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T10 6 01-MAR-97 10:00 AM T13 2 01-MAR-97 01:00 PM T13 4 01-MAR-97 01:00 PM T13 6 01-MAR-97 01:00 PM T15 2 01-MAR-97 03:00 PM T15 4 01-MAR-97 03:00 PM T15 6 01-MAR-97 03:00 PM TT9 3 01-MAR-97 09:00 AM TT9 5 01-MAR-97 09:00 AM 12 rows selected.
You can use SYSDATE and the DUAL table to experiment with various date and time formats. You can select SYSDATE from the DUAL table, but don't insert any rows into the DUAL tableit must have only one row for some Oracle tools to work correctly. |
Table 7.1 contains a list of the valid elements that can be used in the date format.
Table 7.1. List of date format elements.
Format Element | Description | Range |
SS | Second | 0_59 |
SSSSS | Seconds past midnight | 0_86399 |
MI | Minute | 0_59 |
HH | Hour | 0_12 |
HH24 | Military hour | 0_23 |
DD | Day of the month | 1_31 (depends on month) |
DAY | Day of the week, spelled out | SUNDAY_SATURDAY |
D | Day of the week | 1_7 |
DDD | Day of the year | 1_366 (depends on year) |
MM | Month number | 1_12 |
MON | Abbreviated month | JAN_DEC |
MONTH | Month, spelled out | JANUARY_DECEMBER |
YY | Last two digits of year | For example, 96 |
YYYY | Full year value |
For example, 1996 |
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Table 7.1. continued
Format Element | Description | Range |
YEAR | Year, spelled out |
CC | Century | For example, 19 |
Q | Quarter | 1_4 |
J | Julian day | For example, 2448000 |
W | Week of the month | 1_5 |
WW | Week of the year | 1_52 |
The default date format is DD-MON-YY. For instance, 01-JAN-98 is a date in accordance with Oracle's default date format. You can specify dates with this format model without using any other functions or datatype conversion. But if you need to display or specify dates in a different format, then you'll need to use a built-in function to specify the format model you want to use.
If you try to assign a string that doesn't adhere to this default format to a date column, Oracle will probably return an error. For example, if the first two digits are greater than 31, Oracle will always return the error code ORA-01847. If the abbreviation for the month is not JAN, FEB, MAR, APR, MAY, JUN, JUL, AUG, SEP, OCT, NOV, or DEC, Oracle will return error code ORA-01843. If the day of the month is not within the valid range for that particular month, Oracle will return error code ORA-01839. Table 7.2 contains a list of Oracle error codes related to the manipulation of date values.
Table 7.2. Oracle error codes related to dates.
Oracle Error Code | Description |
ORA-01847 | Day of month must be between 1 and last day of month |
ORA-01813 | Hour may be specified once |
ORA-01839 | Date not valid for month specified |
We are rapidly approaching a new millennium. Because the beginning years of the 21st century will be in the same range as the days in a month, there no doubt will be some confusion between the year and the day of the month. For example, if you want to assign the date January 2, 2003, you could very easily switch the digits and enter 03-JAN-02 instead of 02-JAN-03. In either case, Oracle would accept the date as valid according to the date format. |
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You need to remember that a date column value remains a date until you convert it to some other datatype. If, for example, you want to extract the first character of a date column value, you'll need to convert the value to a string using a built-in function named TO_CHAR.
The format for this function is
The variables are defined as follows:
date_value is a literal date value, a date value from a column, or a date value returned by a built-in function. date_format is a valid Oracle date format.
Listing 7.19 shows how a query can use the TO_CHAR function to return the employee hire date using the format MONTH DD, YYYY.
Listing 7.19. Converting a date value to a string.
SQL> select Last_Name, First_Name, 2 to_char(Hire_Date,'MONTH DD, YYYY') H_DATE 3 from Employee 4 order by Hire_Date; LAST_NAME FIRST_NAME H_DATE ------------------------------ -------------------- -------------------- SMITH JEAN APRIL 10, 1982 HERNANDEZ RANDY NOVEMBER 18, 1983 GLEASON PAUL APRIL 05, 1984 BARRETT SARAH JANUARY 16, 1989 HIGGINS BEN FEBRUARY 11, 1989 YEN CINDY JUNE 09, 1991 GILROY MAX SEPTEMBER 22, 1992 CARSON BETH DECEMBER 12, 1992 SWANSON HARRY MAY 18, 1993 9 rows selected.
Once a date value has been converted to a string with the
TO_CHAR function, you can use it as an argument in other string functions. For example, you can use the function
SUBSTR to extract a substring from a string. Listing 7.20 demonstrates how to use the
SUBSTR function to extract the first letter of the employee's month of hire.
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Listing 7.20. Embedding the TO_CHAR function within the SUBSTR function.
SQL> select Last_Name, First_Name, 2 substr(to_char(Hire_Date,'MON'),1,1) the_first_letter_of_the_month 3 from Employee 4 order by the_first_letter_of_the_month; LAST_NAME FIRST_NAME T ------------------------------ -------------------- - SMITH JEAN A GLEASON PAUL A CARSON BETH D HIGGINS BEN F BARRETT SARAH J YEN CINDY J SWANSON HARRY M HERNANDEZ RANDY N GILROY MAX S 9 rows selected.
The next section looks at some of the many ways in which dates and times can be displayed. You have a tremendous amount of flexibility in how to display and specify these values.
Not surprisingly, the conversion of string values to dates is similar to the conversion of dates to strings. Instead of using the TO_CHAR built-in function, you use the TO_DATE built-in function because the goal is to specify a date value using a legal date format.
The arguments of the TO_DATE function are the reverse of the arguments of the TO_CHAR function.
TO_DATE (string_value, date_format)
The variables are defined as follows:
string_value is a literal string value, a string value from a column, or a string value returned by a built-in function.
date_format is a valid Oracle date format.
For example, if you want to convert a string that doesn't use the Oracle default date
format (DD-MON-YY), you would use the TO_DATE function. Listing 7.21 shows how a query can be
used to determine the number of days that have elapsed since the American bicentennial.