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UNION and the View
Prior to SQL Server v6.5, the UNION keyword was not allowed in a view. UNION allows the combination, in a single result set, of the results from multiple SELECT statements. This query shows author last names and employee last names sorted together:
select au_lname from authors union select lname from employee order by au_lname
au_lname -------------------- Accorti Afonso Ashworth Bennet Bennett [ ] (64 row(s) affected)
All last names from employees are listed together with last names from authors. All of the names are ordered. To order a unioned result set, list the ORDER BY last, and specify the column name from the first SELECT.
You can combine multiple result sets with several UNIONs. The result sets that each SELECT returns must be composed of the same number of columns, and those columns must return compatible data types.
Now, in 6.5, a view with a UNION opens up some powerful opportunities. It is especially useful in data warehousing operations. Consider this possibility: you have four databases, one for each factory your company runs, named chicago, newyork, detroit, and troy. Each of the databases contains identical table structures, and data relevant to each factory.
You want to get the sum of units produced for October. Operating on just the base tables, in each of the databases you would have to run a query like this:
select sum(qty) from production where prod_date >= 10/01/96 and prod_date < 11/01/96
Then, you would need to take the four results and add them together yourself.
Instead, you could create a view like this one, which combines the data from the production tables in all four databases:
create view allproduction as select * from chicago..production union select * from newyork..production union select * from detroit..production union select * from troy..production
You now have a view that combines the data from all production tables in all four databases. You can use this view to calculate aggregates, like the query you saw earlier in this section, or to run any other kind of query against. You can select from this view and order the results, interspersing all factories data together in a single report.
Conditional Views
Ill create two views in this section. Both views will be based on a mythical sales table, not related to the pubs database. Table 10.3 shows the table definition.
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
sal_id | int identity | Primary key for the sales table |
cust_id | int not null | Foreign key to the customer table (not pictured here) |
uid | smallint not null | SQL Server User ID of salesman responsible for this sale |
sal_date | smalldatetime not null | Date this sale was made |
amt | smallmoney null | Total amount of the sale |
In case you were wondering, the individual items for my mythical database would be tracked in a salesdetail table, composed of one row for each item, with a foreign key to sales on sal_id. Here is the creation statement used to build the table:
create table sales( sal_id int identity(1,1), cust_id int not null, uid smallint not null default user_id(CURRENT_USER), sal_date smalldatetime not null default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, amt smallmoney null)
To insert into the table, there is an order entry application program that salesmen use. The salesman provides the customer and selects items for purchase. When hes done taking the order, he submits the order.
The application program prepares INSERT statements for customer, salesdetail, and the sales table. Here is a sample INSERT statement for sales:
insert sales (cust_id, amt) values(112, $206.94)
When this INSERT runs, the following data will be inserted into the sales table:
sal_id cust_id uid sal_date amt --------- ----------- ------ ------------------- -------- 2066 112 5 Dec 20 1996 3:22PM 206.94
For the unspecified columns, here are the values they receive: sal_id gets an identity value inserted, uid has the current salesmans user ID inserted, and the sal_date is provided by a call to CURRENT_TIMESTAMP.
Now, the point of this exercise: to create a view so that a database user sees only rows for sales he made, and to create a view that returns rows based on the value of uid:
create view salesman as select sal_id, cust_id, sal_date, amt from sales where uid = user_id() with check option
The salesmen will not have any use for seeing their SQL Server user IDs, so this column is omitted from the view. Although they might not use the sal_id identity column, the order-entry application program might want that information. The program may keep it hidden but use the information to get rows from the salesdetail table.
The WITH CHECK OPTION is used to ensure that a salesman not be allowed to update or delete another users data. Although the current application may not directly alter the table, the far-sighted administrator creating this view knew that other, as yet unwritten, programs might use the view to alter the base tables.
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