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Answers to Quizzes and Exercises

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Day 1, "Exploring the World of Relational Databases"


  1. Name two advantages that relational databases offer over file management systems.
    Answer: A relational database provides declarative integrity. The term declarative means that the integrity is enforced simply by declaring the integrity rules when a table is created or modified. A relational database also provides an ad hoc query capability, making it easy to pose complex questions without programming.
  2. Name three advantages of the client/server computing architecture when compared to the mainframe computing architecture.
    Answer: Advantages of the client/server computing architecture are the capability to support different client operating systems, independence from networking protocol, and partitioning of processing between client and server (for example, client controls the user interface, whereas server provides data storage and retrieval).
  3. What is the name of the Oracle middleware product?
    Answer: The Oracle middleware product is named SQL*Net.
  4. What is a "fat" client? What is a "thin" client?
    Answer: Today, a "fat" client refers to a traditional client/server architecture in which a client machine hosts a fairly large executable, required libraries, and a middleware product. A "thin" client describes a client machine in which a Web browser is used to execute an application, either via HTML or by downloading Java applets as required.


    As I mentioned, this book uses a sample database for a small college. Start thinking about what kinds of information you think the college will want to store and retrieve. Ask yourself what kinds of questions a student, a professor, or an administrator might ask of the database. Jot down how you might organize this information. You'll return to this information on Day 3, "Logical Database Design."

    Answer: A college would certainly want to maintain information about:

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    A student would want to know about which classes are available, where they will be taught and by whom; the cost of each class.

    An instructor would want to know about the classes that they are assigned to teach. An instructor needs to be able to assign a grade to each student in a class.

    An administrator would want to be able to assign each class to an appropriate location (e.g. seating capacity or lab resources). An administrator might also want to be able to compare one department to another in various ways—teaching load, instructor seniority, or average grade given in classes.

    Day 2, "Guidelines for Developing an Oracle Application"


    1. True or false? If you use an application-development tool that supports object-oriented development, there is a greater chance of implementing a successful application.
      Answer: False. An object-oriented development tool might reduce the effort to develop and maintain the application. However, this doesn't imply that this will result in a successful implementation; there are many other factors that will influence the course of a project.
    2. Name three types of requirements that are needed when designing a system.
      Answer: Data requirements, functional requirements, and performance requirements.
    3. True or false? You shouldn't begin developing software until you have a complete set of requirements.
      Answer: False. You should wait to develop software until you have a large number of requirements identified. However, if you wait until all the requirements are identified, you'll be waiting a long time. Many requirements will emerge when end-users see each prototype of the application. Also, requirements are not static; they definitely will change over time.


    What types of risks might exist during the development of an Oracle application? What factors could contribute to these risk categories? What steps could be taken to mitigate these risk categories?

    Page 610

    Answer: You could categorize the risks during the development of an Oracle application as follows:

    Day 3, "Logical Database Design"


    1. True or false? If an attribute that isn't part of the primary key is a foreign key, it must be mandatory; it cannot allow a null value.
      Answer: False. Sometimes a foreign key is mandatory and sometimes it isn't. It really depends on the business rules that are being modeled.

    Page 611

    1. Will the Student Schedule table handle the situation in which a student needs to repeat a course? Why or why not?
      Answer: Yes. Each class is uniquely identified by class ID. But each offering of the same course will have a different class ID. For instance, suppose a student takes Biology 101 during the Fall 1997 semester and fails the course—which is class ID 109230. In Spring 1997, he repeats the course—which is now class ID 110330. Because the two classes have unique IDs, a row can be inserted into the Student Schedule for both classes.
    2. What characteristic of a relational database will prevent a class from being deleted from the Class table if there are rows in the Student Schedule table that contain the Class ID to be deleted?
      Answer: Referential integrity.
    3. From an entity-relationship perspective, there is a relationship between the Class and Instructor tables. Is it identifying or non-identifying?
      Answer: Non-identifying. Instructor ID is not part of the primary key in the Class table.
    4. True or false? If you create the proper index for a table, its rows will always be retrieved in the ascending order of the indexed columns.
      Answer: False. There is no implied order to the rows in a table. To guarantee that rows are retrieved in a particular order, you must specify that order in a SQL statement.


    1. Suppose you want to identify the instructor who is the head of a department. Can you think of at least two ways of doing this? What are the strengths and weaknesses of each approach?
      Answer: There are two obvious choices. One choice is to add an attribute to the Department entity that identifies the instructor who is the head of the department. Of course, this attribute would be a foreign key to the Instructor entity. So, the Department entity would consist of three attributes:
      • Department ID
      • Department Name
      • Department Head
      The other choice is to add an attribute to the Instructor entity that indicates whether or not an instructor is the head of the department. You could also name this attribute Department Head and allow it to have the value Y if the instructor was the head of the department (it could be null if the instructor was not the

    Page 612

    department head). The problem with this approach is that this information is a characteristic of a department; therefore, it makes more sense to incorporate it in the Department entity.
    1. The Student Schedule table currently holds both current classes and previous classes that a student has taken. Propose an alternate design using two tables—one table contains the current schedule and the second table contains classes that the student has previously taken. Identify each attribute in the two tables. What are the advantages of this design?
      Answer: The current definition of the Student_Schedule entity is:
      • Student ID (foreign key to Student table)
      • Class ID (foreign key to Class table)
      • Grade
      • Date Grade Assigned
      Primary key: Student ID, Class ID
      As an alternative, the Student_Schedule entity can be broken into two entities: Current Student Schedule and Student Class History. The student's current schedule would be stored in Current Student Schedule; it would not include the student's grade. As soon as a student's grades were assigned, records would be added to the Student Class History entity. At the beginning of each semester, the contents of Current Student Schedule would be deleted.
      The definition for Current Student Schedule could be this:
      • Student ID (foreign key to Student table)
      • Class ID (foreign key to Class table)
      The definition for Student Class History could be this:
      • Student ID (foreign key to Student table)
      • Class ID (foreign key to Class table)
      • Grade
      • Date Grade Assigned
      For a large university, this design makes more sense. For example, suppose a university has twenty thousand enrolled students. Suppose that each student is enrolled in an average of 3.5 classes per semester. At the beginning of each semester, the Current Student Schedule entity would therefore contain 20,000¥3.5 = 70,000 records. At the end of each semester, another 70,000 records would be added to the Student Class History. If all of these records were kept in a single entity, Student_Schedule, the performance of the system would degrade over time. For example, in about fourteen years, the Student_Schedule entity would contain almost a million rows, which could really slow down the process of class enrollment.

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    Day 4, "Implementing Your Logical Model: Physical Database Design"


    1. What is wrong with this statement?
      CREATE TABLE new_table (
      first_col number,
      second_col date
      third_col number default sysdate);
      Answer: There are two problems with the statement. First, a comma is needed at the end of the definition for second_col. Second, third_col is a number and cannot have a default value—sysdate—that is a date datatype.
    2. Describe an SQL statement that might result in the following Oracle error message?
      ORA-02266: unique/primary keys in table referenced by
      Âenabled foreign keys
      Answer: You will see this error if you try to drop a table whose primary key is referenced by another table's foreign key.
    3. What is the difference between a column and table check constraint?
      Answer: A column CHECK constraint is defined at the column level and cannot reference any other columns in the table. A table CHECK constraint is defined at the table level and can reference any of the table's columns.


    The Instructor table has a column named Position. In the current design of this table, there is a CHECK constraint on the Position column that restricts the value to ASSISTANT PROFESSOR, ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR, and FULL PROFESSOR. Modify the database design so that an additional table, Instructor_Position, is used to specify legal values for instructor position.

    Answer: Create a table named Instructor_Position:

    create table Instructor_Position
    (Position          varchar2(25),
     constraint PK_Instructor_Position Primary Key (Position));

    Redefine the Instructor table as follows:

    create table Instructor
    (Instructor_ID     varchar2(20),
     Department_ID     varchar2(20)
     constraint NN_Instructor_Dept_ID NOT NULL,
     Last_Name         varchar2(25)
     constraint NN_Instructor_Last_Name NOT NULL,
     First_Name        varchar2(25),
     MI                varchar2(1),

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     Position          varchar2(25),
     Telephone         varchar2(10),
     Fax               varchar2(10),
     Email             varchar2(100),
     constraint PK_Instructor Primary Key (Instructor_ID),
     constraint FK_Instructor_Department_ID
     Foreign Key (Department_ID) references Department (Department_ID),
     constraint FK_Instructor_Position
     Foreign Key (Position) references Instructor_Position (Position));

    Day 5, "Introduction to Structured Query Language (SQL)"


    1. True or false? You must include a column in the select list if you want to sort the rows returned by the SELECT statement by that column.
      Answer: False. You can specify a column in the ORDER BY clause that is not in the select list.
    2. What is wrong with this statement:
      select First_Name
      from Student
      order by Last_Name
      Last_Name like `%IN%';
      Answer: The ORDER BY clause occurs before the WHERE clause.
    3. True or false? A column must be indexed before it can be specified in the ORDER BY clause.
      Answer: False. Oracle and other relational databases don't require that a column be indexed before it can be used to sort the rows retrieved from a table.


    Using the COURSE table that was discussed in this lesson, construct a SELECT statement that will return the Department ID, Course ID, and Course Title, sorted by Department ID and Course ID, for any course whose description contains the phrase introduc, regardless of capitalization.

    Answer: Here is the SELECT statement that will accomplish this. Note that the lower function is used to convert all course descriptions to lowercase so that a consistent comparison can be made with introduc.

    SQL> select Department_ID, Course_ID, Title
      2  from Course
      3  where
      4  lower(Description) like `%introduc%'
      5  order by Department_ID, Course_ID;

    Page 615

    -------------------- ----- ----------------------------------------
    ANTHRO               101   INTRO TO ANTHROPOLOGY
    BIO                  101   INTRO TO BIOLOGY
    ECON                 101   INTRO TO ECONOMICS
    ENG                  101   INTRO TO STRUCTURES
    ENG                  102   INTRO TO CIRCUIT THEORY
    ENG                  103   INTRO TO DYNAMICS
    ENGL                 101   INTRO TO ENGLISH LIT
    ENGL                 193   SEMINAR ON THEME ANALYSIS
    MATH                 101   GENERAL CALCULUS
    MATH                 189   NUMBER THEORY
    PHILO                101   INTRO TO PHILOSOPHY
    PSYCH                101   INTRO TO PSYCHOLOGY
    12 rows selected.

    Day 6, "Using SQL to Modify Data"


    1. Construct an SQL statement that adds a course with the following characteristics: Department ID = BIO, Course ID = 137, Title = INSECT BEHAVIOR, Description = In-depth study of insect societies and their behavior patterns, Units = 3, no additional fees.
      Answer: Here is the INSERT statement:
      insert into Course
      (Department_ID, Course_ID, Title, Description, Units)
      (`BIO', `137', `INSECT BEHAVIOR',
      `In-depth study of insect societies and their behavior patterns', 3);
    2. Construct an SQL statement that charges $50 in additional fees for all courses in the philosophy department.
      Answer: Here is the UPDATE statement:
      update Course
      set Additional_Fees = 50
      Department_ID = `PHILO';
    3. Construct an SQL statement that eliminates a scheduled class if it is offered by the English department or is going to be held in Flugle Hall.
      Answer: Here is the DELETE statement:
      delete from Class
      Department_ID = `ENG' or
      Class_Building = `FLUGLE HALL';

    Page 616


    Several of the instructors at Flugle College have decided to create a new department called Integrated Studies. As a result, the English, History, and Philosophy departments will merge to become the Integrated Studies department. The department ID for this new department will be INTSTD. In the database, create the Integrated Studies department (without deleting the existing departments). Also, modify the contents of the Instructor table so that instructors in the English, History, and Philosophy departments are now associated with the Integrated Studies department.

    Answer: You can determine that six instructors are associated with the English, History, and Philosophy departments with this query:

    SQL> select Instructor_ID
      2  from Instructor
      3  where
      4  Department_ID in (`ENGL', `HIST', `PHILO');
    6 rows selected.

    First, create the new department:

    SQL> insert into Department
      2  (Department_ID, Department_Name)
      3  values
      4  (`INTSTD', `Integrated Studies');
    1 row created.

    Next, update the Instructor table so that any instructor in the English, History, and Philosophy departments is now associated with Integrated Studies:

    SQL> update Instructor
      2  set
      3  Department_ID = `INTSTD'
      4  where
      5  Department_ID in (`ENGL', `HIST', `PHILO');
    6 rows updated.

    If you query the Instructor table, you will see that the same six instructors now belong to the Integrated Studies department:

    SQL> select Instructor_ID
      2  from Instructor
      3  where
      4  Department_ID = `INTSTD';

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    INSTRUCTOR_ID -------------------- G331 L391 E491 T149 D944 B331 6 rows selected.

    Finally, do a ROLLBACK so that the changes aren't permanent.

    SQL> rollback;
    Rollback complete.

    Day 7, "Taking Advantage of SQL Built-In Functions"


    1. Construct an SQL statement that will retrieve each row from the Instructor table as shown in this example:
      Professor Parker
      Answer: The SELECT statement is
      SQL> select initcap(position || ` ` || last_name)
           2  from instructor;
    2. Construct an SQL statement that will retrieve the instructor whose last name appears first in an alphabetic order.
      Answer: The SELECT statement is
      SQL> select min(Last_Name)
        2  from Instructor;


    Create a table, named NEW_CLASS, using a CREATE TABLE <xyz> AS ... statement based on a join of the Class, Schedule_Type, and Schedule_Type_Details tables that contains the following columns:

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    SQL> create table New_Class as
      2  select Class_ID, Department_ID, Course_ID,
      3  decode(day,1,'Sunday',2,'Monday',3,'Tuesday',4,'Wednesday',
      4  5,'Thursday',6,'Friday',7,'Saturday') Day_of_Week,
      5  to_char(Starting_Time,'HH:MI PM') Starting_Time
      6  from Class, Schedule_Type_Details
      7  where
      8  Class.Schedule_ID = Schedule_Type_Details.Schedule_ID;
    Table created.
    SQL> select Class_ID, Department_ID, Course_ID, Day_of_Week, Starting_Ti
      2  from New_Class
      3  order by Class_ID;
    -------------------- -------------------- ----- --------- --------------
    103400               PSYCH                183   Monday    01:00 PM
    103400               PSYCH                183   Wednesday 01:00 PM
    103400               PSYCH                183   Friday    01:00 PM
    103600               MATH                 50    Monday    03:00 PM
    103600               MATH                 50    Friday    03:00 PM
    103600               MATH                 50    Wednesday 03:00 PM
    104200               PHILO                198   Friday    09:00 AM
    104500               HIST                 184   Monday    03:00 PM
    104500               HIST                 184   Wednesday 03:00 PM
    104500               HIST                 184   Friday    03:00 PM
    108300               ENGL                 101   Monday    10:00 AM
    108300               ENGL                 101   Wednesday 10:00 AM
    108300               ENGL                 101   Friday    10:00 AM
    108400               HIST                 115   Tuesday   09:00 AM
    108400               HIST                 115   Thursday  09:00 AM
    108600               PSYCH                183   Monday    10:00 AM
    108600               PSYCH                183   Wednesday 10:00 AM
    108600               PSYCH                183   Friday    10:00 AM
    109100               BIO                  101   Monday    03:00 PM
    109100               BIO                  101   Wednesday 03:00 PM
    109100               BIO                  101   Friday    03:00 PM
    110300               ENG                  199   Friday    09:00 AM
    120200               ECON                 199   Tuesday   09:00 AM
    120200               ECON                 199   Thursday  09:00 AM
    24 rows selected.

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    Day 8, "More Sophisticated Queries
    with SQL"


    1. Construct an SQL statement that retrieves the last name of an instructor who is teaching a course with additional fees greater than $50.
      Answer: Here is a three-table join that returns the information:
      SQL> select Last_Name
        2  from Class CL, Instructor I, Course CO
        3  where
        4  CL.Instructor_ID = I.Instructor_ID and
        5  CL.Department_ID = CO.Department_ID and
        6  CL.Course_ID     = CO.Course_ID and
        7  Additional_Fees > 50;
      ------------------------- WEISS
    2. Construct an SQL statement that retrieves a list of cities in which students reside and the number of students that reside in each city.
      Answer: Here is the SELECT statement that produces the desired results:
      SQL> select City, count(*)
        2  from Student
        3  group by City;
      CITY                       COUNT(*)
      -------------------------- --------
      DOVER                            14
      SPRINGFIELD                      17
    3. Create a view that lists each class—its Class_ID, Department_ID, and Course_ID—for those classes that meet on Mondays.
      Answer: Here is the CREATE VIEW statement that performs the requested action. Before you actually try to create the view, you should experiment until you have defined the SELECT statement on which the view will be based:
      SQL> select Class_ID, Department_ID, Course_ID
        2  from Class CL, Schedule_Type ST, Schedule_Type_Details STD
        3  where
        4  CL.Schedule_ID = ST.Schedule_ID and
        5  ST.Schedule_ID = STD.Schedule_ID and
        6  STD.Day = 2;

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    CLASS_ID             DEPARTMENT_ID        COURS
    -------------------- -------------------- -----
    104500               HIST                 184
    109100               BIO                  101
    108300               ENGL                 101
    108600               PSYCH                183
    103400               PSYCH                183
    103600               MATH                 50
    6 rows selected.

    Then, you can create the view:

    SQL> create view Classes_on_Monday as
      2  select Class_ID, Department_ID, Course_ID
      3  from Class CL, Schedule_Type ST, Schedule_Type_Details STD
      4  where
      5  CL.Schedule_ID = ST.Schedule_ID and
      6  ST.Schedule_ID = STD.Schedule_ID and
      7  STD.Day = 2;
    View created.
    SQL> select Class_ID, Department_ID, Course_ID
      2  from Classes_on_Monday;
    CLASS_ID             DEPARTMENT_ID        COURS
    -------------------- -------------------- -----
    104500               HIST                 184
    109100               BIO                  101
    108300               ENGL                 101
    108600               PSYCH                183
    103400               PSYCH                183
    103600               MATH                 50
    6 rows selected.


    The number of instructors is 18. The number of classes being offered is 10. However, the number of distinct Instructor_IDs in the Class table is 9. Using these tables and SQL, provide a complete explanation.

    Answer: There are 10 classes being offered as you can see:

    SQL> select count(*) from Class;

    There are nine instructors for these classes:

    SQL> select distinct Instructor_ID from Class;

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    9 rows selected.

    Let's see if any of the instructors are teaching more than one class:

    SQL> select Instructor_ID from Class
      2  having count(*) > 1
      3  group by Instructor_ID;

    Instructor J505, who happens to be Jerrold Jason, is teaching more than one class:

    SQL> select Class_ID from Class
      2  where Instructor_ID = `J505';

    Day 9, "Programming an Oracle Database with PL/SQL"


    1. Name the three sections of a PL/SQL subprogram.
      Answer: The three sections of a PL/SQL subprogram are the declaration, executable, and exception sections.
    2. True or false? A PL/SQL variable that stores a column value must have the same name as the column.
      Answer: False. A PL/SQL variable that stores a column value may have any legal name.

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    1. Why is it a good practice to use %TYPE when declaring variables?
      Answer: It is a good practice to use %TYPE when declaring a variable because it reduces the effort needed to maintain PL/SQL code. If you declare a variable without using %TYPE and the corresponding column's definition changes, you will have to modify the variable declaration. If you use %TYPE, you won't have to modify the variable declaration.


    Construct an anonymous block that declares a procedure that will set the additional fees for a course to $50 if there are no current additional fees. The procedure should have only one argument—Department_ID—and should perform this action only for the value of Department_ID supplied to the procedure.

    Answer: Let's interpret "no current additional fees" as meaning that the additional fees are either zero or null. Let's look at a possible solution.

    As you can see in the following query, the math department has three courses without additional fees: Course IDs 50, 101, and 189.

    SQL> select Course_ID, Additional_Fees
      2  from Course
      3  where
      4  Department_ID = `MATH';
    ----- ---------------
    50                  0
    101                 0
    189                 0
    51                 10

    Here is the anonymous block that contains a procedure (see line 2) that is invoked on line 13. As specified, the procedure contains a single argument: Department_ID.

    SQL> declare
      2  procedure Set_Default_Course_Fees (arg_Department_ID varchar2) is
      3  begin
      4  update Course
      5  set Additional_Fees = 50
      6  where
      7  Department_ID = arg_Department_ID and
      8  Additional_Fees is null or
      9  Additional_Fees = 0;
     10  end;
     11  --  Main block.

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     12  begin
     13  Set_Default_Course_Fees (`MATH');
     14  end;
     15  /
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

    You can see from the following query that the procedure has set the additional fees to $50 for the three courses:

    SQL> select Course_ID, Additional_Fees
      2  from Course
      3  where
      4  Department_ID = `MATH';
    ----- ---------------
    50                 50
    101                50
    189                50
    51                 10

    Day 10, "Program Development
    with PL/SQL"


    1. True or false? A stored procedure can call a stored function but a stored function cannot call a stored procedure.
      Answer: False. A stored procedure can call other procedures or functions. A stored function also can call other procedures and functions.
    2. Name three reasons for using stored procedures, functions, and packages in an application.
      Answer: Efficiency, reusability, and portability.
    3. What tools can be used to develop PL/SQL subprograms?
      Answer: SQL*Plus, SQL Worksheet, Procedure Builder, and other third-party tools. Procedure Builder makes the task of PL/SQL development much easier than using SQL*Plus or SQL Worksheet.
    4. If "x > 32" is assigned to a PL/SQL variable, what is the datatype of the variable?
      Answer: Boolean. Only a Boolean expression can be assigned to a Boolean variable.

    Page 624


    1. Create an anonymous PL/SQL block that will call the Assign_Grade procedure in the Flugle package and assign a B to Anna Anastatia for Biology 101.
      Answer: If you query the Student and Class tables, you'll find the following:
      • Anna Anastatia's student ID is 10231324.
      • The class ID for Biology 101 is 109100.
      As you can see in the following query, Anna has not yet received a grade for Biology 101:
      SQL> select * from Student_Schedule;
      STUDENT_ID           CLASS_ID             GR DATE_GRAD
      -------------------- -------------------- -- ---------
      10231311             104200               B  02-JUN-97
      10231311 104500 B- 03-JUN-97 10231324 109100 10231311 109100
      Here is an anonymous block that will invoke the Assign_Grade procedure in the Flugle package:
      SQL> set serveroutput on
      SQL> declare
        2  Status      number;
        3  --  Main block.
        4  begin
        5  dbms_output.enable;
        6  Flugle.Assign_Grade(`10231324','109100','B',status);
        7  dbms_output.put_line(`status: ` || to_char(status));
        8  end;
        9  /
      status: 0
      PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
      Once again, if you inspect the Student_Schedule table, you'll see that Anna has now been assigned a B for the class:
      SQL> select * from Student_Schedule;
      STUDENT_ID           CLASS_ID             GR DATE_GRAD
      -------------------- -------------------- -- ---------
      10231311             104200               B  02-JUN-97
      10231311             104500               B- 03-JUN-97
      10231324             109100               B  04-JUN-97
      10231311             109100

    Page 625

    1. A student, Jackson Smythe, has created a stored function named Change_My_Grade with two arguments: Student ID and Class ID. The function changes the grade for any specified student and class to an A+. Write out the statements that will create this function.
      Here is the function that will perform this dastardly deed:
      SQL> create or replace function
        2  change_My_Grade(arg_student_ID IN  varchar2,
        3                           arg_class_ID   IN  varchar2)
        4  return number is
        5  counter number;
        6  status  number;
        7  normal  CONSTANT number := 0;
        8  unsuccessful CONSTANT number := -1;
        9  not_registered exception;
       10  begin
       11  status := normal;
       12  --  Determine if the student is registered for this class.
       13  select count(*) into counter
       14  from student_schedule
       15  where
       16  student_id = arg_student_id and
       17  class_id   = arg_class_id;
       18  if counter = 0 then
       19  --
       20  -- The student is not taking this class.
       21  --
       22    raise not_registered;
       23    status := unsuccessful;
       24  else
       25  --
       26  --  Assign the grade for this class.
       27  --
       28    update student_schedule
       29    set
       30    grade = `A+',
       31    date_grade_assigned = sysdate
       32    where
       33    student_id = arg_student_id and
       34    class_id   = arg_class_id;
       35  end if;
       36  return status;
       37  exception
       38    when not_registered then
       39      raise_application_error (-21003, `Student not registered for

    Page 626

       40    when others then
       41      null;
       42  end;
       43  /
      Function created.
      To test the function, create an anonymous block that will invoke Change_My_Grade for Paul Fernandez's grade in History 184.
      SQL> declare
        2  Status      number;
        3  --  Main block.
        4  begin
        5  dbms_output.enable;
        6  status := Change_My_Grade(`10231311','104500');
      7 dbms_output.put_line(`status: ` || to_char(status)); 8 8 end; 9 / status: 0 PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
      As you can see from the following query, the function works as advertised:
      SQL> select * from Student_Schedule;
      STUDENT_ID           CLASS_ID             GR DATE_GRAD
      -------------------- -------------------- -- ---------
      10231311             104200               B  02-JUN-97
      10231311             104500               A+ 04-JUN-97
      10231324             109100
      10231311             109100

    Day 11, "More Programming Techniques with PL/SQL"


    1. How are SQLCODE and SQLERRM used in PL/SQL subprograms?
      Answer: SQLCODE returns the Oracle error that resulted from the last SQL operation. An error code of 0 indicates the normal completion of the operation. SQLERRM returns the text of the Oracle error message that corresponds to the value in SQLCODE.

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    1. True or false? A PL/SQL subprogram may have multiple cursors open at the same time.
      Answer: True. In a PL/SQL subprogram, there is no restriction on having more than one cursor open at the same time.
    2. What are the benefits of using database triggers?
      Answer: Triggers serve several purposes. A trigger can perform complex validation when a row is added or modified. A trigger can modify a column's value before it is stored in the table. A trigger in one table can be used to modify the contents of a different table.
    3. What kind of database trigger would you use if you wanted to modify the value to be stored in a column when a new row is added to a table?
      Answer: A before-insert trigger which will fire for each row.


    1. Create a stored function, Teaching_Load, that has a single argument—a Department_ID. Teaching_Load should return the average number of courses that instructors in the specified department are currently teaching.
      First, you need to create the stored function:
      SQL> create or replace function Teaching_Load(arg_Department_ID
      IN varchar2)
        2  return number is
        3  number_of_instructors  number;
        4  number_of_classes      number;
        5  avg_teaching_load      number;
        6  begin
        7  --  Get the number of instructors for this department.
        8  select count(*) into number_of_instructors
        9  from Instructor
       10  where
       11  Department_ID = arg_Department_ID;
       12  --  Get the number of classes for this department.
       13  select count(*) into number_of_classes
       14  from Class
       15  where
       16  Department_ID = arg_Department_ID;
       17  avg_teaching_load := number_of_classes / number_of_instructors;
       18  return avg_teaching_load;
       19  exception

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       20    when others then
       21      null;
       22  end;
       23  /
      Function created.
      To test the function, you can invoke it in a SELECT statement that references the DUAL table. As you can see, the instructors in the Biology department are teaching an average of 0.5 classes:
      SQL> select Teaching_Load(`BIO') from dual;
    1. Create a stored procedure, Suitable_Locations, that has a single argument—seating capacity. Suitable_Locations should print out the first three buildings and rooms whose seating capacity exceeds the specified seating capacity.
      Here is a stored procedure that will satisfy the requirement:
      SQL> create or replace procedure Suitable_Locations
        2     (arg_Seating_Capacity IN number) is
        3  cursor Get_Locations is
        4  select class_building, class_room, seating_capacity
        5  from Class_Location
        6  where
        7  Seating_Capacity >= arg_Seating_Capacity
        8  order by Seating_Capacity desc;
        9  begin
       10  --
       11  dbms_output.enable;
       12  for Get_Locations_Rec in Get_Locations loop
       13    exit when Get_Locations%rowcount > 3;
       14    dbms_output.put_line(`Building: ` ||
             ÂGet_Locations_Rec.Class_Building ||
       15      `   Room: ` || Get_Locations_Rec.Class_Room || `   Capacity: ` ||
       16      to_char(Get_Locations_Rec.Seating_Capacity));
       17  end loop;
       18  exception
       19    when others then
       20      null;
       21  end;
       22  /
      Procedure created.

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      To test the stored procedure, you can use an anonymous block that invokes it:
      SQL> declare
        2  Status      number;
        3  --  Main block.
      4 begin 5 5 dbms_output.enable; 6 6 Suitable_Locations (30); 7 7 end; 8 / Building: FLUGLE HALL Room: 100 Capacity: 200 Building: FLUGLE HALL Room: 150 Capacity: 120 Building: NARROW HALL Room: 200 Capacity: 90 PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    1. Write a before-delete trigger on the Instructor table that will raise an exception if an instructor is scheduled to teach a class.
      Here is the script for creating the trigger. In line 7, a query is used to determine how many classes the instructor is teaching; that value is stored in counter. In line 11, counter is evaluated; if it is greater than zero, the trigger raises an application error, preventing the deletion of the instructor:
      SQL> create or replace trigger Instructor_BD
        2     before delete on Instructor
        3     for each row
        4  declare
        5  counter number;
        6  begin
        7  select count(*) into counter
        8  from Class
        9  where
       10  Instructor_ID = :old.Instructor_ID;
       11  if counter > 0 then
       12    raise_application_error (-20800,
       13                             `Instructor is scheduled to teach a
       14  end if;
       15  end;
       16  /
      Trigger created.

    Page 630

      To test the trigger, you can try deleting an instructor who is currently teaching a class. As you can see, the trigger raises the application error—20800—preventing the DELETE statement from successful completion.
      SQL> delete from Instructor
        2  where
        3  Instructor_ID = `E405';
      delete from Instructor
      ERROR at line 1:
      ORA-20800: Instructor is scheduled to teach a class
      ORA-06512: at line 9
      ORA-04088: error during execution of trigger `FLUGLE.INSTRUCTOR_BD'
      However, if you try to delete an instructor who isn't teaching a class, the trigger will not raise the application error:
      SQL> delete from Instructor
        2  where
      3 Instructor_ID = `P331'; 1 row deleted.

    Day 12, "Developer/2000: Introduction to Oracle Forms"


    1. True or false? Oracle Forms Runtime will only execute an .fmb file.
      Answer: False. Oracle Forms Runtime only executes an .fmx file, not an .fmb file.
    2. Name the three types of modules that the Forms Designer can create.
      Answer: The three module types are forms, menus, and libraries.
    3. True or false? The Forms Designer can only save a form to an Oracle database if it contains a base table block.
      Answer: False. The Forms Designer can save a form to either the database or the file system, regardless of the form's contents.
    4. True or false? You can create a block based on the contents of a table owned by another Oracle user.
      Answer: True. You can create a block based on a table owned by another Oracle user as long as you have been granted the appropriate privileges for that table.

    Page 631


    Create a form for the Instructor table. Specify an ORDER BY clause so that the records retrieved by a query are ordered by department ID, instructor last name, first name, and middle initial. Test the form.

    Answer: Please refer to the Instructor.fmb file in the Day 13 folder on the CD-ROM.

    Day 13, "Developer/2000: Developing a User Interface with Oracle Forms"


    1. True or false? A master block cannot be based on a view; it must be a table.
      Answer: False. A master block can be based on a view.
    2. True or false? You can modify display characteristics of an item with the Layout Editor or by modifying the item's properties.
      Answer: True. You can modify the display characteristics of an item—for instance, its position or font—by selecting the item with the Object Navigator and right-clicking Properties.
    3. How can the tab order of a group of items be changed?
      Answer: You can change the tab order of a group of items by changing their order with the Object Navigator.


    1. Create a master-detail window for entering Schedule_Type and Schedule_Type_Details.
      Answer: Please refer to the Schedule_Type.fmb file in the Day 14 folder on the CD-ROM.
    2. In the Department_Class form, create an LOV for Schedule_ID that will validate user input.
      Answer: Please refer to the Department_Class.fmb file in the Day 14 folder on the CD-ROM.

    Page 632

    Day 14, "Developer/2000: Application Development with Oracle Forms"


    1. True or false? An item-level trigger in one block cannot refer to items in a different block.
      Answer: False. There are no restrictions on the ability of an item-level trigger to reference items in a different block.
    2. How are block items referenced in a trigger?
      Answer: To reference a block item in a trigger, use the nomenclature
    3. If you create an item-level trigger to validate user input, what exception should be raised if the user enters an invalid value?


    1. Modify the Instructor form so that it has the same width and height as the MDI_Frame form.
      Answer: Please refer to the Instructor.fmb file in the Day 15 folder on the CD-ROM.
    2. Create a menu item for the Browse menu that will invoke a form that displays Instructors in a tabular format, ordered by Instructor last name, first name, and middle initial.
      Answer: Please refer to the menu15.mmb file in the Day 15 folder on the CD-ROM.

    Day 15, "Developer/2000: Developing Reports with Oracle Reports"


    1. True or false? You can store your RDF files in a source code control system such as PVCS.
      Answer: False. An RDF file is a binary file. Instead of trying to maintain version control on your RDF files, you should generate REX files, which are text files that can be kept under version control.
    2. Name the four elements of a report layout.
      Answer: Header, footer, body, and margin. Almost every report has a body layout.

    Page 633

    1. True or false? A report cannot have more that two queries linked together.
      Answer: False. You can have multiple queries that are related. For instance, you could have a report based on three queries: a query of departments, a query of instructors in each department, and a query of the classes that each instructor is teaching.


    Create a master-detail report that lists each classroom and the classes that are scheduled for that room, regardless of meeting time (for example, all of the classes that are scheduled to use a particular room).

    Answer: Please refer to the Classroom.fmb file in the Day 16 folder on the CD-ROM.

    Day 16, "Developer/2000: Using Oracle Graphics and Procedure Builder"


    1. What are the two file types used by Oracle Graphics?
      Answer: An .ogd file—which stands for Oracle Graphics Designer file—contains the definition of a chart or display. Using the Graphics Designer, you generate an .ogr file (Oracle Graphics Runtime) from an .ogd file.
    2. Name three chart types that can be specified with the Graphics Designer.
      Answer: Line chart, bar chart, and pie chart.
    3. True or false? You can use the Stored Program Unit Editor to modify a package specification but not a package body.
      Answer: False. The Stored Program Unit Editor can be used to modify either a package specification or package body.


    1. Create a bar chart that displays the number of courses offered by each department at Flugle College.
      Answer: Please refer to the Courses_by_Department.ogd file in the Day 17 folder on the CD-ROM.
    2. Modify the trigger on the Student_Schedule table so that it only records changes to the Student_Schedule table if the value of the Grade column is A, B, or C.
      Answer: Please refer to the Student_Schedule.sql file in the Day 17 folder on the CD-ROM.

    Page 634

    Day 17, "Introduction to Oracle Power Objects"


    1. True or false? A Power Objects application connects to an Oracle database through an application transaction object.
      Answer: False. A Power Objects application connects to an Oracle database by specifying a database session object.
    2. Name three types of objects that you can place on a form.
      Answer: A text field, a radio button, and a repeater.
    3. Give an example of a container object.
      Answer: An example of a container object is a repeater. A repeater may contain one or more text fields.


    1. Build a form for displaying and modifying information about each instructor. Display the number of classes, if any, that the instructor is scheduled to teach.
    2. Modify the Student form to display the GPA of the current student.
      Answer: Please refer to the Flugle.poa file in the Day 18 folder on the CD-ROM.

    Day 18, "Developing an Application with Oracle Power Objects"


    1. True or false? A report's RecordSource property must reference a single table or view; it cannot join two or more tables.
      Answer: True. The RecordSource property is limited to a single table or view. To construct a master-detail report, you must either create a view or add a subform to a report which contains a detail report that can be linked to the master report.
    2. True or false? Power Objects supports a maximum of three levels of inheritance. In other words, you can create class A, add an instance of class A on class B, and add an instance of class B on class C.
      Answer: False. Power Objects will support many levels of inheritance. However, you should be judicious about how many levels you construct because too many levels of inheritance can have an adverse effect on performance.

    Page 635

    1. If you can validate user input in a Power Objects application with the Validate method, why would you need to use database constraints and triggers to enforce data integrity?
      Answer: You'll always want to create database constraints and triggers to enforce data integrity, even if the same business rules are enforced in a Power Objects application. The reason is that database constraints and triggers represent the first line of defense for data integrity. Because a single database could support many different applications, each constructed with a different tool or by a different developer, you can't assume that all applications implement the full set of business rules.


    1. Power Objects includes a number of predefined classes. If you examine the contents of the Classes folder, you'll see a class named clsMeter. Add an instance of it to MyForm. See if you can figure out how to link the meter to the X position of the mouse on the form.
    2. Use Power Objects to build a report which contains a list of the instructors that belong to each department. Add a lookup field to each instructor line which indicates if the instructor is not teaching any classes for the semester.
      Answer: Please refer to the Flugle.poa file in the Day 19 folder on the CD-ROM.

    Day 19, "An Overview of Oracle Database Security and Tuning"


    1. True or false? A database role can be granted to both users and other database roles.
      Answer: True. You may want to create certain generic roles that have some basic privileges and grant those roles to more specific roles.
    2. True or false? Adding an index to a table always improves the performance of an application.
      Answer: False. A non-unique index should only be added if the indexed column will be frequently used in queries of the table. Also, if the contents of the table are frequently changed, the index could degrade overall performance.
    3. True or false? Any Oracle user can create a public synonym as long as the synonym points to a table that is owned by that user.
      Answer: False. The creation of a public synonym requires either the DBA role or the CREATE PUBLIC SYNONYM system privilege.

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    You can answer this question descriptively, without using SQL statements: If you were the DBA at Flugle College, what database roles would you create? What privileges would you grant to those roles?

    Answer: You might want to create these roles:

    Object privileges are commonly referred to as Create (C), Read (R), Update (U), Delete (D), or CRUD. A matrix that defines all these privileges for each role is called a CRUD matrix.

    Privileges for student role:

    Class: R
    Class_Location: R
    Course: R
    Department: R
    Instructor: R
    Schedule_Type: R
    Schedule_Type_Details: R
    Student: R (only for self)
    Student_Schedule: CRUD (only for self)

    Privileges for instructor role:

    Class: R
    Class_Location: R
    Course: R
    Department: R
    Instructor: RU (only for self)
    Schedule_Type: R
    Schedule_Type_Details: R
    Student: R (only for self)
    Student_Schedule: RU

    Privileges for department chairperson role:

    Class: CRUD
    Class_Location: R
    Course: CRUD

    Page 637

    Department: R
    Instructor: CRUD
    Schedule_Type: R
    Schedule_Type_Details: R
    Student: R
    Student_Schedule: RU

    Privileges for college adminstrator role:

    Class: CRUD
    Class_Location: CRUD
    Course: CRUD
    Department: CRUD
    Instructor: CRUD
    Schedule_Type: CRUD
    Schedule_Type_Details: CRUD
    Student: CRUD

    Day 20, "Using Oracle Database Designer and Oracle Designer/2000 in Application Development"


    1. True or false? One drawback to Database Designer is that it supports only Oracle databases.
      Answer: False. Database Designer will allow you to generate an RDB, DB2, or SQL Server database from your database design.
    2. Name three advantages of using Database Designer instead of a text editor to create the DDL statements that implement a database design.
      Answer: Some of the advantages of using Database Designer include the following:
      • Far fewer errors due to "typos," such as misspelling a column name.
      • Capability to capture table and column definitions in the same file.
      • Capability to pass information to Designer/2000, such as display formats for columns.
      • A diagram is more easily understood than a set of SQL statements and can be presented to other project members for review/feedback.

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    Chapter 21, "Oracle: The Next Generation"


    1. What is the role of the htp and htf PL/SQL packages?
      Answer: The htp and htf PL/SQL packages are used to dynamically generate HTML source code.
    2. True or false? The Network Computing Architecture is available only for Sun Solaris and Microsoft Windows NT Server.
      Answer: False. The Network Computing Architecture is a strategy that will eventually support a wide range of platforms.

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