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The explosion in the use of the World Wide Web and Web browsers led RDBMS vendors, such as Oracle, to develop tools that would support the dynamic display of database content on the Web. Simultaneously, the Java language—platform-independent, object-oriented, distributed, and secure—appealed to software vendors, long interested in writing software once and deploying it on a variety of computer hardware and operating system platforms. With these two movements, many software vendors began advocating the "thin" client model: a user interface, based on a Web browser in which a Java applet is downloaded by a server to be executed on the client machine. The traditional client/server architecture was referred to as the "fat" client model because the client required a typically large executable for the application program (for example, mybigapp.exe), multiple libraries (such as DLLs), as well as the middleware drivers (such as SQL*Net).

The arguments in support of the thin client model are

However, there are concerns about the viability of the thin client model:


In 1989, the Object Management Group (OMG) was established by representatives from hardware manufacturers, software vendors, researchers, and software practitioners. The OMG's goal was to promote the use of object-based software. To this end, the OMG developed a conceptual foundation called the Object Management Architecture. From this foundation, a specification was developed for the Common Object Request Broker Architecture, commonly referred to as CORBA.

The CORBA specification describes several components:

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In support of the CORBA 2.0 specification, Oracle has unveiled an architecture named the Network Computing Architecture (NCA). Oracle's latest version of Oracle WebServer, version 3.0, is aligned with the vision of the Network Computing Architecture. You'll be learning more about NCA in Day 21, "Oracle: The Next Generation."

The Challenge to Client/Server
Computing: The Network Computer

For some time, Oracle CEO Larry Ellison has complained that PCs are too expensive and complex for the average user. His vision is a device called a network computer that would cost less than the typical PC and be far simpler to administer because all of its software would be downloaded via a Web browser.

In 1996, Oracle Corporation established a subsidiary company, Network Computer, Incorporated. The mission of this subsidiary is to license its network computer design to hardware manufacturers and promote the development of applications for the device.

The Purpose of This Book

This book is designed to serve readers who fit into the following categories:

CD-ROM contains this sample database as well as relevant files from each of the chapters in the book. Refer to the Introduction of this book for more information about the CD-ROM.

When you have finished reading this book, you'll be familiar with the following languages, tools, and issues:

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To get the most from this book, at a minimum you should have an Oracle database available to you—either Personal Oracle7, an Oracle Workgroup Server, or an Oracle Universal Server—and SQL*Plus. However, you'll probably need to have Developer/2000 and Power Objects to follow the lessons dealing with these tools.


The crucial ideas about client/server computing introduced in this lesson are as follows:

What Comes Next?

On Day 2, "Guidelines for Developing an Oracle Application," you learn about some of the basic steps that are required to build an Oracle application, such as gathering user requirements.

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