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When used with a subquery, the CREATE TABLE statement copies only one kind of table or column constraint: the NOT NULL constraint. If you want the new table to have all the existing constraints, you have to specify them with an ALTER TABLE statement.

Using Views

A view is a query of one or more tables that provides another way of presenting information. A view does not actually contain or store its own data; in fact, you can think of a view as a virtual table. The only storage that a view actually requires is the SELECT statement that defines it.

A view is a stored query based on a query of one or more tables.

You can use a view to perform the following tasks:

View Syntax

The syntax for creating a view is really quite simple.

To define a view, use this syntax:

CREATE VIEW view-name

The variables are defined as follows:

view-name is the name of the view (subject to the same requirements as other Oracle object names).

column1 through columnN are the column names of the view that correspond to the columns referenced in select-statement.

select-statement is a valid Oracle SELECT statement.

The following simple view is based on a single table. Suppose several administrators at Flugle College have requested a very simple way to retrieve the current cost for each course. The current cost for a course is the number of units multiplied by $250 per unit plus any

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additional fees. Even though you've shown the administrators how to construct a simple query, they want you to streamline the process.

Listing 8.36 illustrates the view that you define to meet their needs. Here is a description of each line in the SQL statement that creates the view. The first line specifies the name of the view: Course_Cost. The second line lists the five columns that compose the view: Course_ID, Department_ID, Title, Description, and Cost. The third line indicates that the view is to be created from a query. The fourth line specifies the first four columns to be returned by the view: Course_ID, Department_ID, Title, and Description. The fifth line indicates that the fifth column in the view—Cost—is calculated by multiplying Units by $250 per unit and adding Additional_Fees.

Listing 8.36. Creating a simple view.

SQL> create view Course_Cost
    2  (Course_ID, Department_ID, Title, Description, Cost)
  3  as
    4  select Course_ID, Department_ID, Title, Description,
  5  Units*250 + Additional_Fees
 6  from Course;

View created.

SQL> select Department_ID, Course_ID, Title, Cost
  2  from Course_Cost
   3  order by Department_ID, Course_ID;

DEPARTMENT COURS TITLE                               COST
---------- ----- ------------------------------ ---------
ANTHRO     101   INTRO TO ANTHROPOLOGY                750
ANTHRO     189   SEMINAR ON NACIMERA                507.5
BIO        101   INTRO TO BIOLOGY                     805
BIO        177   INVERTEBRATE ANATOMY                 815
BIO        178   MAMMALIAN ANATOMY                    820
ECON       101   INTRO TO ECONOMICS                   775
ECON       189   MONETARY POLICY                     1500
ECON       199   WORKSHOP ON MARX                     750
ENG        101   INTRO TO STRUCTURES                  825
ENG        102   INTRO TO CIRCUIT THEORY              795
ENG        103   INTRO TO DYNAMICS                    785
ENG        199   SEMINAR ON CHAOS                     545
ENGL       101   INTRO TO ENGLISH LIT                 750
ENGL       189   EVOLUTIONARY GRAMMAR                 500
ENGL       192   MODERN ENGLISH LIT                   750
ENGL       193   SEMINAR ON THEME ANALYSIS            500
HIST       115   EARLY AMERICAN HISTORY               750
HIST       184   MODERN EUROPEAN HISTORY              750
HIST       199   WORKSHOP ON JEFFERSON                750
MATH       101   GENERAL CALCULUS                     750

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Listing 8.36. continued

MATH       189   NUMBER THEORY                        750
MATH       50    PRE-CALCULUS                         750
MATH       51    ADVANCED ARITHMETIC                  760
PHILO      101   INTRO TO PHILOSOPHY                  750
PHILO      198   MODERN PHILOSOPHY                    750
PSYCH      101   INTRO TO PSYCHOLOGY                  775
PSYCH      181   WORKSHOP ON NEUROSES                 575
PSYCH      183   WORKSHOP ON NORMALITY                545
PSYCH      185   ABNORMAL PSYCHOLOGY                  770
PSYCH      501   PSYCH IN FILM                        825

32 rows selected.

Restricting Data Access with a View

Oracle provides several mechanisms for restricting data access: views, database triggers, and table and column privileges. Specific privileges on these objects can be granted to database roles and individual users. You need to assess the security requirements of your application to determine which method is most appropriate.

If you use a view to restrict data access, several methods are available to you. Each method offers a different level of control over data access, from coarse to very fine. A coarse control enables you to define a view that is a subset of its base table. For example, the Student table includes address information, which you may not want to share with all users who need access to the table. Listing 8.37 shows how to create a view of the Student table that doesn't include the personal information. A very fine level of control can be achieved with a database trigger; an example is presented on Day 12, "Developer/2000: Introduction to Oracle Forms."

Listing 8.37. Creating a view based on a subset of a table's columns.

SQL> create view Student_No_Personal
  2  as
   3  select Student_ID, Last_Name, First_Name, MI, Year, Email
  4  from Student;

View created.

SQL> describe Student_No_Personal
 Name                            Null?    Type
 ------------------------------- -------- ----
 STUDENT_ID                      NOT NULL VARCHAR2(20)
 LAST_NAME                       NOT NULL VARCHAR2(25)
 FIRST_NAME                      NOT NULL VARCHAR2(25)
 MI                                       VARCHAR2(1)
 YEAR                                     VARCHAR2(25)
 EMAIL                                    VARCHAR2(100)

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As you see in Listing 8.37, the SQL*Plus DESCRIBE command doesn't indicate whether the object description belongs to a table or view. Even if the user knows that the student's address is stored in the Student table, the view can't return the column because it isn't contained in the view definition.

Hiding Complexity with a View

During application development, you must often deal with developers and users who have differing organizational perspectives and a broad range of technical sophistication. As a result, you should use the mechanisms that Oracle offers to customize the environment for developers and users.

I include developers in this category because, like users, their knowledge of SQL in general and Oracle in particular does vary. For example, many forms and reports require the joining of several tables. The use of views can simplify this process because, as the application architect, you can define the views with which developers need to be concerned.

Views are also an excellent way to customize the database environment for end users. This is especially true for large organizations that access the same information for different purposes. Typically, each group has its own name for referring to the same piece of information. Because of the widespread use of third-party ad hoc query tools such as Business Objects, IQ Objects, and Oracle Discoverer/2000, a column name should accurately describe the information it contains to help an end user determine which columns to query. By creating a view, you can customize the column names that a group of users sees.

A view can hide the complexity that exists in a multiple-table join. By defining a view, users are freed from learning the idiosyncrasies of the SELECT statement. For instance, if you want to provide a consolidated view of a scheduled class at Flugle College, you might join information from the Class, Course, and Instructor tables. Listing 8.38 contains the CREATE VIEW statement used to construct the view based on the three-table join.

Listing 8.38. A view based on a multiple-table join.

SQL> create view Class_Summary as
    2  select Class_ID, Class_Building, Class_Room,
  3         CL.Department_ID, CL.Course_ID, CO.Title,
 4         Last_Name, First_Name
  5  from Class CL, Course CO, Instructor I
 6  where
  7  CL.Department_ID = CO.Department_ID and
 8  CL.Course_ID     = CO.Course_ID and
  9  CL.Instructor_ID = I.Instructor_ID;

View created.

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