Listing 27.5.
Listing 27.5. list_donors html source.
<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>DEMO: Show a list of all donors</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY> <H1 ALIGN=center>List of All Donors</H1> <HR> <CENTER> <TABLE > <TR> <TD>Donor Name</TD> <TD>State</TD> <TD ALIGN=right>Amount</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD><A HREF=detail_donor?donor_id_in=2>JOHNSON, ALICE</A></TD> <TD>VA</TD> <TD ALIGN=right> $200.00</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD><A HREF=detail_donor?donor_id_in=4>JONES, HAROLD</A></TD> <TD>DE</TD> <TD ALIGN=right> $150.00</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD><A HREF=detail_donor?donor_id_in=8>PARKER, ALAN</A></TD> <TD>MA</TD> <TD ALIGN=right> $170.00</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD><A HREF=detail_donor?donor_id_in=7>ROBERTS, JOANNA</A></TD> <TD>CT</TD> <TD ALIGN=right> $180.00</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD><A HREF=detail_donor?donor_id_in=6>SIMPSON, JOHN</A></TD> <TD>NJ</TD> <TD ALIGN=right> $80.00</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD><A HREF=detail_donor?donor_id_in=1>SMITH, JOE</A></TD> <TD>MD</TD> <TD ALIGN=right> $100.00</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD><A HREF=detail_donor?donor_id_in=3>WATERS, JAMES</A></TD> <TD>MD</TD> <TD ALIGN=right> $350.00</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD><A HREF=detail_donor?donor_id_in=5>WILLIAMS, MELISSA</A></TD> <TD>NY</TD> <TD ALIGN=right> $75.00</TD> </TR> </TABLE> </CENTER> </BODY> </HTML>
Notice how we were able to create this page: by issuing fixed HTML print commands, using a loop to display the the rows of database data, and merging a portion of the HTML print commands with the FETCH to populate the variables that display in the HTML table.
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