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Personal Oracle provides a tool called the Navigator, an intuitive graphical tool for managing the objects in a Personal Oracle database as well as remote Oracle databases. You can use the Navigator to define remote connections with which you can manipulate a remote Oracle database, whether it is on a UNIX, NT, or other system.
In addition to the Oracle RDBMS, Oracle Corporation also builds and markets a family of other software products:
- Oracle Forms is an enterprise tool for building forms-based applications that are well-integrated with the Oracle database.
- Oracle Reports is a report writer that can tackle the most complex reporting requirements. These reports can be previewed on a screen before being printed.
- Oracle Graphics is a tool for generating presentation graphics from database queries.
- Oracle Procedure Builder is used for the development, maintenance, and testing of software written in a language named PL/SQL, which can be stored and executed from an Oracle database.
PL/SQL is a programming language, developed by Oracle Corporation, that provides procedural extensions to the SQL language. PL/SQL modules exist within an Oracle database to enforce business rules, handle exceptions, and provide functionality that can be invoked from other application development tools.
Inheritance is the mechanism that allows the instances of a class to derive all the properties and methods of the class.
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support the development of logical models, automatic generation of databases, design of business functions, and the generation of application objects such as Oracle Forms applications, Visual Basic programs, and Web applications.
In this lesson, you explore both the development of the client/server computing architecture and its future. Most of the application development tools that are discussed in this book support the client/server computing architecture. So, without further delay, let's define what client/server computing architecture is.
Client/server computing architecture consists of one or more computers, designated as the client machines, running an application program which communicates with a remote computer, designated as the server machine, which services requests from the client machines.In the basic model of client/server architecture, a relational database management system (RDBMS) resides on the server machine. The application program that resides on the client machine interfaces with another software layer, called middleware, that is responsible for communicating requests and their results between the application program and the RDBMS.
The client/server architecture offers several advantages over previous computing architectures:
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With the client/server architecture, the burden of supporting different networking protocols (such as TCP/IP, SPX/IPX, and Named Pipes) and operating systems (such as Windows, Mac, UNIX, and others) rests on the shoulders of various software vendors: the RDBMS vendors such as Oracle, Sybase, Microsoft, and Informix; tool vendors such as Oracle, Powersoft, and Microsoft; and other third-party vendors that supply components such as ODBC drivers for specific platforms and RDBMSs.
To appreciate the advantages of the client/server architecture, it is necessary to recall the previous computing architecture. Before the introduction of the PC, a computer system was typically composed of a mainframe computer accessed by many "dumb" terminals. A dumb terminal had no memory of its own and no processing capability; every character displayed on the terminal screen was controlled by a program on the mainframe. This architecture had a number of implications:
Because of the cost of computer hardware and the technical expertise required to make it function, the computer resources of most large organizations were centrally controlled by a single group, usually called the Data Processing (DP) department. Due to the complexity of application programs, there was a significant backlog for developing new applications, typically measured in years. Very quickly, the introduction of the PC changed everything.
In August of 1981, IBM introduced the IBM 5150 PC Personal Computer. Of course, the IBM PC wasn't the world's first personal computer, but there is no question that IBM gave legitimacy to the value of a personal computer. By today's standards, the first PC was quite