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Page 137

-------------------- ---------- ----------
D201                 8055559444 8055550131
E405                            8055554455
M101                 8055550321 8055550123
Y561                            8055550123

17 rows selected.

Using a Subquery with an UPDATE

So far, this chapter has presented the use of conditions in the WHERE clause to restrict the rows that are affected by an UPDATE statement. Now look at how a subquery can be used with an UPDATE statement.

For example, suppose you want to reduce the additional fees for a course by $5 if the additional fees exceed the average additional fees. This can be done with a single UPDATE statement as shown in Listing 6.16. Notice that the subquery must be enclosed in parentheses.

Listing 6.16. Using a subquery with an UPDATE.

SQL> select Department_ID, Course_ID, Additional_Fees
  2  from Course
   3  order by Department_ID, Course_ID;

------ ----- ---------------
ANTHRO 101                 0
ANTHRO 174                55
ANTHRO 189               7.5
BIO    101                55
BIO    177                65
BIO    178                70
ECON   101                25
ECON   189               750

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Listing 6.16. continued

ECON   199                 0
ENG    101                75
ENG    102                45
ENG    103                35
ENG    199                45
ENGL   101                 0
ENGL   189                 0
ENGL   192                 0
ENGL   193                 0
HIST   115                 0
HIST   184                 0
HIST   199                 0
MATH   101                 0
MATH   189                 0
MATH   50                  0
MATH   51                 10
PHILO  101                 0
PHILO  174                 0
PHILO  198                 0
PSYCH  101                25
PSYCH  181                75
PSYCH  183                45
PSYCH  185                20
PSYCH  501                75

32 rows selected.

SQL> update Course
      2  set Additional_Fees = Additional_Fees - 10
    3  where
     4  Additional_Fees >
      5  (select avg(Additional_Fees) from Course);

   8 rows updated.

SQL> select Department_ID, Course_ID, Additional_Fees
     2  from Course
      3  order by Department_ID, Course_ID;

------ ----- ---------------
ANTHRO 101                 0
ANTHRO 174                45
ANTHRO 189               7.5
BIO    101                45
BIO    177                55
BIO    178                60
ECON   101                25
ECON   189               740
ECON   199                 0
ENG    101                65
ENG    102                45
ENG    103                35
ENG    199                45

Page 139

ENGL   101                 0
ENGL   189                 0
ENGL   192                 0
ENGL   193                 0
HIST   115                 0
HIST   184                 0
HIST   199                 0
MATH   101                 0
MATH   189                 0
MATH   50                  0
MATH   51                 10
PHILO  101                 0
PHILO  174                 0
PHILO  198                 0
PSYCH  101                25
PSYCH  181                65
PSYCH  183                45
PSYCH  185                20
PSYCH  501                65

32 rows selected.

Throwing Out Data with the DELETE

The DELETE statement removes rows from a table. You don't need to know the physical ordering of the rows in a table to perform a DELETE. Oracle uses the criteria in the WHERE clause to determine which rows to delete; the Oracle database engine determines the internal location of the rows.


The DELETE statement has the simplest syntax of the four DML statements:

DELETE FROM table_name
[WHERE condition]

The variables are defined as follows:

table_name is the table to be updated.

condition is a valid SQL condition.

If you think that the SQL syntax is inconsistent, you're correct. For example, the syntax for the UPDATE statement (UPDATE table_name) differs from the syntax of the DELETE statement (DELETE FROM table_name). SQL has many other idiosyncrasies, and they aren't going to go away soon. If you want to take advantage of the power in SQL, concentrate on learning the syntax and working through a lot of examples. Listing 6.17 displays an example of a simple DELETE statement.

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Listing 6.17. Example of a DELETE statement.

SQL> delete from Class
  2  where
  3  Department_ID = `BIO';

1 row deleted.
A DELETE statement will execute successfully, even if no rows are deleted from the table.
SQL> delete from Class
  2  where
  3  Department_ID = `ANTHRO';

0 rows deleted.

Removing All Rows with the TRUNCATE TABLE Statement

In designing an application, you may need to delete all the rows in a table. If the table has many rows, using a DELETE to accomplish this task can be quite inefficient. As an alternative, you should consider using the TRUNCATE TABLE statement. The TRUNCATE TABLE statement deletes rows much faster than the DELETE statement does.

The TRUNCATE TABLE statement is typically used in the following way:


The variable is defined as follows:

table_name is the table to be truncated.

One caveat: the TRUNCATE TABLE statement is not a DML statement. Therefore, if you issue a TRUNCATE TABLE statement, you cannot change your mind and perform a rollback to recover the lost rows; the TRUNCATE TABLE statement is a one way trip.


An ideal information system provides concurrent access to multiple users. Of course, you also want to be sure that one user cannot step on another user's changes. For example, if one administrator in the anthropology department changes the description of a course, another administrator in the same department should not be able to change any information about the same course until the first administrator has committed her changes.

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By the same token, the fact that an administrator in one department is changing information about a course offered by the department should not prevent anyone else from viewing the current information about that course or changing information about a different course.

Read Consistency and Read-Only Transactions

In a multiuser Oracle environment, Oracle provides what is termed "read consistency" at the SQL statement level. Read consistency means that a single SQL statement cannot return results that are contradictory or inconsistent. Listing 6.18 presents an example of this concept.

Suppose the chairperson of the biology department wants to know the number of units for each of the courses offered by the department.

Listing 6.18. Example of read consistency.

SQL> select Course_ID, Title, Units
      2  from Course
      3  where
      4  Department_ID = `BIO'
      5  order by Course_ID;

COURSE_ID            TITLE                              UNITS
-------------------- ------------------------------ ---------
101                  INTRO TO BIOLOGY                       3
177                  INVERTEBRATE ANATOMY                   3
178                  MAMMALIAN ANATOMY                      3

Just after the department head's query was submitted to the database, the college registrar updated all three-unit courses to four units. Statement-level consistency means that the query cannot return a row in which the number of units has been updated to four. Depending on when the college registrar commits her changes, the biology chairperson either sees the change or doesn't, but she will never see a partial change manifested in a single SQL statement.

However, even though Oracle provides consistency within a single SQL statement, its default behavior doesn't guarantee read consistency during more than one statement. If you query a table twice, you may obtain different results the second time if another Oracle user changes the table between your first and second queries.

You may encounter a situation in which you need more than single-statement read consistency. In fact, you may need to have read consistency across a particular transaction. For this purpose, you need to issue the following statement:

set transaction read only;

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