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The inequality operators are especially useful for searching dates. When a date is inserted into a table, the complete value of the column includes the date plus the time. If no time is specified, a default time of midnight is used.
Consider the rows in the sales table shown in Table 3.3.
invoice_num | saledate | amount |
1 | 11/19/96 5:00:00.000PM | $135.16 |
2 | 11/19/96 7:13:41.013PM | $19.61 |
3 | 11/20/96 9:15:00.000AM | $344.82 |
If you asked for all the sales made on November 19, your first attempt at a query might look something like this:
select * from sales where saledate = 11/19/96'
invoice_num saledate amount ----------- -------- ------ (0 row(s) affected)Surprised? You have two rows in your table from November 19, but neither of them made it to the result set. What happened?
Datetime columns always contain a value for the date and the time. Because no time was specified in your WHERE clause, the date in the WHERE clause expands to 11/19/96 12:00:00.000AM. No sales were made at precisely midnight, so no rows are returned.
How can you overcome this? Use the inequality operators. To get all the sales made on November 19, use this query:
select * from sales where saledate >= 11/19/96' and saledate < 11/2096'
invoice_no saledate amount 1 Nov 19 1996 5:00PM $135.16 2 Nov 19 1996 7:13PM $19.61 (2 row(s) affected)All rows that had a datetime value between November 19, midnight, and November 20, midnight, are included in the result set. Notice that a >= symbol is used for the 19th in order to include sales that might have occurred at precisely midnight, and < is used for the 20th to get everything up to but not including midnight on the next day.
In the pubs database, there are three tables with datetime columns. The sales and employee tables always use midnight as times, and the titles table uses midnight for all but two books. If the datetime column in a table always uses midnight for a date, use of inequality operators isnt necessary when querying the table; searching for 11/19/96 will find the November 19 midnight values. Keep this in mind if you build a table that accepts datetime values.
Here is the syntax for the WHERE predicate as it applies to the binary operators in Table 3.1:
select <column list> from <table list> where (<column | constant> <operator> <column | constant>) <AND | OR> (<column | constant> <operator> <column | constant>) ( )
T-SQL includes the BETWEEN keyword to allow a search for a range of values. If I wanted to search through the employee table to find all the employees who were hired in the year 1991, I could use this next query:
select fname, lname, hire_date from employee where hire_date between 01/01/91' and 01/01/92' order by hire_date
fname lname hire_date --------------- ----------------- ------------------- Lesley Brown Feb 13 1991 12:00AM Sven Ottlieb Apr 5 1991 12:00AM Janine Labrune May 26 1991 12:00AM Ann Devon Jul 16 1991 12:00AM Roland Mendel Sep 5 1991 12:00AM Aria Cruz Oct 26 1991 12:00AM Diego Roel Dec 16 1991 12:00AM (7 row(s) affected)I want to discuss two parts of this example. First, the BETWEEN: Any dates that came between the first date, January 1, 1991, and the second date, January 1, 1992, are included in the results. If someone had been hired on precisely January 1, 1992, at midnight, they would have been included in this result set, so the query, although it gave me the answer I wanted, isnt perfect. The BETWEEN is inclusive, meaning that the values specified in the BETWEEN, if they exist, will be returned in the result set. (It wouldnt be terribly surprising to find someone was hired at midnight, if the users inserting into the table are providing dates without times.)
I also used an ORDER BY to order the result set. You learned all about ORDER BY yesterday. The WHERE and ORDER BY predicates can work together to first select a subset of rows (the WHERE) and then sort those rows (the ORDER BY). When you specify multiple predicates in a SELECT, the order is important: SELECT with its column list is always first, followed by the FROM list, and then the WHERE conditions, all of which always come before ORDER BY.
Technical Note: When the server receives a query that uses BETWEEN, the optimizer (the part of the server that decides the best way to resolve your query) changes the BETWEEN into two WHERE expressions joined by an AND. For example, the query in the previous example becomes this:select fname, lname, hire_date from employee where hire_date >=01/01/91' and hire_date <= 01/01/92' order by hire_date
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