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The Syntax for a PL/SQL Block
DECLARE variable_declarations BEGIN program_code END;
In this syntax, variable_declarations are any variables that you might want to define. Cursor definitions and nested PL/SQL procedures and functions are also defined here. program_code refers to the PL/SQL statements that make up the block.
The declaration section of the PL/SQL block is optional, although in practice it is unusual not to have any declarations at all.
When you're defining PL/SQL functions, procedures, and triggers, the keyword DECLARE is not used. When defining a function, the function specification, or function header as it is sometimes called, begins the block. Similarly, procedure and trigger specifications begin procedure and trigger blocks. Function, procedure, and trigger blocks are covered in more detail on Day 3, "Writing Declarations and Blocks." |
Any variable declarations must immediately follow
DECLARE and come before BEGIN. The BEGIN and
END keywords delimit the procedural portion of the block. This
is where the code goes. The semicolon at the end is the PL/SQL statement
terminator, and signifies the end of the block.
Omitting the semicolon at the end of a block is a common oversight. Remember to include it and you will save yourself lots of aggravation. |
Blocks such as the one shown in the syntax "The Syntax for a PL/SQL Block" form the basis for all PL/SQL programming. An Oracle stored procedure consists of one PL/SQL block. An Oracle stored function consists of one PL/SQL block. An Oracle database trigger consists of one PL/SQL block. It is not possible to execute PL/SQL code except as part of a block.
PL/SQL blocks can be nested. One block can contain another block as in the following example:
DECLARE variable declarations go here BEGIN some program code
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BEGIN code in a nested block END; more program code END;
Nesting blocks is often done for error-handling purposes. You will read more about error handling on Day 8, "Procedures, Packages, Errors, and Exceptions."
Are you ready to try writing your first PL/SQL code? Good. Remember that for this and all other examples in this book, you will be using SQL*Plus to send the PL/SQL code to the Oracle database for execution.
If you are using Personal Oracle, you must first start your Oracle database by running the Start Database program from the Personal Oracle7 program group. |
Figure 1.2.
Initial SQL*Plus
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Listing 1.1. Your first PL/SQL block.
The slash at the end tells SQL*Plus that you are done typing PL/SQL code. SQL*Plus will then transmit that code to the Oracle database for execution. The slash has meaning to SQL*Plus only, not to PL/SQL. |
The slash character must be typed on a line by itself; otherwise, it will be sent to the database and generate an error message. |
After you type the slash, SQL*Plus transmits your code to Oracle for execution. After your code executes, your SQL*Plus screen should look like Figure 1.3.
The code you just executed was probably not very exciting, possibly because there was no output. PL/SQL does have some limited output facilities, and next you will learn how to produce some simple screen output.
When it was originally designed, PL/SQL had no output facilities at all. Remember that
PL/SQL is not a standalone language. It is almost always used in conjunction with some
other program or tool that handles the input, output, and other user interaction.
Oracle now includes the DBMS_OUTPUT package with PL/SQL, which provides you with some limited output capabilities. You will learn more about packages during Day 8, but for now it's enough to know that you can use the dbms_output.put_line procedure as shown in Listing 1.2.
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Figure 1.3.
SQL*Plus screen after
executing a PL/SQL
Listing 1.2. PL/SQL block showing the use of the
dbms_output.put_line procedure.
DECLARE x INTEGER; BEGIN x := 65400; dbms_output.put_line(`The variable X = `); dbms_output.put_line(x); END; /
The dbms_output.put_line() procedure takes exactly one argument and generates a line of text as output from the database server. In order for you to see that line of text, you must tell SQL*Plus to display it. This is done with the SQL*Plus command:
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Figure 1.4.
Producing output
with dbms_
It is SQL*Plus that prints the server output on the screen for you to see. You must remember to execute the SET SERVEROUTPUT ON command, or you won't see any output. You also can use the SET SERVEROUTPUT OFF command to turn off output when you don't want to see it. |
Until now you have been retyping each PL/SQL block as you tried it. No doubt, if you made a mistake, you had to type the code all over again. It is possible to place your PL/SQL code in files, and depending on your personal preferences and just what you are trying to do, there are three basic ways to go about this: