Page 98
Q Sometimes you capitalize your date format strings. Why?
A When converting a date to a character string for display purposes, capitalizing parts of the format string controls whether or not that part of the date is capitalized. Suppose that it is currently the month of January. The expression TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'mon') would result in a value of `jan', the expression TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'Mon') would result in a value of `Jan', and the expression TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'MON') would result in a value of `JAN'.
Use the following workshop to test your comprehension of this chapter and put what you've learned into practice. You'll find the answers to the quiz and exercise in Appendix A, "Answers."
a. (5-4)-(3-1)
b. 4*2**3-2
c. 4*2**(3-2)
d. 4=4 AND 5=6 OR 3=3
a. A <> B
b. A < B
c. (A <= B) AND (B <= C)
`123-45-6789''___-__-____' `Boom''John%' `Johnson''_oo_' `517-555-1212' `Broom' `Jonson' `Johnston'
Page 99
Write a function to compute wages based on an hourly rate and the number of hours worked. Have it use a minimum wage of $5 per hour if the rate is unknown. Have it also use the minimum wage if the rate is too low.
Page 100