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After the destinations are validated, the console window will reappear and the new destinations will be listed under the Registrations tab of the Event Management System. As the Intelligent Agent registers each event in the event set, the number of pending registrations should drop until all the events have been successfully registered.

As you can see in Figure 21.9, I have registered three event sets for destinations test and three for prod. Notice the failed counter for the Oracle DB Fault event set. The Agent will still monitor for the other events in the set, even if one of the events failed to register. If you double-click on a line that has a failure such as this one, the Modify Registration property sheet will appear. On the Status page, you can see which event failed to register and why.

Figure 21.9.  Failed event registration.

In Figure 21.10, you see that the User Blocks event failed. This is because the sys.dba_locks view does not exist. Please note that the other events in the set were registered, and you will be notified if any of these events occur.

Figure 21.10.  Checking the status of the failed event.

In order to correct this, close the Modify Registration window and highlight the line with the failure on the Event Management System screen. Select Event from the OEM menu bar at the top of the screen and choose Remove Registration. In a few moments the registration will be removed and the line will disappear from the Event Management System window. Now you can run the catblock.sql script found in the admin subdirectory under Oracle home. This creates the missing view, and the next time you register the Oracle DB Fault event set, all three events in that set will be registered successfully.

Event Notification

When a registered event occurs, a message will appear on the console under the Outstanding Events tab of the Event Management System. If the warning threshold was reached, a yellow flag will appear in front of the event name. If the message indicates an alert, a red flag will appear.

Double-click on the outstanding event and the Acknowledge Event window will open. A detailed event message will appear under the General tab. You might have to place the cursor on this message and use the right arrow key on your keyboard to see the entire message. As you can see in Figure 21.11, there isn’t enough free space to allocate another extent for an object in the system tablespace.

Figure 21.11.  Event acknowledgment window.

Fortunately, you can add a datafile without even leaving the OEM Console. If you use the Navigator to find the system tablespace and then click the right mouse button on the Datafiles folder, you have the option to add a datafile. Provide the required information in the Create Datafile window, click OK, and the datafile will be added. The next time the status of the Chunk Small event is checked, according to the interval set when the event was registered, the event will be cleared and the flag will turn to green.

You can then go back to the Acknowledge Event window by double-clicking the cleared event, and click on the Move to History button. The event will remain under the History tab of the Event Management System until you clear the history from the Event option on the OEM menu bar.

In some circumstances, a flag might stay red or yellow for an extended period of time, even though an event has been cleared. This usually happens if your databases are unavailable for a period of time due to backups, or something else has happened that affects the Agent’s communication with the database. You don’t have to wait for the event to clear. Simply acknowledge the “outstanding” event, and the notification will be moved to Event History.

Managing Jobs

The Job Scheduling system, located in the bottom-left corner of the console, is used to create and schedule SQL and DBA scripts, DBA tasks such as startup and shutdown, and operating system commands and scripts. After you have defined a job, you can execute it immediately, save it for later execution, or schedule it to run at an interval of your choice. You can also schedule fixit jobs to help automate event handling.

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