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Weve explored the capabilities of triggers, so now its appropriate to look at more complete examples. Ill provide CREATE TABLE statements so that you can set up the example, as well as the trigger itself. Try creating the trigger and then modifying it to display the contents of inserted and deleted tables or to change the way it works.
Ill provide three examples. The code should be a good starting point for you when you are writing your own triggers. Programming is at least 95 percent creative plagiarism, so feel free to copy liberally. (Theres a rumor that the first trigger programmer ever plagiarized his code, too, but were still trying to figure out where he got it.)
You learned about referential integrity on Day 7. Declarative referential integrity (DRI) constraints allow SQL Server to manage standard referential integrity, in which the server blocks any operation that violates referential integrity.
For example, in the relationship between titles and sales, if you were to delete a title with related rows in sales, a DRI constraint on sales would reject the deletion and return an error. In many circumstances, the standard DRI behavior is exactly whats called for. However, if you had a very large database of archived sales, you might want to allow the deletion of a row in titles if the book had not sold in, say, 12 months, or if it had gone out of print.
The tricky thing is, you have to delete all the related sales rows or you would end up with a table that violated referential integrity (foreign keys referencing non-existent primary keys). Thats where the trigger comes in. This trigger cascades the delete from the titles table to the sales table.
A cascaded delete is a delete that moves down a chain of dependent tables, from a primary key to a set of foreign keys.
Table Creation Statements
To make this work, we need quick copies of the sales and titles tables:
select * into my_titles from pubs..titles select * into my_sales from pubs..sales
Now, dont blow it and add a DRI constraint between these tables! If you do, the DRI constraint will block the delete in my_titles long before the trigger gets hold of it, so our trigger will never fire.
Trigger Code
The next step is to figure out which table the trigger goes on. Thats easy if you think about the statement that will cause it to fire:
delete my_titles where title_id =
The trigger needs to be on my_titles for delete.
create trigger tr_my_titles_d_1 on my_titles for delete as if @@rowcount = 0 return if exists ( select * from deleted d join my_sales s on d.title_id = s.title_id where datediff(dd, ord_date, getdate()) < 365) begin raiserror (Current sales exist: delete failed, 16, 1) rollback tran return end delete my_sales from deleted d where d.title_id = my_sales.title_id if @@error <> 0 begin raiserror (Trigger failed to delete related rows in sales table, 16, 1) rollback transaction return end return
The first step is to make sure that there are rows affected.
if @@rowcount = 0 return
If no rows were affected by the DELETE statement, you exit quickly to release any locks that might be in place.
The next step is to make certain that the related rows in the stores table are more than 12 months oldif theres recent activity, the delete needs to be blocked.
if exists ( select * from deleted d join my_sales s on d.title_id = s.title_id where datediff(dd, ord_date, getdate()) < 365) begin raiserror (Current sales exist: delete failed, 16, 1) rollback tran return end
The code works well whether one or many rows were deleted from titles. Be certain that triggers run well regardless of the number of rows affected. Dont forget to raise an error before returning.
The last step is to delete the rows from my_sales.
delete my_sales from deleted d where d.title_id = my_sales.title_id if @@error <> 0 begin raiserror (Trigger failed to delete related rows in sales table, 16, 1) rollback transaction return end
The DELETE based on a join works only in T-SQL (its not ANSI standard). In this case, the statement deletes all the rows in my_sales with title_ids found in deleted. After the operation, you should check for an error, raise an error, and roll back if there was one.
If theres a weakness in this approach, its that SQL Server must join deleted to my_sales twice: once to check the cascade condition, the second time to delete the rows. The alternative is to delete the rows in my_sales in this trigger; then, in a delete trigger on the my_sales table, you can verify the deletion date.This is called a nested trigger. The server executes a statement from a trigger (such as delete my_sales ), which fires a subsequent trigger. Trigger nesting is limited to 16 levels (the same limit applies to stored procedure nesting). If you exceed the nesting level, SQL Server aborts the batch and rolls back the transaction.
Triggers are not recursive. If you modify table X within a trigger on table X, the trigger will not fire a second time.
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