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Listing 18.6. continued
21: UTL_FILE.PUT_LINE(v_MYFileHandle,'"' || v_SSNO || `","' 22: || v_FirstName || `","' || v_LastName || `"`); 23: END LOOP; 24: -- Close Cursor 25: CLOSE c_PRES; 26: -- Close CSV file 27: UTL_FILE.FCLOSE(v_MYFileHandle); 28: END; 29: /
After you have executed the code in Listing 18.6, your output should be identical to the following:
OUTPUT "001010111","George","Washington" "005124745","Thomas","Jefferson" "223445726","Richard","Nixon" "378112475","Jimmy","Carter" "541129744","Abraham","Lincoln" "587145961","John","Kennedy" "665474112","Theodore","Roosevelt" "725139511","George","Bush" "998211247","Ronald","Reagan"
As you learned on Day 10, "Manipulating Data with Cursors, DELETE, and UPDATE," you use an explicit cursor to read in the entire table, one row at a time. After the loop executes, you can then use the UTL_FILE package to output using PUT_LINE the data from the table in CSV format.
Be careful when working with cursors. The placement of the output statement had to occur after the check to see if there are any more rows in the table. If you placed it before the EXIT statement, the last row would be written out twice. I encourage you to experiment by moving the UTL_FILE.PUT_LINE statement before the EXIT statement to see logic errors that frequently occur in any programming environment. |
The TEXT_IO package is available only by purchasing Oracle Developer/2000. This package is not as sophisticated as UTL_FILE because it lacks the named exceptions provided by the UTL_FILE package, and it is missing such modules as FFLUSH and FCLOSE_ALL. It is my recommendation that you stick with the UTL_FILE package when working with file input and output.
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Several of the previous chapters used the DBMS_OUTPUT package already to demonstrate PL/SQL when there was no apparent output. I use this package extensively as a debugging tool in my PL/SQL, similar to using printf statements in C to see the value of variables as the code executes. This package enables you to store information into a buffer and then to retrieve this information. The buffer can contain lines of 255 characters up to the size of the buffer. As you saw in earlier chapters, using PUT or PUT_LINE will send the output to screen if GET_LINE or GET_LINES is not used.
There are two methods to enable the DBMS_OUTPUT package. The first method utilizes SQL*Plus, which you saw in earlier chapters.
The code line used to enable is
You can increase the buffer size in SQL*Plus by adding the following:
The maximum size of the buffer is 1,000,000 bytes. The default size is only 20,000 bytes, so it is usually a good idea to increase it to the maximum of 1,000,000 bytes.
You can also enable output through PL/SQL by using the ENABLE statement, as in the following procedure:
If you want to control the buffer size, the command would now be
After you are finished with the DBMS_OUTPUT package, you can disable it through SQL*Plus or PL/SQL by entering the following code line:
When using PL/SQL with the DBMS_OUTPUT package instead of SQL, you would use
All output will now be disabled completely after executing the preceding statements.
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The PUT procedure works similarly to the UTL_FILE package. This procedure enables you to place up to a maximum of 255 characters into the buffer. The datatypes can be NUMBER, DATE, and VARCHAR2. This does not add a newline character, so it will not output to screen until you call the procedure NEW_LINE or use PUT_LINE, as long as you do not exceed 255 characters. The syntax for PUT is
PROCEDURE PUT(data_to_display);
Similar to the ULT_FILE package, NEW_LINE generates the operating specific newline character. Generally, NEW_LINE is used in conjunction with PUT. The syntax for NEW_LINE is
PUT_LINE works the same as PUT, except that it adds the newline character at the end so output is printed immediately.
The Syntax for the PUT_LINE Procedure
PROCEDURE PUT_LINE(data_to_display);
The data_to_display can be of type VARCHAR2, DATE, and NUMBER.
Although the buffer can hold only 255 characters maximum, you can output more than 255 characters by using format commands such as TO_CHAR with numbers and dates. |
In this section, you will test three of the procedures by enabling from within SQL*Plus and also from within PL/SQL.
Enabling with SQL*Plus
To enable the DBMS_OUTPUT package, at the prompt type in
After you press Enter, the output package will be enabled. Now enter and execute the code in Listing 18.7.
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Listing 18.7. Using DBMS_OUTPUT with PUT, NEW_LINE, and PUT_LINE.
1: DECLARE 2: --Counter for the For Loop 3: v_Counter NUMBER; 4: BEGIN 5: FOR v_Counter IN 1..5 LOOP 6: -- This will cause two of each number to appear on same line as 7: -- PUT_LINE will flush PUT with it 8: DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT(v_Counter); 9: DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(v_Counter); 10: END LOOP; 11: --Demonstrate PUT with NEW_LINE 12: DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(`We will now test with a newline character'); 13: FOR v_Counter IN 1..5 LOOP 14: DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT(v_Counter); 15: DBMS_OUTPUT.NEW_LINE; 16: END LOOP; 17: END;
Your output should appear as
OUTPUT 11 22 33 44 55 We will now test with a newline character 1 2 3 4 5
ANALYSIS Because NEW_LINE is not called after the PUT statement in line 8 in the first FOR loop (beginning in line 5), no output occurred until PUT_LINE was called, because PUT_LINE includes the NEW_LINE character. This is why you doubled the numbers on the output for the first FOR loop. The second loop, starting in line 13, is identical to the first loop, except it adds NEW_LINE in line 15 after PUT in line 14. You can now display one set of numbers for the counter in the FOR loop. It still would be easier to use PUT_LINE instead of PUT and NEW_LINE. You can now disable the output by typing
If you want, go ahead and re-execute the code in Listing 18.7, and you will notice that output is no longer shown on the screen.