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The previous lesson, Day 3, "Logical Database Design," discussed the elements of a data model while ignoring the implementation of this model in a "real" database. In this lesson, you will examine how a logical data model is actually implemented in an Oracle database. This lesson is about another subset of SQL: Data Definition Language (DDL). DDL consists of SQL statements used to create, modify, and discard database objects.
DDL stands for Data Definition Language which consists of those statements in the SQL language that are responsible for creating or modifying database structures such as tables, views, and indexes.
If you're involved in developing many database applications, you definitely should consider the use of a Windows-based database design tool such as Oracle's Designer/2000 or Database Designer, LogicWorks's ERwin, or Sybase's S-Designer. These products enable you to graphically define a logical model and to generate the correct SQL statements for creating a database.
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Even if you're using a database design tool, you should acquire a working knowledge of
the Oracle toolset. There are many tools that provide a SQL interface to an Oracle database.
Two examples are SQL*Plus and SQL Worksheet, a component of Oracle Enterprise
Manager. These tools enable you to enter SQL statements to create tables, indexes, and other
database objects. Most of the examples in this lesson use SQL*Plus. Figure 4.1 illustrates how
you execute a SQL statement with SQL Worksheet.
Figure 4.1.
Using SQL Worksheet
to execute a SQL
The other alternative is to use a tool such as the Personal Oracle8 Navigator or Oracle Schema Manager that provides a graphical interface for manipulating an Oracle database. If you're using Personal Oracle8 for Windows 95, take advantage of the Navigator's intuitive interface for creating and modifying tables (see Figure 4.2). Unlike SQL*Plus or SQL Worksheet, the Navigator doesn't require a knowledge of SQL. The Navigator "packages" your inputs and submits them to the Oracle database engine. These tools are ideal for users who aren't familiar with SQL and don't want to learn the language. The Navigator can be used both with Personal Oracle8 and remote Oracle database engines.
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Figure 4.2.
Using the Personal
Oracle Navigator to
create and
modify tables.
Because of its many options and clauses, the SQL statement CREATE TABLE can be rather complex.
Here's a simplified version of its syntax:
CREATE TABLE table_name ( column_name1 datatype [NOT NULL], ... column_nameN datatype [NOT NULL]);
The variables are defined as follows:
table_name is the name for the table. column_name1 through column_nameN are valid column names. datatype is a valid Oracle datatype specification.
The CREATE TABLE statement can be directly invoked from SQL*Plus or SQL Worksheet. The Personal Oracle8 Navigator or Schema Manager, a component of Oracle Enterprise Manager, package the user's entries and indirectly invoke the CREATE TABLE statement. The examples in this lesson were prepared with SQL*Plus.
Oracle has several restrictions on table names:
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Do use descriptive words when naming a table. |
Here are some considerations for naming columns:
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This section starts with a simple example. You will construct a CREATE TABLE statement to create the table that contains the departments that exist at Flugle College, as shown in Listing 4.1.
Listing 4.1. Creating the Department table.
SQL> Create table Department 2 (Department_ID Varchar2(20) NOT NULL, 3 Department_Name Varchar2(25)); Table created.
Some aspects of the statement's syntax deserve special mention:
As an option, you can explicitly specify that a column is optional by specifying NULL after the datatype specification, as illustrated in Listing 4.2.
Listing 4.2. Creating the Student table.
SQL> create table Student 2 (Student_ID Varchar2(20) NOT NULL, 3 Last_Name Varchar2(25) NOT NULL, 4 First_Name Varchar2(25) NOT NULL, 5 MI Varchar2(1) NULL, 6 Year Varchar2(25) NULL, 7 Street_Address Varchar2(25) NULL, 8 City Varchar2(25) NULL, 9 State Varchar2(2) NULL, 10 Zipcode Varchar2(9) NULL, 11 Telephone Varchar2(10) NULL, 12 Fax Varchar2(10) NULL, 13 Email Varchar2(100) NULL); Table created.