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There are three levels of security in SQL Server: a login level, a database level, and an object level. A login is used to gain entry to the server, for which you need a login name and password. This login name can be retrieved by asking for USER_NAME. To gain entry to a database, there is database-level security. In order to access a database, your login must be added to a databases system table. Identification between logins and databases may differ. I could log in as BMcEwan, but when I use the SALES database, I might use it as TECHNICIAN52.
One special user name in a database is dbo, which is short for database owner. Because I own the pubs database on my MS SQL Server, when I use it, my username is dbo. I am logged in as the system administrator, a special login called sa. So, when I use these two functions on my system, heres what I get:
select user_name(), suser_name()
------------------------------ ------------------------------ dbo sa
Try these commands on your server to see what results you receive.
These functions are frequently used in stored procedures to test access privileges. If you had written a stored procedure that was for use only by the owner of the database, at the top of the procedure, test the USER_NAME to see if it is dbo. If it isnt, you could print an error message. This is better than allowing a procedure to proceed and then aborting with a hard server error because the user running the procedure does not have access to the appropriate tables.
System Tables
The server keeps track of all critical information, such as disk space allocations, database names, index names, and so on, using its own mechanism for storing data. SQL Server tracks all this stuff in system tables, sometimes referred to as a data dictionary.
Table 4.4 lists some system tables that contain information useful to a user of T-SQL.
Table Name | Contents | |
These tables are in all databases | ||
sysobjects | Information on objects such as tables and procedures | |
sysindexes | Information on indexes | |
syscolumns | Information on each column in a table, usually a large table | |
sysusers | User information for this database | |
These tables are only in the master database | ||
sysdatabases | Database information | |
syslogins | Login names, encrypted passwords | |
syslocks | Tracks object locks (see Day 13) | |
sysmessages | Contains all error messages | |
The sysobjects table is especially interesting, because the names and ID numbers of all SQL Server objects are tracked there. If I wanted the names of all user tables in the pubs database, I would use this query:
select name, id from sysobjects where type = U
name id ----------------------- ---------- authors 16003088 discounts 544004969 employee 752005710 jobs 592005140 pub_info 688005482 publishers 112003430 roysched 496004798 sales 416004513 stores 368004342 titleauthor 288004057 titles 192003715
The name column contains the familiar name of the table. The id column contains the system-generated identification number for the table. The type column contains one or two letters, uppercase (dont search for lowercase letters there, because you will get no rows), to indicate the object type. Object types include TR for trigger, U for user table, S for system table, P for procedure, and so on.
These complimentary functions operate on the object names and IDs you saw in the last example. To get the ID of an object, request its OBJECT_ID(), and to get the name of an object based on its ID, ask for the object name:
select object_id(titles), object_name(192003715)
----------- ----------------------------- 192003715 titles
These functions are especially useful in examining locking behavior, which is covered on Day 14.
COL_LENGTH(<table>, <column>)
DATALENGTH reports the actual length of the data contained in a particular expression. COL_LENGTH, however, reports the defined (maximum) length of a column. For fixed-width columns, these numbers will be the same. COL_LENGTH is a little peculiar in that it doesnt truly operate on a column as the DATALENGTH() function does. All the COL_LENGTH function does is go to the syscolumns table to discover its information. Also note that the arguments to COL_LENGTH must be enclosed in quotes, which is different from the other functions. Here is an example from the titles table:
select title_id, col_length(titles, title) maxlength, datalength(title) truelength from titles order by ruelength
title_id maxlength truelength -------- --------- --------- PC9999 80 13 TC7777 80 14 PS2106 80 17 PS2091 80 19 MC3021 80 21 PC1035 80 24 PC8888 80 25 BU7832 80 29 BU2075 80 31 MC2222 80 33 MC3026 80 34 BU1032 80 35 PS7777 80 35 TC4203 80 41 PS3333 80 45 BU1111 80 52 PS1372 80 63 TC3218 80 63
Today you learned how to manipulate data using operators, math functions, string functions, and system functions. These techniques will serve you well throughout the rest of the course and throughout your career with Transact-SQL.
You learned how to manipulate and search date values. You explored the use of CONVERT() to change the data type of a value from one type to another, and to format dates in different ways.
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