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13: --On an update, when the old and new emp_id values are the same, 14: --we do not need to recheck the count. 15: IF :OLD.emp_id = :NEW.emp_id THEN 16: RETURN; 17: ELSE 18: --if the employee already is at the max, don't allow him to 19: --have another department. 20: IF dept_count >= max_depts THEN 21: RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR (-20000, Â'Employees are limited to a max of two departments.'); 22: END IF; 23: END IF; 24: END; 25: / 26: Trigger created.
This trigger fires for each new record inserted into the emp_dept table, and it
also fires for each updated record in the same table. In either case it checks to see if
the employee in question already has been assigned to the maximum of two departments,
and rejects any insert or update if that is the case. There is some special logic in lines 15 and
16 to account for the case where a department assignment is changed, but the employee ID
is not changed.
The trigger shown in Listing 11.20 will almost work, but it will fail in certain cases. Listing 11.21 shows how the only_two_departments trigger functions when you insert and update data.
Listing 11.21. Testing the only_two_departments trigger.
1: INSERT INTO employee 2: (emp_id,emp_name) VALUES (401,'Harvey Wallbanger'); 3: 1 row created. 4: INSERT INTO employee 5: (emp_id,emp_name) VALUES (402,'Scarlet Tanninger'); 6: 1 row created. 7: INSERT INTO department 8: (dept_id, dept_name) VALUES (401,'Fermentation'); 9: 1 row created. 10: INSERT INTO department 11: (dept_id, dept_name) VALUES (402,'Distillation'); 12: 1 row created. 13: INSERT INTO department 14: (dept_id, dept_name) VALUES (403,'Bottling'); 15: 1 row created. 16: INSERT INTO emp_dept 17: (emp_id, dept_id) VALUES (401,401); 18: 1 row created. 19: INSERT INTO emp_dept 20: (emp_id, dept_id) VALUES (401,402); 21: 1 row created.
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Listing 11.21. continued
22: INSERT INTO emp_dept 23: (emp_id, dept_id) VALUES (402,402); 24: 1 row created. 25: INSERT INTO emp_dept 26: (emp_id, dept_id) VALUES (402,403); 27: 1 row created. 28: INSERT INTO emp_dept 29: (emp_id, dept_id) VALUES (401,403); 30: INSERT INTO emp_dept 31: * 32: ERROR at line 1: 33: ORA-20000: Employees are limited to a max of two departments. 34: ORA-06512: at "MY_READER.ONLY_TWO_DEPARTMENTS", line 17 35: ORA-04088: error during execution of trigger Â'MY_READER.ONLY_TWO_DEPARTMENTS' 36: UPDATE emp_dept 37: SET dept_id = 403 38: WHERE emp_id = 401 AND dept_id = 402; 39: UPDATE emp_dept 40: * 41: ERROR at line 1: 42: ORA-04091: table MY_READER.EMP_DEPT is mutating, Âtrigger/function may not see it 43: ORA-06512: at "MY_READER.ONLY_TWO_DEPARTMENTS", line 6 44: ORA-04088: error during execution of trigger Â'MY_READER.ONLY_TWO_DEPARTMENTS'
The first five inserts in Listing 11.21 just set up some employee and
department records for you to experiment with. The next four inserts assign each employee
to two departments. So far, so good. However, the tenth
INSERT statement (lines 28_29) attempts to assign employee number 401 to a third department. You can see that the
trigger caught this and raised an error (lines 30_35), causing the insert to fail. The last
statement (lines 36_38) is an update, and it gives rise to the "mutating" error (lines 39_44) because
the trigger is querying the table being changed.
As you can see, this trigger will not serve the purpose of limiting each employee to a maximum of two departments. At this point, there are three options you can use to enforce this rule without redesigning the database:
Enforcing the rule at the application level is possible but requires that the code to enforce the rule be replicated in each program that updates the emp_dept table. Sometimes you can take an entirely different approach to the problem. For example, in this case you could choose not
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to allow updates to the emp_dept table at all. Any changes to an employee's department assignment would then be done by first deleting the old record and then inserting a new one. The third, and most complicated, approach is to code the validation in a table-level trigger while using a row-level trigger to build a list of newly inserted or modified records. This solution takes advantage of the fact that variables in an Oracle stored package persist throughout a database session. To implement this approach, you will need to write
Why will the approach just described work? It works because a row-level trigger cannot query a mutating table, but a table-level trigger can. By the time the table-level after trigger fires, all the changes have been made and the table is in a consistent state.
Listing 11.22 shows the emp_dept_procs package, which will be part of the solution to enforce the two-department rule. Listing 11.23 shows the DDL to create the triggers that will enforce this rule. Notice that the triggers in Listing 11.23 each call procedures that are part of the emp_dept_procs package, and that emp_dept_procs contains package-level variables that are used to maintain a list of records that have been inserted or modified.
Listing 11.22. The emp_dept_procs package.
1: CREATE OR REPLACE package emp_dept_procs AS 2: PROCEDURE init_list; 3: PROCEDURE add_to_list (emp_id IN emp_dept.emp_id%TYPE 4: ,dept_id IN emp_dept.dept_id%TYPE); 5: FUNCTION get_count RETURN NUMBER; 6: PROCEDURE get_from_list (to_get IN BINARY_INTEGER 7: ,emp_id OUT emp_dept.emp_id%TYPE 8: ,dept_id OUT emp_dept.dept_id%TYPE); 9: END emp_dept_procs; 10: / 11: Package created. 12: CREATE OR REPLACE package body emp_dept_procs AS 13: --These variables persist throughout a session. 14: listx BINARY_INTEGER; --current max index into the list. 15: