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Page 208

Listing 8.22. continued

108600     183   PSYCH    WORKSHOP ON NORMALITY          JASON
109100     101   BIO      INTRO TO BIOLOGY               WEISS
110300     199   ENG      SEMINAR ON CHAOS               CHU
120200     199   ECON     WORKSHOP ON MARX               PARKER

10 rows selected.

Notice that an alias has been specified for each of the three tables:

Although table aliases are optional, you should use them in multiple-table joins because they reduce the size of the SELECT statement and simplify its appearance.

Examine each of the join conditions found in Listing 8.22. The first two join conditions are used to join the Class and Course tables based on Course_ID and Department_ID. These tables have two join conditions because the primary key of the Course table is Course_ID and Department_ID. The third join condition is used to join the Class and Instructor tables based on Instructor_ID.


Another form of a two-table join is the self-join. This type of join is used when a table has a foreign key that references its own primary key. A good example of this type is the Product_Assembly table discussed earlier in this lesson. The primary key of the Product Assembly table is Product_ID. Every product—except a complete product—belongs to an assembly. Therefore, Assembly_ID is a foreign key that references Product_ID (see Figure 8.1).

Figure 8.1.
Example of a table's
primary key referenced
by its foreign key.

Page 209

As an example of a self-join, suppose that you want to retrieve the description of each product and the description of the assembly to which it belongs. As Listing 8.23 illustrates, the join statement must define an alias for both copies of the table. The join condition—P1.Assembly_ID = P2.Product_ID—causes Oracle to retrieve product information from P1 and assembly information from P2.

Listing 8.23. Example of a self-join.

SQL> select P1.Description || ` is part of ` ||  P2.Description
                                                 "Assembly Breakdown"
    2  from Product_Assembly P1, Product_Assembly P2
  3  where
   4  P1.Assembly_ID = P2.Product_ID
    5  order by P1.Assembly_ID, P1.Product_ID;
Assembly Breakdown
Titanium alloy, teflon-coated iris is part of Black body, stainless ste
Variable-speed shutter, standard is part of Black body, stainless steel
Manual film advance, winder is part of Black body, stainless steel fram
Black body, stainless steel frame camera body is part of Complete camer
Blue filter - standard is part of Complete camera
Xenon flash unit is part of Complete camera
100mm lens - standard is part of Complete camera
4 foot camera strap, leather is part of Complete camera
8 rows selected.

Outer Joins

In this section, you'll see how another type of join is used—the outer join. To understand the difference between a regular join (that is, an equi-join) and an outer join, let's take another look at a regular join. A multiple-table join returns columns from each table where the join conditions are met. Consider the example shown in Listing 8.24. The instructors at Flugle College may or may not be scheduled to teach a class during a particular semester. In addition to teaching, the staff members at Flugle College are also expected to be engaged in original research in their fields. Listing 8.24 contains a join of the Instructor and Class tables. Notice that the query only retrieves instructors who are scheduled to teach a class.

Listing 8.24. Equi-join of the Instructor and Class tables.

SQL> select I.Department_ID, Last_Name, First_Name, Class_ID
      2  from Instructor I, Class C
    3  where
      4  I.Instructor_ID = C.Instructor_ID
     5  order by I.Department_ID, Last_Name;

Page 210

Listing 8.24. continued

-------- --------------- --------------- ----------
BIO      WEISS           ROBERTA         109100
ECON     PARKER          WILLIAM         120200
ENG      CHU             STEVEN          110300
ENGL     CHERNOW         BESS            108300
HIST     RESTON          RAPHAEL         104500
HIST     TORRES          PETER           108400
MATH     CHANG           ROGER           103600
PHILO    RICHARDSON      NANCY           104200
PSYCH    JASON           JERROLD         108600
PSYCH    JASON           JERROLD         103400

10 rows selected.

If you want to retrieve instructor information whether or not an instructor is teaching a class, you must use the outer join operator by appending (+) (a plus sign within parentheses) to the optional column in the join condition. Listing 8.25 illustrates the use of the outer join operator.

Listing 8.25. An outer join.

SQL> select I.Department_ID, Last_Name, First_Name, Class_ID
     2  from Instructor I, Class C
    3  where
     4  I.Instructor_ID = C.Instructor_ID (+)
   5  order by I.Department_ID, Last_Name;

-------------------- --------------- ---------- --------------------
ANTHRO               DANIELS         LAURA
ANTHRO               HITCHCOCK       BORIS
ANTHRO               POULSON         RANIER
BIO                  EDWARDS         SAMANTHA
BIO                  WEISS           ROBERTA    109100
ECON                 PARKER          WILLIAM    120200
ENG                  CHU             STEVEN     110300
ENGL                 CHERNOW         BESS       108300
HIST                 RESTON          RAPHAEL    104500
HIST                 TORRES          PETER      108400
MATH                 CHANG           ROGER      103600
MATH                 NILAND          MARTINA
MATH                 YOUNG           ALLAN
PHILO                ANGELO          ARTHUR
PHILO                BILLINGS        BENJAMIN
PHILO                RICHARDSON      NANCY      104200
PSYCH                BATES           JOSEPH
PSYCH                JASON           JERROLD    108600
PSYCH                JASON           JERROLD    103400

19 rows selected.

Page 211

If an instructor is not teaching a class, Oracle returns a null for the Class_ID—or any other column that you select from the Class table. Listing 8.26 demonstrates how you can obtain a list of instructors who are not teaching a class by adding another condition to the WHERE clause—Class_ID is null.

Listing 8.26. Another outer join.

SQL> select I.Department_ID, Last_Name, First_Name
    2  from Instructor I, Class C
  3  where
   4  I.Instructor_ID = C.Instructor_ID (+) and
  5  Class_ID is null
   6  order by I.Department_ID, Last_Name;

-------------------- --------------- ----------
ANTHRO               DANIELS         LAURA
ANTHRO               HITCHCOCK       BORIS
ANTHRO               POULSON         RANIER
BIO                  EDWARDS         SAMANTHA
MATH                 NILAND          MARTINA
MATH                 YOUNG           ALLAN
PHILO                ANGELO          ARTHUR
PHILO                BILLINGS        BENJAMIN
PSYCH                BATES           JOSEPH

9 rows selected.

Using Set Operators in the SELECT Statement

The SQL language is a partial implementation of the relational model as envisioned by Codd, the father of relational theory. As part of that implementation, Oracle's version of SQL provides three set operators: INTERSECT, UNION, and MINUS.

The INTERSECT Operator

The INTERSECT operator returns the rows that are common between two sets of rows.

The syntax for using the INTERSECT operator is


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