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Up to this point, I've presented SQL as a language without procedural capabilities. However, Oracle offers procedural language extensions to SQL through the PL/SQL language. PL/SQL is the basis for the following application logic elements:
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The purpose of today's lesson is to introduce the fundamental elements of PL/SQL. You should feel comfortable with the syntax and use of PL/SQL before you attempt to design stored procedures on Day 10, "Program Development in PL/SQL," and Day 11, "More Programming Techniques with PL/SQL." This lesson addresses the features contained in PL/SQL through version 2.3.
Don't use SQL*Plus to type in each line of a PL/SQL script. If you make a typo, SQL*Plus won't provide any feedback until it reads the / that terminates the PL/SQL blockSQL*Plus passes the entire block to the PL/SQL engine only when the block is complete. The PL/SQL engine is a component of the Oracle RDBMS. Instead, use a text editor, such as Notepad, for developing your PL/SQL scripts. You can paste the script directly into SQL*Plus or invoke it with the START or @ command. On Day 16, you'll learn about Procedure Builder, which is far superior to SQL*Plus for PL/SQL program development. There are other third-party products that provide similar capabilities; for instance, you may also want to evaluate Platinum's SQL Station Coder ( or DBCorp's WEB*PL browser-based PL/SQL development tool ( |
PL/SQL is a block-structured language with a syntax similar to the C programming language. In addition to supporting embedded SQL statements, PL/SQL offers standard programming constructs such as procedure and function declarations, control statements such as IF-THEN-ELSE and LOOP, and declared variables. A PL/SQL program consists of procedures, functions, or anonymous blocks. An anonymous block is an unnamed PL/SQL block that has no arguments and returns no value. Anonymous blocks are common in scripts that are executed in an SQL*Plus session.
From a top-level perspective, Figure 9.1 illustrates the structure of a PL/SQL block,
which includes an optional declaration section, an executable section, and an optional section
for handling PL/SQL and SQL exceptions and errors.
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Figure 9.1.Let's look at a simple anonymous PL/SQL block that generates some test data. Listing 9.1 contains an anonymous block which is executed from an SQL*Plus script and inserts 100 rows into TEST_TABLE.
Listing 9.1. Execution of an anonymous PL/SQL block in SQL*Plus.
SQL> @c:\tyo\day10_1 SQL> drop table test_table; Table dropped. SQL> SQL> create table test_table ( 2 record_number int, 3 current_date date); Table created. SQL> SQL> DECLARE 2 2 max_records CONSTANT int := 100; 3 i int := 1; 4 4 BEGIN 5 5 FOR i IN 1..max_records LOOP 6 6 INSERT INTO test_table 7 (record_number, current_date) 8 VALUES 9 (i, SYSDATE); 10 10 END LOOP; 11 11 COMMIT; 12 END; / PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
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Take a look at some of the elements in the previous PL/SQL script. This script is an anonymous PL/SQL block because it has no nameit isn't declared as a procedure, function, or package. All the lines in this script are contained in a single SQL*Plus script. The first two SQL commands drop the TEST_TABLE and then create it. The PL/SQL block actually starts with the word DECLARE. The declaration section declares a constant, max_records (in line 2), and a variable, i (in line 3), which serves as a counter. The beginning of the executable portion of the block is designated by BEGIN (in line 4). The block contains a single FOR LOOP (in line 5) that inserts a row into TEST_TABLE while i is less than or equal to max_records. When the FOR LOOP completes, the transaction is committed (in line 11). The last line of the script is a /, which causes SQL*Plus to submit the PL/SQL block to the
PL/SQL engine. Unless a PL/SQL compilation error occurs, the only feedback that SQL*Plus provides is a message: PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. In the next lesson, you'll see how to produce diagnostics from PL/SQL, which enables you to see the progress of a PL/SQL subprogram's execution.
The declaration section of a PL/SQL block is optional. However, you must declare all variables and constants that are referenced in the PL/SQL statements. To include a declaration section in a PL/SQL block, begin the PL/SQL block with the word DECLARE. Each variable or constant declaration consists of its name, datatype, and an optional default value. As with all PL/SQL statements, each variable and constant declaration is terminated with a semicolon. Listing 9.2 contains some examples of declared variables and constants.
Listing 9.2. Examples of declared variables and constants.
Fax_Number VARCHAR2(10); Current_Used_Value NUMBER(6,2) := 100.00; Max_Current_Used_Value REAL := 9999.99; State VARCHAR2(2) := `CA';
The executable section of a PL/SQL block follows the keyword BEGIN. Each PL/SQL statement is terminated by a semicolon. These statements can be categorized as follows: