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On Day 9, "Programming an Oracle Database with PL/SQL," I presented some of the essentials of PL/SQL programming. As you've seen, PL/SQL supports all the datatypes that are available in SQL. However, PL/SQL also provides the following additional datatypes that aren't available for use in ordinary SQL statements:
One of the additional datatypes that PL/SQL supports is BOOLEAN. Listing 10.12 illustrates how you declare a BOOLEAN variable. You also can initialize a BOOLEAN variable to either TRUE or FALSE.
Listing 10.12. Declaring a BOOLEAN variable and initializing it.
SQL> set serveroutput on SQL> SQL> declare 2 Payment_Is_Late boolean := TRUE; 3 3 begin 4 4 dbms_output.enable; 5 5 if Payment_Is_Late then 6 dbms_output.put_line(`The payment is late!'); 7 end if; 8 8 end; 9 / The payment is late! PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
In line 2, the BOOLEAN variable, Payment_Is_Late, is initialized to TRUE. In line 5, Payment_Is_Late is evaluated; because line 5 is equal to TRUE, line 6 is executed.
Until you assign a value to it, a BOOLEAN variable has the null value. In Listing 10.13, the BOOLEAN expression Day_of_Month > 5 is assigned to the BOOLEAN variable Payment_Is_Late.
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Listing 10.13. Assigning BOOLEAN expressions to a BOOLEAN variable.
SQL> set serveroutput on SQL> SQL> declare 2 Payment_Is_Late boolean; 3 Day_of_Month integer; 4 4 begin 5 5 dbms_output.enable; 6 6 select to_number(to_char(sysdate,'DD')) 7 into Day_of_Month 8 from dual; 9 9 Payment_Is_Late := Day_of_Month > 3; 10 10 if Payment_Is_Late then 11 dbms_output.put_line(`The payment is late!'); 12 end if; 13 13 end; 14 / The payment is late! PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
The BINARY_INTEGER datatype stores signed integers in the range of _2,147,483,647 to 2,147,483,647. PL/SQL also provides two other datatypes that are subtypes of BINARY_INTEGER.
You might want to declare variables that would never have a fractional part, such as a loop counter, with the NATURAL or POSITIVE datatype.
When you assign a real number to a variable that has been declared as BINARY_INTEGER, NATURAL, or POSITIVE, the number is truncated. Listing 10.14 provides an example of this.
Listing 10.14. A real number is truncated when assigned to a PL/SQL integer datatype.
SQL> declare 2 Counter natural; 3 3 begin 4
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4 dbms_output.enable; 5 5 Counter := 103.2; 6 6 dbms_output.put_line(`Counter: ` || to_char(Counter,'999.999')); 7 7 end; 8 / Counter: 103.000
PL/SQL offers two notations for referencing Oracle table and column datatypes.
These two datatypes help integrate PL/SQL code with the table and column definitions that exist in the Oracle data dictionary.
To define a variable as having the same datatype as a column, use the %TYPE designation with the following syntax:
variable-name table-name.column-name%TYPE;
The variables are defined as follows:
variable-name is the PL/SQL variable being declared.
table-name.column-name specifies the column whose datatype should be used for variable-name.
The beauty of using %TYPE is that it generally reduces the amount of work needed to maintain PL/SQL code. For example, you can increase or decrease the width of a column without having to change the declaration of any PL/SQL variables based on that column.
You use the %ROWTYPE designation to declare a variablea record, reallywhose structure is identical to the structure of a specified table.
%ROWTYPE is used with the following syntax:
variable-name table-name%ROWTYPE;
The variables are defined as follows:
variable-name is the PL/SQL variable being declared.
table-name specifies the table to which variable-name corresponds.
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For example, a record named Instructor_Rec is declared as Instructor%ROWTYPE. As a result, Instructor_Rec's fields have the same names and datatypes as the columns of the Instructor table.
Listing 10.15. Using %ROWTYPE in a SELECT statement.
SQLWKS> declare 2> 3> Instructor_Rec Instructor%ROWTYPE; 4> 5> begin 6> 7> dbms_output.enable; 8> 9> select * 10> into Instructor_Rec 11> from Instructor 12> where 13> Instructor_ID = `P331'; 14> 15> dbms_output.put_line(`Instructor ID: ` || ÂInstructor_Rec.Instructor_ID); 16> dbms_output.put_line(`Last Name: ` || Instructor_Rec.Last_Name); 17> dbms_output.put_line(`First Name: ` || ÂInstructor_Rec.First_Name); 18> 19> end; 20> / Statement processed. Instructor ID: P331 Last Name: POULSON First Name: RANIER
As you can see (line 15 through 17), the fields of a %ROWTYPE record are referenced by
variable-name is the name of the declared %ROWTYPE variable.
field-name is the name of a column in the table specified in variable-name's declaration.
Although you can reference a record declared using %ROWTYPE in a SELECT statement, you cannot reference the entire record with the INSERT statement. For instance, PL/SQL rejects the following INSERT statement:SQL> declare 2 Patient_Rec Patient%rowtype; 3 |
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3 begin 4 4 Patient_Rec.Patient_ID := `HHH111'; 5 Patient_Rec.Body_Temp_Deg_F := 102.7; 6 6 insert into Patient 7 (Patient_ID, Body_Temp_Deg_F) 8 values 9 Patient_Rec; 10 10 end; 11 / Patient_Rec; * ERROR at line 9: ORA-06550: line 9, column 1: PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "PATIENT_REC" when expecting one of the follow an aggregate Resuming parse at line 9, column 12. |
You also can assign one variable to another variable if they are both declared using the %ROWTYPE designation for the same table. Listing 10.16 illustrates this concept by assigning New_Patient to ER_Patient.
Listing 10.16. Assigning PL/SQL variables based on %ROWTYPE.
SQL> declare 2 2 New_Patient Patient%ROWTYPE; 3 ER_Patient Patient%ROWTYPE; 4 4 begin 5 5 dbms_output.enable; 6 6 select * 7 into New_Patient 8 from Patient 9 where 10 Patient_ID = `ZZ0123'; 11 11 ER_Patient := New_Patient; 12 12 dbms_output.put_line(`ER_Patient.Body_Temp_Deg_F: ` ||