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Listing 5.8. continued
v_OverTime := v_HoursWorked - 40; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(`Hours overtime worked = ` || v_OverTime); END IF; END; /
By previously typing SETSERVEROUTPUT ON, you are telling Oracle to run the DBMS_OUTPUT package, which aids in the debugging process by allowing you to display output to the screen. This, combined with the DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE statement, shows you the calculated values of the variable v_OverTime.
Your output should be
Hours overtime worked = 10
You have set up two variablesV_HoursWorked and v_OverTimeto store the actual number of hours worked and the calculated number of overtime hours. These two variables are defined as a NUMBER to allow calculations on these values:
v_HoursWorked NUMBER := 50 ; --Number of hours worked by hourly employee v_OverTime NUMBER := 0 ; --Storage of Overtime Hours
PL/SQL then starts evaluating the IF statement. Because you initialized v_HoursWorked to a value of 50 and 50 is greater than 40, and the IF statement is evaluated to true. Because the condition is true, you will process all statements under the THEN keyword.
IF v_HoursWorked > 40 THEN
You can now calculate the hours of overtime by simply subtracting 40 from v_HoursWorked. You can then display the output to the screen using the DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE command.
v_OverTime := v_HoursWorked - 40; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(`Hours overtime worked = ` || v_OverTime);
Finally, the ending / tells Oracle to execute the statements entered.
In the preceding example, you did not care what the results were if the hours were under 40 because you were only trying to determine the total hours of overtime worked. However, what if you did not initialize v_OverTime to a value of zero? The IF...THEN...ELSE statement allows you to process a series of statements under ELSE if the condition is false.
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The Syntax for the IF...THEN...ELSE Statement
IF <some_condition_evaluates_to_true> THEN <perform_statements_condition_true> ELSE <perform_statements_condition_false> END IF;
In this syntax, the first parameter, some_condition_evaluates_to_true, tests a BOOLEAN condition that you provide. If the condition is true, the second parameter, perform_statements_condition_true, executes. If the condition is false, the parameter perform_statements_condition_false executes.
You can now alter your original IF statement to reflect what to do if the condition is false (see Listing 5.9).
Adding the ELSE statement is good programming practice not only to make sure that you know what will happen for all possible conditions, but also to make your logic easy to follow and understand for another Oracle programmer. |
Listing 5.9. Adding ELSE to the IF block.
set echo on DECLARE v_HoursWorked Number := 50 ; --Number of hours worked by hourly employee v_OverTime Number ; --Storage of Overtime Hours BEGIN IF v_HoursWorked > 40 THEN v_OverTime := v_HoursWorked - 40; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(`Hours overtime worked = ` || v_OverTime); ELSE v_OverTime := 0; END IF; END; /
Again, the only change was to remove the initialization of variables in the declaration area and to set the value of v_OverTime to zero if there was no overtime under the ELSE statement.
You still could have initialized v_OverTime to a value of zero in the declaration section, and under the ELSE statement made good use of the NULL statement as discussed earlier in this chapter. |
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By nesting IF statements, you can check for many complex conditions before executing a series of statements. This allows you to defer executing inner IF statements unless the outer IF conditions apply.
In order to improve processing time and decrease costly CPU time, always make sure the outermost loop is the loop that will narrow down your search criteria the most, so that you do not have to execute statements in the inner loops. For instance, if you were querying a database of employees who were mainly hourly, but only a few worked overtime, your outermost condition should look for total hours worked over 40, and the next condition would check to make sure the employee was hourly, not salaried. This would produce a lot less checking because you would easily filter the population of employees to a small group by the time you hit the next condition instead of the other way around! |
The Syntax for Nested IF Statements
IF <condition1 evaluates to true> THEN IF <condition2 evaluates to true> THEN <perform statements> ELSE <both conditions have been evaluated to false> IF <condition3 evaluates to true> THEN <perform statements> ELSE <perform statements> END IF; END IF; END IF;
Did you notice that even on the ELSE statements you can keep on adding IF statements? As you can see, it is possible to continue to nest loops for as long as you need, but nesting too much will most likely cause you grief in the debugging stage. Imagine just four levels of IF statements and trying to go through all the possible conditions to make sure that you produce the desired outcome.
In the overtime example, you will first determine how many people worked over 40 hours. If the employee is hourly, overtime hours are calculated. If the employee paytype is set to `S', then the employee is salaried with no overtime. If the employee paytype is set to `E', then the employee is executive management who gets no overtime (but lots of options!). See the code in Listing 5.10.
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Listing 5.10. Using nested IF statements.
DECLARE v_HoursWorked Number := 80 ; --Number of hours worked by hourly employee v_OverTime Number := 0 ; --Storage of Overtime Hours v_PayType char(1) := `E'; --Classification of employee, E, S, or H BEGIN IF v_HoursWorked > 40 THEN IF v_PayType = `H' THEN v_OverTime := v_HoursWorked - 40; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(`Hours overtime worked = ` || v_OverTime); ELSE IF v_PayType = `S' THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(`Employee is Salaried'); ELSE DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(`Employee is Executive Management'); END IF; END IF; END IF; END; /
In Listing 5.10, the first IF statement evaluates to true. Notice that because most employees do not work over 40 hours, you would have to avoid all the inner logic! The second statement evaluates to false because the paytype is set to `E' for executive management. Control passes to the ELSE statement where another IF statement is evaluated. Again, the condition is evaluated to false because the value of paytype is set to `E'. The final ELSE statement then defaults to executive management as there are only three types of workers.
Instead of nested IF statements, consider the use of boolean AND. For instance, you could easily have changed the preceding code toIF v_HoursWorked > 40 AND v_PayType =l `H' THEN |
In addition, this example of nested IF statements is a poor programming choice. What happens if another classification of paytype is added? This would be better suited to reading data from a form or creating a user-defined function to handle these situations.
If you do use logical AND, because Oracle evaluates from left to right, make sure that the first condition checked narrows down the population as extensively as possible! |