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Many objects can be built from a class, just as one set of blueprints can be used to
build numerous houses. If you were writing code to process employee records, you
would use the employee class to instantiate, in other words to construct, an
employee object for each employee record.
Objects consist of attributes and methods. An
attribute can be anything you need to know about an object. Name, phone number, Social Security number, pay rate,
and pay type are all good examples of attributes for an
employee object. Attributes are implemented as variable declarations made within the object class definition.
Methods are the functions and procedures used to perform functions related to
the object. Like attributes, methods are implemented as functions and procedures in
the object class definition. Anything you want to do to an object should be implemented as
a method. If you want to compare two objects, you should implement a compare method.
If you want to copy an object, you should implement a copy method. An
employee object class, for example, might contain a method to calculate an employee's yearly bonus based on
pay type, longevity with the firm, and so on.
Objects offer the opportunity for increased reliability because of their well-defined interfaces. Reuse is made easier because all necessary code and data are part of the object definition; thus object classes can easily be added to programs as new functionality is required. Because you can model real-world, business objects, as well as encapsulate and hide the details behind an object's functionality, you can program at a higher level of abstraction, minimizing the amount of detail you need to remember, which makes your job as a developer much easier.
Oracle8 implements several new constructs in support of object-oriented programming:
Oracle also implements an object-relational database. The underpinnings are still relational, and that underlying relational model has simply been extended to include support for new datatypes, which in this case happen to be object types. By doing this, Oracle has maintained compatibility with existing relational databases and provided a path for gradual migration to objects.
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To use an object, first you need to define it. For this purpose Oracle8 introduces
the object type. An object type is a database-level definition and is equivalent to the
term class as used in object-oriented languages such as Java and C++. It contains both the code
and data definitions for an object. Object types are also treated as datatypes and can be used
in PL/SQL programs for declaring variables that will contain objects.
Object tables are a special kind of table that you can create. These are based on
an object definition and essentially map each attribute of an object to a column in
the table.
Object views are the object analog of a view on a table. A full discussion of object views is beyond the scope of this book, but your database administrator can use them to define pseudo-objects based on existing relational data. Like a relational view, object views are based on a SQL statement that retrieves the data for the object.
You should now have a good overview of what object-oriented programming is and how Oracle handles objects. It's time to get down to some practical examples. To begin, define an object type for employee addresses. Listing 13.1 shows one possible implementation.
Listing 13.1. Creating the address object type.
1: CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE address AS OBJECT ( 2: street_1 VARCHAR2(40), 3: street_2 VARCHAR2(40), 4: city VARCHAR2(40), 5: state_abbr VARCHAR2(2), 6: zip_code VARCHAR2(5), 7: phone_number VARCHAR2(10), 8: MEMBER PROCEDURE ChangeAddress ( 9: st_1 IN VARCHAR2, st_2 IN VARCHAR2, cty IN VARCHAR2, 10: state IN VARCHAR2, zip IN VARCHAR2), 11: MEMBER FUNCTION getStreet (line_no IN number) RETURN VARCHAR2, 12: MEMBER FUNCTION getCity RETURN VARCHAR2, 13: MEMBER FUNCTION getStateAbbr RETURN VARCHAR2, 14: MEMBER FUNCTION getPostalCode RETURN VARCHAR2, 15: MEMBER FUNCTION getPhone RETURN VARCHAR2, 16: MEMBER PROCEDURE setPhone (newPhone IN VARCHAR2) 17: ); Type created.
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Listing 13.1. continued
1: CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE BODY address AS 2: MEMBER PROCEDURE ChangeAddress ( 3: st_1 IN VARCHAR2, st_2 IN VARCHAR2, cty IN VARCHAR2, 4: state IN VARCHAR2, zip IN VARCHAR2) IS 5: BEGIN 6: IF (st_1 IS NULL) OR (cty IS NULL) OR Â(state IS NULL) OR (zip IS NULL) 7: OR (upper(state) NOT IN (`AK','AL','AR','AZ','CA','CO', 8: `CT','DC','DE','FL','GA','HI', 9: `IA','ID','IL','IN','KS','KY', 10: `LA','MA','MD','ME','MI','MN', 11: `MO','MS','MT','NC','ND','NE', 12: `NH','NJ','NM','NV','NY','OH', 13: `OK','OR','PA','RI','SC','SD', 14: `TN','TX','UT','VA','VT','WA' 15: `WI','WV','WY')) 16: OR (zip <> ltrim(to_char(to_number(zip),'09999'))) THEN 17: RAISE_application_error(-20001,'The new Address is invalid.'); 18: ELSE 19: street_1 := st_1; 20: street_2 := st_2; 21: city := cty; 22: state_abbr := upper(state); 23: zip_code := zip; 24: END IF; 25: END; 26: 27: MEMBER FUNCTION getStreet (line_no IN number) 28: RETURN VARCHAR2 IS 29: BEGIN 30: IF line_no = 1 THEN 31: RETURN street_1; 32: ELSIF line_no = 2 THEN 33: RETURN street_2; 34: ELSE 35: RETURN ` `; --send back a blank. 36: END IF; 37: END; 38: 39: MEMBER FUNCTION getCity RETURN VARCHAR2 IS 40: BEGIN 41: RETURN city; 42: END; 43: 44: MEMBER FUNCTION getStateAbbr RETURN VARCHAR2 IS 45: BEGIN 46: RETURN state_abbr; 47: END; 48: 49: MEMBER FUNCTION getPostalCode RETURN VARCHAR2 IS 50: BEGIN 51: RETURN zip_code; 52: END; 53:
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54: MEMBER FUNCTION getPhone RETURN VARCHAR2 IS 55: BEGIN 56: RETURN phone_number; 57: END; 58: 59: MEMBER PROCEDURE setPhone (newPhone IN VARCHAR2) IS 60: BEGIN 61: phone_number := newPhone; 62: END; 63: END; 64: / Type body created.
Notice that the form of an object type declaration closely resembles that of a
package definition. Like packages, object types have both a specification and a body.
The specification, shown in lines 1 through 17 of the first segment, lists the object's attributes
and member functions. The object body, lines 1 through 64 of the second segment, contains
the actual code for the methods.
The statements in Listing 13.1 show how to define an object type, or class if you prefer that term. The complete syntax for an object type definition is shown following.
The Syntax for Defining an Object Type
CREATE TYPE type_name [IS | AS] OBJECT ( attribute_name datatype, attribute_name datatype, ... MEMBER [function_specification | procedure_specification], MEMBER [function_specification | procedure_specification], ... [MAP | ORDER] MEMBER function_specification, pragma, pragma, ... ); CREATE TYPE BODY type_name [IS | AS] MEMBER [function_definition | procedure_definition]; MEMBER [function_definition | procedure_definition]; ... [MAP | ORDER] MEMBER function_definition; END;
In this syntax, the parameters are as follows: