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Day 3

Writing Declarations
and Blocks

by Jonathan Gennick

The block is the fundamental unit of PL/SQL programming. Blocks contain both program code and variable declarations. Understanding the various datatypes available to you when declaring variables is crucial when programming in any language, and PL/SQL is no exception. It's also important to understand PL/SQL's block structure, its use, and its impact on the scope of variable declarations. Today you are going to learn more about:

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PL/SQL provides a number of datatypes for your use, as shown in Table 3.1.

Table 3.1. PL/SQL datatypes.

Datatype Usage
VARCHAR2 Variable-length character strings
CHAR Fixed-length character strings
NUMBER Fixed or floating-point numbers
BINARY_INTEGER Integer values
PLS_INTEGER New in version 2.3; used for fast integer computations
DATE Dates
BOOLEAN true/false values

These datatypes can be used for creating simple scalar variables, or they can be combined into structures such as records or PL/SQL tables. You will learn more about records and tables during Day 9, "Using SQL: INSERT, SELECT, Advanced Declarations, and Tables."

A scalar variable is a variable that is not made up of some combination of other variables. Scalar variables don't have internal components that you can manipulate individually. They are often used to build up more complex datatypes such as records
and arrays.

You might notice that some of the datatype names match those used by Oracle for defining database columns. In most cases the definitions are the same for both the database and PL/SQL, but there are a few differences. These differences are noted when discussing each particular datatype.

PL/SQL also provides subtypes of some datatypes. A subtype represents a special case of a datatype, usually representing a narrower range of values than the parent type. For example, POSITIVE is a subtype of BINARY_INTEGER that holds only positive values. In some cases the subtypes exist only to provide alternative names for compatibility with the SQL standard or other popular database brands on the market.

Variable Naming Rules
Before you go on to learn about each of the datatypes in detail, you should first consider some basic rules and conventions for naming variables. Oracle has some simple rules for variable naming. Variable names can be composed of letters, dollar

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signs, underscores, and number signs. No other characters can be used. A variable name must start with a letter, after which any combination of the allowed characters can be used. The maximum length for a variable name is 30 characters. Variable names, like those of keywords and other identifiers, are not case sensitive.
In addition to the preceding rules, it is often helpful to follow some sort of naming convention for variables and to make their names as descriptive as possible. For example, although empyersal is a legal variable name, your code might be easier to read if you used emp_yearly_salary. Another option, which uses capital letters to highlight each word in order to dispense with the underscores, is EmpYearlySalary. Many programmers also capitalize language keywords in order to more easily distinguish them from variable, function, and procedure names.
The naming rules for variables also apply to function and procedure names. The importance of a consistent naming convention for all identifiers is discussed in more detail on Day 14, "Debugging Your Code and Preventing Errors."

In the next few subsections, you'll learn about each of the PL/SQL datatypes. You'll learn the type of data that each one holds, what the range of possible values is, and any subtypes that are defined for it.


The VARCHAR2 datatype is used to hold variable-length character string data. It typically uses 1 byte per character and has a maximum length of 32767 bytes.

The Syntax for the VARCHAR2 Datatype

variable_name VARCHAR2(size);

In this syntax, variable_name is whatever name you want to give to the variable, and size is the maximum length, in bytes, of the string.

Here are some examples:

employee_name VARCHAR2(32);
employee_comments VARCHAR2(10000);
Even though PL/SQL allows a maximum of 32767 bytes for a VARCHAR2 variable, the Oracle database does not. The Oracle database itself only allows VARCHAR2 columns to be a maximum of 2000 bytes long. You can use longer strings in PL/SQL, but 2000 is the limit if you want to store the string in the database.

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Referring to the example declaration of employee_name, here are some sample assignment statements showing values that could be assigned to this variable:

employee_name := `Jenny Gennick';
employee_name := `Jonathan Gennick';

VARCHAR2 Subtypes
Oracle has two subtypes defined for VARCHAR, which are

These subtypes exist for compatibility with other database brands and also with the SQL standard. Both have the exact same meaning as VARCHAR2. However, Oracle currently recommends against using the VARCHAR datatype because its definition is expected to change as the SQL standards evolve.


The CHAR datatype is used to hold fixed-length character string data. Unlike VARCHAR2 strings, a CHAR string always contains the maximum number of characters. Strings shorter than the maximum length are padded with spaces. Like VARCHAR2, the CHAR datatype typically uses 1 byte per character and has a maximum length of 32767 bytes.

The Syntax for the CHAR Datatype

variable_name CHAR(size);

In this syntax, variable_name is whatever you want to call the variable, and size is the size, in bytes, of the string.

Here are some examples:

employee_name CHAR(32);
employee_comments CHAR(10000);
The Oracle database only allows CHAR columns to be 255 bytes long. Even though PL/SQL allows a maximum of 32767 bytes for a CHAR variable, 255 is the limit if you want to store the string in the database.

Referring to the example declaration of employee_name, here are some sample assignment statements showing values that could be assigned to this variable:

employee_name := `Jenny Gennick';
employee_name := `Jeff Gennick';

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