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Page 599

Listing 23.10. Qualifying an attribute with the name of the object column.

SQLWKS> select Location.Building, Location.Room from Seminar;
-------------------- ------
NARROW HALL          B200
1 row selected.

Nested Tables

Oracle8 also supports the use of nested tables. Suppose you create an object datatype called Test_Score which is designed to store a student's ID and a score on a particular test (see Listing 23.11). You can also create another datatype called Test_Score_Table which is a table based on the Test_Score datatype. Finally, you can use the Test_Score_Table datatype to specify a column's datatype when you create or alter a table.

Listing 23.11. Creating a table that contains a nested table column.

SQLWKS> create type Test_Score as object (
     2> Student_ID  varchar2(6),
     3> Score       number);
Statement processed.

SQLWKS> create type Test_Score_Table as table of Test_Score;
Statement processed.
SQLWKS> create table Test_Results (
     2> Instructor_ID    varchar2(6),
     3> Class_ID         varchar2(6),
     4> Test_Name        varchar2(30),
     5> Scores           Test_Score_Table)
     6> nested table Scores store as Test_Scores;
Statement processed.
The last SQL statement in Listing 23.11 is a CREATE TABLE statement. When you create a table that contains a column that is a nested table, you must specify a storage table that is identified for the nested table.

When you specify a set of values for a nested table in a DML statement, you must specify the constructor method for the nested table datatype, and, as arguments to that constructor method, you can specify the constructor method for the datatype on which the nested table datatype is based. Listing 23.12 presents an example; a single row is inserted in the Test_Results table. Even though a single row is inserted in the Test_Results table, three test scores are stored in the column Scores, which is a nested table.

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Listing 23.12. Inserting a row into a table which contains a nested table column.

SQLWKS> insert into Test_Results
     2> (Instructor_ID, Class_ID, Test_Name, Scores)
     3> values
     4> (`E101', `123456', `Final exam',
     5>  Test_Score_Table
     6>  (Test_Score (`A12345', 98),
     7>   Test_Score (`E13111', 87),
     8>   Test_Score (`F13999', 84)));
1 row processed.
On line 5, the constructor method for the nested table type Test_Score_Table is specified. On lines 6, 7, and 8, the constructor method for Test_Score is specified with each set of attribute values.

The VARRAY Datatype

A new datatype available in Oracle8 is the VARYING ARRAY or VARRAY. This datatype represents an ordered set of elements of the same datatype.

Here's a simplified version of the VARRAY syntax:

CREATE TYPE type_name  as VARRAY (limit) of datatype;

The variables are defined as follows:

type_name is the name of the VARRAY type to be created.

limit is the maximum number of elements in the array.

datatype is either a predefined or user-defined datatype.

The VARRAY limit must be an integer literal; you cannot use an expression to specify the limit. As you can see in Listing 23.13, once a VARRAY type is declared, it can be used as the datatype for a column.

Listing 23.13. Creating a table that contains a VARRAY column.

SQL> create type Available_Rooms as varray (100) of Available_Room;

Type created.

SQL> create table Class_Scheduling (
  2  Administrator_ID  varchar2(6),
  3  Semester          varchar2(6),
  4  Year              number,
  5  Room_Assignments  Available_Rooms);

Table created.

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Let's look at how you specify values for a VARRAY column in an INSERT statement. If you want to specify a null value for the VARRAY column, you can specify the constructor method for the VARRAY datatype with a NULL argument (see Listing 23.14).

Listing 23.14. Specifying a null value for a VARRAY column in an INSERT.

SQL> insert into Class_Scheduling
   2  (Administrator_ID, Semester, Year, Room_Assignments)
  3  values
   4  (`101', `FALL', `1998', Available_Rooms(NULL));

1 row created.

If you want to specify a value for an object column in a DML statement, you must specify the constructor method for the base object type enclosed within the constructor method for the VARRAY type. For example, Listing 23.15 contains an INSERT statement that attempts to store an available room in the column Room_Assignments. Oracle rejects the first INSERT statement because Available_Rooms is a VARRAY. The second INSERT statement uses the constructor method for Available_Room enclosed within the constructor method for Available_Rooms.

Listing 23.15. Specifying a value for a VARRAY column in an INSERT.

SQL> insert into Class_Scheduling
   2  (Administrator_ID, Semester, Year, Room_Assignments)
  3  values
   4  (`101', `FALL', `1998', Available_Rooms(`FLUGLE HALL', 100));
 (`101', `FALL', `1998', Available_Rooms(`FLUGLE HALL', 100))
ERROR at line 4:
ORA-00932: inconsistent datatypes

SQL> insert into Class_Scheduling
  2  (Administrator_ID, Semester, Year, Room_Assignments)
  3  values
  4  (`101', `FALL', `1998',
  5  Available_Rooms(Available_Room(`FLUGLE_HALL', `100')));

1 row created.

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Data Dictionary Views for User-Defined Types

To help the user inspect user-defined types, Oracle8 includes some new data dictionary views:

Listing 23.16 contains a description of the columns returned by USER_TYPES and a sample query against USER_TYPES.

Many of the Oracle data dictionary views are categorized as USER_, ALL_, and DBA_. Those views that begin with USER provide information on the applicable objects owned by the user who is querying that data dictionary view. Those views that begin with ALL provide information on all applicable objects that the user who is querying that data dictionary view has the privilege to see. Finally, those views that begin with DBA provide information on all applicable objects in the database. Although this section discusses only the USER_TYPES and USER_TYPE_ATTRS data dictionary views, the Oracle8 server also provides four other related data dictionary views: ALL_TYPES, ALL_TYPE_ATTRS, DBA_TYPES, and DBA_TYPE_ATTRS.

Listing 23.16. Looking at the contents of USER_TYPES.

Column Name                    Null?    Type
------------------------------ -------- ----
TYPE_NAME                      NOT NULL VARCHAR2(30)
TYPE_OID                       NOT NULL RAW(16)
TYPECODE                                VARCHAR2(30)
ATTRIBUTES                              NUMBER
METHODS                                 NUMBER
PREDEFINED                              VARCHAR2(3)
INCOMPLETE                              VARCHAR2(3)

SQLWKS> select type_name, typecode, attributes, methods from user_types;
TYPE_NAME                      TYPECODE           ATTRIBUTES METHODS
------------------------------ ------------------ ---------- ----------
AVAILABLE_ROOM                 OBJECT                      2          0
AVAILABLE_ROOMS                COLLECTION                  0          0
CLASS_PRESIDENTS               COLLECTION                  0          0

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