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The following are the more commonly used predefined exceptions that you can trap in the exception-handling section of your PL/SQL block:
Listing 9.6 offers an enhancement to the code in Listing 9.5. In this example, I added another exception to handle the case when no rows are returned from the database.
Listing 9.6. Multiple-row SELECT command with
several exception-handling routines.
DECLARE v_emp_id INTEGER; BEGIN SELECT emp_id into v_emp_id from employee WHERE emp_name = `Jack Richards'; exception when no_data_found THEN emp_name:='NO EMPLOYEE'; when too_many_rows THEN emp_name:='TOO MANY EMPLOYEES FOUND'; END;
ANALYSIS In the example in Listing 9.6, one of several exceptions can be raised. An exception is raised when no rows are returned by the SELECT statement as well as when more than one row is returned by the SELECT statement.
The final two SQL DML statements to cover are the UPDATE and the DELETE statements. You can use these in any PL/SQL block as necessary. The purpose of these commands is synonymous with their names. The UPDATE command enables the user to change the values of an existing row. The DELETE command provides the means to remove or delete a row from a table.
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The Syntax for the UPDATE Command
UPDATE table_name set (column_name = value) WHERE statement
In this syntax, table_name is the table containing the row you want to update, column_name is the column you want to update, and the WHERE statement identifies the row in the table to be identified.
The Syntax for the DELETE Command
DELETE from table_name WHERE statement
In this syntax, table_name is the table containing the row to be deleted, and the WHERE statement identifies the row to be deleted.
Refer to the Oracle SQL Language Reference Manual for a more comprehensive syntax diagram for these last two commands.
As you learned in earlier chapters of this book, all PL/SQL variables must be declared in advance of using them. Declaration of variables is accomplished in the declaration portions of the PL/SQL block, function, package, or procedure. When a variable is defined, Oracle allocates memory to hold the variable. This section of this chapter covers several of PL/SQL's methods of declaring variables, including the following:
Oracle provides a means to declare a variable and define its datatype based on other variables, constants, or even table columns. You use the %type attribute in variable declarations to accomplish this task. As you recall, the employee table that you created earlier in this chapter in Listing 9.1 has the following structure:
employee: emp_id INTEGER emp_name VARCHAR2(32) supervised_by INTEGER pay_rate NUMBER(9,2) pay_type CHAR emp_dept_id INTEGER
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The %type attribute enables you to define a variable based on a table column datatype. For example, in the following variable declarations, you see the avg_rate declared with the %type attribute based on the pay_rate column in the employee table. PL/SQL will treat this declaration as if you explicitly declared avg_rate as NUMBER(9,2).
avg_rate employee.pay_rate%type
The following are a few more examples of the %type attribute, showing variables based on other variables and constants:
dept_id INTEGER; sub_dept_id dept_id%type; -- datatype based on a variable area_id dept_id%type := 9141; -- used with an initialization clause
PL/SQL allows you to use the %type attribute in a nesting variable declaration. The following example illustrates several variables defined on earlier %type declarations in a nesting fashion:
dept_sales INTEGER; area_sales dept_sales%type; group_sales area_sales%type; regional_sales area_sales%type; corporate_sales regional_sales%type;
The %type attribute gives you several advantages. First, you base a declaration on a table column without having to know definitively what that column's datatype is. In really large applications and large databases (a database with over 500 objects), it does become hard to remember all the datatypes, especially if they change frequently. Second, as the datatypes of the item you based your declaration on do change, then your variables will automatically be changed as well. This can reduce maintenance of your application.
A record is a collection of individual fields that represents a row in a table. These fields are unique and each has its own values. The record as a whole does not have value.
By using records, you can group like data into one structure and then manipulate this structure as one entity or logical unit. This helps reduce coding and keeps the code easier to maintain and understand.
You declare a record in the declaration portion of a PL/SQL block, subprogram, or package. The following example declares a record named emp_sales:
TYPE emp_sales_rec is record --record declaration (emp_id INTEGER, emp_name VARCHAR2(32), commision_rate employee.pay_rate%type);
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After a record is declared, you can reference the record members directly by using dot notation. In the following example, the last field in the record emp_sales_rec is referenced:
IF emp_sales_rec.commision_rate > .05 THEN...
You can also pass a record type variable to a procedure, as in the following example:
procedure monthly_commissions (emp_sales_rec);
Oracle also allows you to assign expressions to a record, as shown in the following example:
emp_sale_rec.commission_rate := .01;
Record Variables Based on Tables
A record type variable based on a table means that each field in the record has the exact
same name and datatype as the columns in the specified table. The
%rowtype attribute is used to facilitate the declaration of a record based on a table.
The %rowtype is similar to the %type. The %type refers to only a single variable, whereas the %rowtype refers to an entire table row. The following example of the %rowtype attribute declares the record emp_rec, which can store an entire row from the employee table:
DECLARE employee_name employee.emp_name%type; emp_rec employee%rowtype;
As you did with other records, you use dot notation to reference a specific field. The following code examines the emp_name from the emp_rec just as if the code was interrogating the actual employee record:
IF emp_rec.emp_name like ` Madison% ` THEN...
As with other variables, you can assign a value to the record field directly, as shown following:
IF emp_rec.emp_name like `Madison%' THEN emp_rec.pay_rate = 3000.00);
Records based on tables can also be used in a SELECT statement, as seen in the following example:
DECLARE emp_rec employee%rowtype; BEGIN SELECT * into emp_rec from employee WHERE emp_name like `Madison%';