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If a PL/SQL program doesn't close a cursor, Oracle closes the cursor when the subprogram disconnects from the Oracle database, either by terminating or by performing a DISCONNECT. Closing a cursor is straightforward:
close get_instructors;
Listing 11.20 shows you how to supply a different set of parameter values to a cursor by closing the cursor, changing the parameter values, and reopening the cursor. It uses the patients_with_hypertension cursor to illustrate this process. First, the cursor is opened with age set to 50 and normal_dyastolic set to 80 (line 14). The rows are fetched in a loop (line 16), and the cursor is closed. Next, the cursor is reopened with age equal to 40 and normal_dyastolic set at 70 (line 22). The rows are fetched in a loop with different results.
Listing 11.20. Changing a cursor's arguments by closing and reopening the cursor.
SQL> declare 2 2 Patient_ID Patient.Patient_ID%type; 3 Age Patient.Age%type; 4 Dyastolic Patient.Dyastolic%type; 5 5 cursor patients_with_hypertension 6 (patient_age number, 7 normal_dyastolic number) is 8 select patient_id, age, dyastolic 9 from patient 10 where 11 dyastolic > normal_dyastolic * (age+200)/200; 12 12 begin 13 13 dbms_output.enable; 14 14 open patients_with_hypertension (50, 80); 15 15 loop 16 16 fetch patients_with_hypertension 17 into Patient_ID, Age, Dyastolic; 18 exit when patients_with_hypertension%notfound; 19 19 dbms_output.put_line(`With age=50, dyas=80: ` || Patient_ID); 20 20 end loop; 21 21 close patients_with_hypertension; 22 22 open patients_with_hypertension (40, 70); 23 23 loop
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Listing 11.20. continued
24 24 fetch patients_with_hypertension 25 into Patient_ID, Age, Dyastolic; 26 exit when patients_with_hypertension%notfound; 27 27 dbms_output.put_line(`With age=40, dyas=70: ` || Patient_ID); 28 28 end loop; 29 29 close patients_with_hypertension; 30 30 end; 31 / With age=50, dyas=80: N3393 With age=40, dyas=70: A2002 With age=40, dyas=70: N3393 With age=40, dyas=70: E3893 PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
As an alternative to opening, fetching, and closing a cursor, Oracle furnishes another approachthe cursor FOR loop. With the cursor FOR loop, Oracle implicitly declares a variablethe loop indexthat is of the same record type as the cursor's record, as shown in Listing 11.21.
Listing 11.21. Using a cursor FOR loop.
SQL> declare 2 2 Instructor_ID Instructor.Instructor_ID%type; 3 Last_Name Instructor.Last_Name%type; 4 First_Name Instructor.First_Name%type; 5 5 cursor Get_Associate_Profs is 6 select Instructor_ID, Last_Name, First_Name 7 from Instructor 8 where Position = `ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR' 9 order by Instructor_ID; 10 10 begin 11 11 dbms_output.enable; 12 12 for Get_Associate_Profs_Rec in Get_Associate_Profs loop 13 13 dbms_output.put_line(`Last name: ` || ÂGet_Associate_Profs_Rec.Last_Name);
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14 14 end loop; 15 15 end; 16 / Last name: NILAND Last name: DANIELS Last name: RESTON Last name: JASON Last name: ANGELO Last name: CHERNOW Last name: YOUNG PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
The name that follows FOR is the loop index that is implicitly declared. However, Listing 11.22 demonstrates that you can't reference the loop indexGet_Associate_Profs_Recoutside of the loop statement.
Listing 11.22. Oracle returns an error when the cursor loop index is referenced outside of loop.
SQL> declare 2 2 Instructor_ID Instructor.Instructor_ID%type; 3 Last_Name Instructor.Last_Name%type; 4 First_Name Instructor.First_Name%type; 5 5 cursor Get_Associate_Profs is 6 select Instructor_ID, Last_Name, First_Name 7 from Instructor 8 where Position = `ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR' 9 order by Instructor_ID; 10 10 begin 11 11 dbms_output.enable; 12 12 for Get_Associate_Profs_Rec in Get_Associate_Profs loop 13 13 dbms_output.put_line(`Last name: ` || ÂGet_Associate_Profs_Rec.Last_Name); 14 14 end loop; 15 15 Last_Name := Get_Associate_Profs_Rec.Last_Name; 16 16 end; 17 /
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Listing 11.22. continued
declare * ERROR at line 1: ORA-06550: line 15, column 14: PLS-00201: identifier `GET_ASSOCIATE_PROFS_REC.LAST_NAME' must be declared ORA-06550: line 15, column 1: PL/SQL: Statement ignored
The previous examples used the %NOTFOUND attribute to determine whether a FETCH statement retrieved a row. When all of the rows in the active set have been fetched and the last FETCH statement fails to retrieve a row, %NOTFOUND evaluates to TRUE.
Before the FETCH statement is invoked, %NOTFOUND returns a NULL. If your PL/SQL program has a loop in which the FETCH statement might not be called, you should consider testing for the condition of %NOTFOUND evaluating to NULL. |
You don't need a counter to keep track of the number of rows that are fetched from a cursor. Instead, reference the cursor's %ROWCOUNT attribute. As you can see in line 13 in Listing 11.23, %ROWCOUNT returns the running count of the rows that have been fetched.
Listing 11.23. Using %ROWCOUNT to determine the number of rows fetched from a cursor.
SQL> declare 2 2 Instructor_ID Instructor.Instructor_ID%type; 3 Last_Name Instructor.Last_Name%type; 4 First_Name Instructor.First_Name%type; 5 5 cursor Get_Associate_Profs is 6 select Instructor_ID, Last_Name, First_Name 7 from Instructor
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8 where Position = `ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR' 9 order by Instructor_ID; 10 10 begin 11 11 dbms_output.enable; 12 12 for Get_Associate_Profs_Rec in Get_Associate_Profs loop 13 13 dbms_output.put_line (`Rowcount: ` || ÂGet_Associate_Profs%rowcount); 14 14 end loop; 15 15 end; 16 / Rowcount: 1 Rowcount: 2 Rowcount: 3 Rowcount: 4 Rowcount: 5 Rowcount: 6 Rowcount: 7 PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
Instead of exiting a loop when there are no more rows in the cursor, Listing 11.24 demonstrates how you can specify an exit condition when a specified %ROWCOUNT is achieved (see line 13).
Listing 11.24. Exiting a cursor loop after a specified number of rows are fetched.
SQL> declare 2 2 Instructor_ID Instructor.Instructor_ID%type; 3 Last_Name Instructor.Last_Name%type; 4 First_Name Instructor.First_Name%type; 5 5 cursor Get_Associate_Profs is 6 select Instructor_ID, Last_Name, First_Name 7 from Instructor 8 where Position = `ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR' 9 order by Instructor_ID; 10 10 begin 11 11 dbms_output.enable; 12 12 for Get_Associate_Profs_Rec in Get_Associate_Profs loop 13