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Enterprise Manager is delivered with a number of predefined event sets. These sets are found in the Event Set Library in the Event Management System on the OEM Console (see Figure 21.4). When you create your own event sets, they will also be found in the Event Set Library.
Figure 21.4. The Event Set Library.
To view or edit one of these event sets, double-click on the event set name and a Quick Edit window will appear. To see which events make up this event set, select the Events tab (see Figure 21.5). The events on the left half of the window are included in the event set, and the right half contains the names of the other events available to be included in the event set.
Figure 21.5. Viewing or editing events in an event set.
You can add or remove events from an event set by highlighting the event name and pressing the left or right arrow button in the center of the window.
The events that you see on this page are supplied by Oracle and are written as Tool Command Language (Tcl) scripts with Oracle extensions for database access. If you are interested in writing your own Tcl scripts for events, refer to the Oracle Enterprise Manager Application Developers Guide.
To create your own event set, either choose Event from the console window or select the Create Event button on the toolbar. The Create Event Set property sheet will appear. On the General page, enter the name of the new event set, select the service type, and enter a description.
Click on the Events tab and select the available events you would like to include in this event set. Press the left arrow button to include the events. Here, I have included the Chunk Small and Maximum Extents events.
On the Properties page, determine at what interval you would like to check for the events in the event set (see Figure 21.6). Notice that I selected the Chunk Small and Maximum Extents events on the Events property sheet. If you would like to change the thresholds at which a warning or an alert will occur, double-click on the parameter name and modify the value.
Figure 21.6. Setting thresholds and frequency.
Click the OK button to save your event set, or if youd like to save this event set and immediately create another, click the Apply button. You should now see your event listed with the predefined events.
Enterprise Manager will not monitor for the events in an event set until that event set is registered. Either click on the Register Event Set button on the toolbar, or select Event from the menu bar and choose Register Event Set from the drop-down list.
When the Register Event Set property sheet appears, select the Service Type for the event set you would like to register. The event sets for this service type will then be available in the Set Name drop-down list. After youve selected the event set, highlight the destinations you would like to monitor and click the left-arrow button in the center of the page to select the destination (see Figure 21.7).
Figure 21.7. Choose a destination for event registration.
Click on the Notification tab. For each destination selected on the previous page, you can choose who will be notified for this event set and the manner in which they will be notified. If the Notify Operator on Duty box is checked, the event will be displayed on the console if it occurs (see Figure 21.8). If you have configured email or paging services, you can choose which operators and administrators should be notified and the notification method for each of them.
Figure 21.8. Choose notification options.
When you click OK or Apply, a Destination Validation window will appear. Enterprise Manager uses a facility called the Communication Daemon to communicate with the Intelligent Agent on that node. The Intelligent Agent makes certain the destinations for the event set registration are valid and confirms this to the Communication Daemon.
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