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Page 402
Q Does Oracle Forms support the use of global variables?
A Yes. You can use global variables to store character strings up to 255
characters long. You don't declare a global variable; it is implicitly declared when you
initially assign a value to it as in:
:GLOBAL.Instructor_ID := `A1234';
The purpose of the Workshop is to allow you to test your knowledge of the material
discussed in the lesson. See if you can correctly answer the questions in the quiz and complete
the exercises before you continue with tomorrow's lesson.
- True or false? An item-level trigger in one block cannot refer to items in a
different block.
- How are block items referenced in a trigger?
- If you create an item-level trigger to validate user input, what exception should
be raised if the user enters an invalid value?
- Modify the Instructor form so that it has the same width and height as
the MDI_Frame form.
- Create a menu item for the Browse menu that will invoke a form that
displays Instructors in a tabular format, ordered by Instructor last name, first name,
and middle initial.
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