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Throughout this chapter, we are going to develop a procedure that returns the price of a title, based on its title_id. At the core of the procedure is a simple SELECT statement:
select price from titles where title_id = PS2091
If you execute the statement by itself (not as a procedure), you get this output:
title_id price -------- -------------------------- PS2091 10.95 (1 row(s) affected)
Lets write the procedure using the CREATE PROCEDURE statement. Procedures are objects, so the procedure will require a name. The name must be unique among all objects in the database (so a procedure cant have the same name as a table or view it accesses).
Tip: You need to develop useful naming standards for procedures and then stick with them. Here are some suggestions for standards from the dozens Ive come across over the years.Have a procedure identifier at the start of the name, as in the following examples:
- prTitlePrice
- pGetPrice
- pr_getprice
Use lower- and uppercase characters in a consistent way. If a new word should start with an uppercase letter, do so everywhere.
If you plan to use a verb in the procedure name (get, add), use that verb in the same way every time. Dont start with get, use return, select, and find.
Well use pr_getprice for the name of the procedure. Here is the batch to create the procedure:
create proc pr_getprice as select price from titles where title_id = PS2091 return
This command did not return data, and it did not return any rows
First, lets look at the procedure itself.
create proc pr_getprice as
In the procedure creation, you can use the words proc and procedure interchangeably. After the name, you indicate that the actual batch of statements follows with the keyword AS.
select price from titles where title_id = PS2091
This is the original query:
A RETURN statement is optional at the end of a procedure, but its strongly recommended. In the section titled Procedure Return Status, you will see how you can use the RETURN statement to let a calling program know whether the procedure worked properly.
Heres the syntax for the basic version of the CREATE PROCEDURE statement youve seen so far.
create proc[edure] <procedure-name> as <SQL statements> return
What about the output? SQL Server responds in the same way to all CREATE statements: total silence. No procedure created or attaboys here.
Note: Its even more bizarre in the command-line program, isql, than in windowing environments. Heres a transcript of an isql session for a user creating the same procedure. (The numbers along the left side are line numbers from the program prompting the user to enter the next statement in the batch. The keyword GO is used to execute the query.)C:\TEMP\sql>isql -Usa -P -Sautolukos 1> use pubs 2> go 1> create proc pr_getprice 2> as 3> select price 4> from titles 5> where title_id = PS2091 6> return 7> go 1>The 1> on the last line means that the batch has executed and isql is ready for the next batch. The lack of an error message means that your procedure creation worked. In SQL Server, no news is good news.
You may want to check to make sure that your procedure was really created. You can use SQL Enterprise Manager to see whether it appears in a list of procedures in the database, but if you dont have SQL-EM, you may want to use a system procedure instead.
Information from sp_help
sp_help pr_getprice
Name Owner Type When_created ------------------ -------- ------------------ ------------------------ pr_getprice dbo stored procedure Dec 17 1996 3:38PM
(I had to trim the output again. The columns were way too wide to fit the width of the book.)
This procedure reports that a stored procedure named pr_getprice was created by the dbo on December 17, 1996.
Note: dbo is a reserved name assigned to the owner of a database.
Information from sysobjects
Because a procedure is an object, you can also find it in sysobjects:
select name, id, type from syscolumns where name = pr_getprice
name id type ------------------------------ ---------- ---- pr_getprice 1024006679 P
SQL Server assigned a unique id to my procedure. (The id value you get may be different.) All procedures have the type P.
Information from sp_helptext
The system procedure, sp_helptext, returns the original code used to generate the stored procedure:
sp_helptext pr_getprice
text ---------------------------------------------------------------------- create proc pr_getprice as select price from titles where title_id = PS2091 return
Tip: The text returned by sp_helptext is seldom formatted as neatly or correctly as this example. In fact, more often than not, it will take you a few minutes or more to fix a procedure if you count on this text. The problem is that SQL Server stores the text of a procedure in a sequence of 255-byte varchar columns, breaking the text up without regard to whether that break point falls in the middle of a word.Whats more, you can create a procedure WITH ENCRYPTION, which prevents the server from storing the original source code at all. In this case, there is no source code to turn to.
To save yourself a lot of grief and to make life better, save the script of stored procedures, triggers, views, table creations, and just about every other thing you do in separate script files on a file system that you back up regularly. This will save your trying to reconstruct (or worse, remember!) a vital stored procedure.
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