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Long ago, Sybase and Microsoft were friends. They developed SQL Server together. It was good. Somewhere along the line, around version 4.x of both Sybases and Microsofts SQL Servers, they agreed to disagree. Each side took the SQL Server code base and went its separate way. Sybase released System 10 and then System 11. Microsoft released v6.0 and then v6.5. As time goes on, these two products become more and more different.
Microsoft has added and implemented more neat stuff to its version of SQL. Microsoft has implemented parts of the ANSI SQL-92 standard that Sybase hasnt. Sybase has done a little of that, but has taken a more administrative focus on its product. Enhancements to Sybase are largely in the area of better performance for Very Large Databases, ways to fragment a heap table, and so on. So, the two kingdoms each provided a recipe to their respective magicians, and those magicians took two separate paths in the Black Art of Database Engine Development.
But enough about history.
SQL Server is a relational database management system, also called (by our acronym-loving business) an RDBMS. Relational refers to the relationships between tables of data in a system. If you have two tablesone containing customer data and one containing sales datathere needs to be a way to relate these tables to one another. This is usually accomplished by expressing the relationships of a field in one table to a field in the other. For these two tables, there would likely be a customer number in invoices, and a customer number in customers.
In relational systems, there is no particular order to the position of rows in a table. Unlike dBASE, there are no row numbers associated with the data. There is no first and last row unless you ask the server to return a sorted list. (Youll learn all about how to do this shortly.) Think of a table as a big cloud of data; then think of SQL as a way to pull chaos from the cloud and impose order upon it.
Both Sybase and Microsoft use Transact-SQL as the method for manipulating data in their database systems. As I mentioned earlier, they have each added new extensions to the dialect since their divorce. The examples in this book assume you are running on an MS SQL Server. If you have a Sybase server and want to try the examples, most will work, but a few wont. The basics are all the same: SELECT, FROM, ORDER BY, and all the stuff youll learn in the first week will be the same on either server and for most other SQL databases (Watcoms SQL Anywhere, Oracle, and so on). However, if you really want to run all the examples and go through the workshops, youre probably better off using our Web interface, which Ill talk about in just a moment.
Anyone who needs data from a SQL Server uses SQL. There is no other way to get the data. Sometimes, a program will generate the SQL code for you, behind the scenes. Youre still using SQL, though.
Who needs to learn SQL? People who need to get data from a SQL Server and need to directly play with the data in real time need to learn SQL. These folks can use SQL to get different pictures of their data: sort it this way, include these rows, exclude this column, and capitalize those words. Lots of executives who need to make data-driven decisions are using SQL to get what they need. If there is a large amount of data, it usually doesnt make sense to copy it all into Excel so that you can run what-ifs. Instead, they can use SQL to make the server do all the hard work.
More commonly, application programmers are using SQL. If you are an application programmer (as I am), you may have found yourself working on a project in which you need to write SQL code to get information from a database. For you, SQL is another language in a long list that you will learn. I remember seeing a statistic in one of the many trade journals that crosses my desk. It said that in 1996, 55 percent of new application development included a database component. In contrast, project managers planned 75 percent of their projects for 1997 to include database support. Since the vast majority of the serious databases today use SQL, learning it is an important step along your never-ending path of staying current.
Finally, with all those databases out there, there must be administrators to support them. If youre planning to be a database administrator, it is a great field with a bright future. This book will introduce you to SQLa language youll want to master.
Users who need access to their data, as well as the ability to flexibly view that data in different ways, use SQL.
More often, however, application programmers are being called upon to develop systems that support these users in a less flexible way. SQL is used inside application programs to hard-code ways of looking at data. Frequently, it is used in programs to create a powerful, multiuser data entry system. What you get in programs is really two separate languages working together: a C library (or a VB interface to a DLL written in C, or a PowerBuilder interface, and so on) to interact with the server, which sends the server SQL commands. The SQL commands are checked for syntax, compiled, and executed at the server; then the output of these SQL programs is sent back to the C program.
SQL is also used to access databases from database-enabled Web pages. New products have flooded the market, from the SQL-oriented, open-ended Java Database Connectivity kit to products such as Cold Fusion. If you want to get involved with this stuff, youll need at least a passing knowledge of SQL.
Now, without further delay, lets really get started. This next section explains how to get connected and ready to run the exercises.
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