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Document the Solution
You should document the solution, on paper, in the program (if possible), and ideally in
an Oracle database of troubleshooting solutions. This will help you if the problem reoccurs
and you can't remember what you did to fix it. You are also on your way to building an
expert system that might be of some value to other clients or end users. This is probably one of
the most important processes you should complete after you have solved the problem. If
you're too busy to document right after solving the problem, you may live to regret the decision
if a similar error occurs, which uses more time trying to solve the problem again. Make the time!
After you have narrowed down the problem to a set of modules, procedures, and so on, you can break out some troubleshooting tools. Two such tools demonstrated in this chapter are the creation of a debugging package and the use of DBMS_OUTPUT, both of which I use extensively.
If you get tired of typing DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE, you could always create a package or procedure, which will simply abbreviate the words DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE. |
You will create a debugging package called DEBUG that will allow you to
Execute the first part of the DEBUG package in Listing 14.3, which defines the procedures available to the package.
Listing 14.3. Defining the DEBUG package components.
1: CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE DEBUG AS 2: PROCEDURE OUT(p_Comments IN VARCHAR2, p_Variable IN VARCHAR2); 3: /* Procedure OUT is used to output a comment of your 4: choice, along with the contents of the variable. The
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Listing 14.3. continued
5: Procedure OUT statement defines the format of the function */ 6: PROCEDURE Erase; 7: /* Procedure Erase is used to erase the contents of the file. 8: Used to start a new debugging process. Good idea to call 9: this function first. */ 10: END DEBUG; -- End Definition of package DEBUG
After you have executed the code, you should see on the screen
Package Created
If you do not see this message, review your code for syntax errors. You can now enter and execute the final part of the DEBUG package from Listing 14.4.
Listing 14.4. Creating the actual DEBUG package components.
1: CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY DEBUG AS 2: PROCEDURE OUT(p_Comments IN VARCHAR2,p_Variable IN VARCHAR2) IS 3: v_MyFHOUT UTL_FILE.FILE_TYPE; -- Declare File Handle 4: BEGIN 5: /* Use A to append all output being sent to the file */ 6: 7: v_MyFHOUT := UTL_FILE.FOPEN(`c:\','debug.txt','a'); 8: 9: /* This outputs the System Time and Date formatted in MM-DD-YY HH:MM:SS 10: followed by any comments you want to output and the contents of the 11: variables. Notice each element is surrounded by quotation marks and 12: separated by a comma to create a comma-separated value file */ 13: 14: UTL_FILE.PUT_LINE(v_MyFHOUT,'"'|| 15: TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'mm-dd-yy HH:MM:SS AM') 16: || `","Comment: ` || p_Comments || 17: `","Variable Contents: ` || p_Variable || `"`); 18: 19: /* Close the file handle which points to debug.txt */ 20: UTL_FILE.FCLOSE(v_MyFHOUT); 21: 22: EXCEPTION 23: /* Create Exception to simply display error code and message */ 24: WHEN OTHERS THEN 25: DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE 26: (`ERROR ` || to_char(SQLCODE) || SQLERRM); 27: NULL; -- Do Nothing 28: END OUT; -- End Execution of Procedure OUT 29: 30: 31: PROCEDURE Erase IS 32: v_MyFH UTL_FILE.FILE_TYPE; -- Create File Handle 33: BEGIN
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34: /* Open file to overwrite current file contents. Doing this 35: erases the contents of the original file completely */ 36: 37: v_MyFH := UTL_FILE.FOPEN(`c:\','debug.txt','w'); 38: 39: -- Close the file handle which points to debug.txt 40: UTL_FILE.FCLOSE(v_MyFH); 41: 42: EXCEPTION 43: -- Create Exception to simply display error code and message 44: WHEN OTHERS THEN 45: DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE 46: (`ERROR ` || to_char(SQLCODE) || SQLERRM); 47: NULL; 48: END Erase; -- End Procedure Erase 49: 50: BEGIN 51: Erase; -- Erase contents of the file 52: 53: END DEBUG; -- End procedure DEBUG
Again, after you have executed the code in Listing 14.4, your output should appear as
Package body created.
You can now examine the components of the newly created DEBUG package.
The DEBUG.OUT Procedure
The DEBUG.OUT procedure enables you to print to a file called
DEBUG.TXT the system date and time, a comment, such as where you are in the code and the name of the variable, and
the contents of the variable. All the procedure does is accept two parameters: the
comment specified by the end user, and the variable you are tracking. You then append to the
file DEBUG.TXTevery time you hit the
DEBUG.OUT statementthose three elements in a
comma-separated value formula.
The Syntax for the DEBUG.OUT Procedure
The parameter p_Comments is a string of type VARCHAR2, which will hold any comments you want to use to identify the location at the time of output to the file and the variable name. The p_Variable parameter is used to pass the actual variable, whose contents will be written to the DEBUG.TXT file.
One flaw with this process is that it does not identify where the variable information is coming from. You would simply add the comments such as: Mortgage Module Before Calculation or Add Qualified Mortgage Applicant Module.