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The ISNULL() function permits a way to include null values in aggregate calculations. It takes two arguments. Here is the syntax for ISNULL():
isnull(<expression>, <value>)
The first argument is the expression on which the calculation will be performed, usually a column. The second argument is the value that will replace a null. If the expression evaluates to null, the second parameter is returned by this function. If the expression resolves to anything else, the expression is returned.
The following query demonstrates the effect of isnull() on the titles table:
select title_id, price, isnull(price, $35) from titles order by price
title_id price Suggested Price -------- --------------------- -------------- MC3026 (null) 35.00 PC9999 (null) 35.00 BU2075 2.99 2.99 MC3021 2.99 2.99 PS2106 7.00 7.00 PS7777 7.99 7.99 PS2091 10.95 10.95 BU1111 11.95 11.95 TC4203 11.95 11.95 TC7777 14.99 14.99 BU1032 19.99 19.99 BU7832 19.99 19.99 MC2222 19.99 19.99 PS3333 19.99 19.99 PC8888 20.00 20.00 TC3218 20.95 20.95 PS1372 21.59 21.59 PC1035 22.95 22.95 (18 row(s) affected)
There are two books in the titles table with null in their price column. When isnull() evaluates those columns, it returns $35 for the third column in the result set. For the other columns, it simply returns the value of the column.
You can use isnull inside an aggregate. If you want to know the average price of a book, you just ask for the AVG(price) on the titles table. But two books have been excluded from the average calculation. Suppose you know that these two books will be priced at either $25 or $30. Youre interested to know how this affects the average price of all of the books:
select avg( isnull( price, $25 ) ) Expensive, avg( isnull( price, $30 ) ) Gouging from titles
Expensive Gouging -------------- -------------- 15.90 16.46
In the first column, both books with null prices are assumed to be $25. The average price is then calculated, and this time the null priced books can finally be a part of the calculation. The second column has a higher price average because the null priced books are assumed to be $30.
The ISNULL function doesnt change the value of the row in the table; it only assumes a value for the purposes of a single query.
Today you learned a lot about aggregates. There are five aggregates: SUM, AVG, COUNT, MIN, and MAX. Null values are not included in aggregate calculations. The ISNULL function can be used to assume a value for null rows. Aggregates are calculated based on the expression inside their parentheses. Any expression can be used, from a simple column to complex calculations based on one or many columns.
Tomorrow, you will explore grouping with the GROUP BY clause and how that affects aggregates.
Q Because the rowcount coming back from an aggregate is always one, is there any other way to determine on how many columns the aggregate acted?
A The best way is to perform a count(<column>) in addition to your other aggregates. This will return the number of columns that passed the WHERE test and are not nullthe same set of columns upon which any other aggregates in the query will have acted.
Q If the server wont convert my datatype to hold fractions, what happens when I get the sum of something too big to be held?
A Suppose that you have a table of tinyints. The max value for a tinyint is 255. If the sum is, say, 400, the server is smart enough to promote the datatype to an integer. It skips right over smallint. In short, you dont have to worry about datatype conversion during sums.
The Workshop provides quiz questions to help you solidify your understanding of the material covered, as well as exercises to provide you with experience in using what youve learned. Try to understand the quiz and exercise answers before continuing on to the next days lesson. Answers are provided in the appendix.
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