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Sample Audit Queries

Here’s a sample query from the session auditing data dictionary view:

SQL> select substr(os_username,1,10) osuser,

  2     substr(username,1,10) username,

  3     to_char(timestamp,’mm/dd/yy hh;mi;ss’) “TIME STAMP”,

  4     action_name action,

  5     decode(returncode,’0’,’Succeeded’,’Failed’) result

  6  from sys.dba_audit_session;


---------- --------- ----------------- ---------------- ------

rkstephe   RYAN      04/04/98 05:24:05 LOGOFF        Succeeded

rkstephe   RYAN      04/05/98 02:17:39 LOGOFF        Succeeded

rkstephe   SYSTEM    04/05/98 04:30:26 LOGOFF        Succeeded

rkstephe   RYAN      04/05/98 04:30:43 LOGON         Succeeded

rkstephe   SYSTEM    04/05/98 04:33:50 LOGON            Failed

To activate the audit option for actions against tables:

SQL> audit table;

Audit succeeded.

To connect as a user with no privileges other than CREATE SESSION:

SQL> connect test/test    (user was created with no privileges)


To attempt to create a table as test:

SQL> create table test_table

  2 (ident number,

  3  name varchar2(30));

create table test_table


ERROR at line 1:

ORA-01950: no privileges on tablespace ‘SYSTEM’

This was an unsuccessful attempt at issuing the CREATE TABLE statement, which is a “table” auditing option.

Now, we connect as a user with the DBA role. As this user, additional privileges will be granted to test, which will allow table creation:

SQL> connect ryan/ryan    Connected.

SQL> grant connect, resource to test;

Grant succeeded.

After connecting as test once again, the CREATE TABLE statement is reissued:

SQL> connect test/test


SQL> create table names

  2 (id  number,

  3  name varchar2(30));

Table created.

Now, the connection back to the account with the DBA role has been reestablished. The object audit view will be queried in hope to find our table commands.

SQL> connect ryan/ryan


Statement auditing:

SQL> select username, substr(owner,1,10) owner, substr(obj_name,1,10)


  2         timestamp, returncode

  3  from dba_audit_object;


------------------- ----------- ---------- --------- ----------

TEST                TEST        TEST_TABLE 04-APR-98       1950

TEST                TEST        NAMES      04-APR-98          0

Notice that for unsuccessful commands, the error message code is place in the RETURNCODE column.

Many individuals also choose to audit the database through the use of triggers. For example, you may have a transactional history table that is populated every time a user performs a transaction. The trigger is created on the target table being changed, and then it writes changed data and other information, such as the username and a timestamp, to the history table.

Common Monitoring Scripts

All databases have flaws—in their structure, at the application level, and definitely in the accuracy of user activities. Yes, most database users are human and do make mistakes. Databases are designed by humans and there will inevitably be deficiencies. Databases are implemented, problems arise, and the management wants results—now! We also ought to throw the growth factor into the equation. Database objects grow with increased data, and often the user community grows as well. This is where database monitoring comes into play.

Database monitoring is knowing what is happening in your database at all times, acting in a proactive manner, and making intelligent decisions that may get you promoted—or at least allow you to keep your job.

Types of Monitoring

The following three types of monitoring encompass the responsibilities of a DBA:

  System monitoring
  Application monitoring
  Session (user) monitoring

What to Monitor

Some common things to monitor from a DBA perspective:

  Rollback segment contention
  Space allocation/usage
  User sessions
  Segment fragmentation
  Fragmented free space
  Temporary segments
  Memory usage
  Summarized space statistics
  Overall database activity
  Oracle processes
  Archived redo log files
  Table and row locks

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