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The remainder of this chapter will discuss a variety of methods of formatting SQL*Plus output to create database-driven types of output (SQL code, operating system-dependent command language, script files for other Oracle products, and so on).
SQL Creating SQL
The classic example of using SQL*Plus formatting to create other SQL statements (hence the term SQL creating SQL) is that of table cleanup after an employee leaves a company. The Oracle data dictionary table TAB is used in this example. The steps in Listing 22.16 can easily be entered at the SQL_Plus prompt (shown here as SQL>), or adapted to a SQL_Plus command file using features already learned.
Listing 22.16. Dropping all of a users tables example.
SQL>set headings off SQL>set pagesize 0 SQL>set termout off SQL>spool drop_tbl.sql SQL>select DROP TABLE || tname || ; from tab; SQL>spool off SQL>set termout on SQL>start drop_tbl
This scenerio assumes that the login ID and the owner of the table objects to be dropped are one and the same. The first three commands are used to set up the SQL*Plus environment. The spool file drop_tbl.sql will capture the concatenated text and table names (tname) from the SQL query. The spool off closes the file and the start executes the drop table commands now inside the drop_tbl.sql file.
It is common practice to create versions of this and other SQL scripts that take command line parameters to do a variety of cleanup and monitoring tasks.
The creating database triggers code example in Listing 22.17 will add four auditing fields to the end of each table owned by the userid that runs this particular SQL*Plus command file. This script will also create a database trigger that will automatically maintain these four added fields.
Lines 1 through 7 (Listing 22.17) set up the SQL*Plus environment so that no extra messages appear in the cre_dbtrg.sql file (see line 8). Lines 9 through 14 create the SQL alter table statement that will add the audit fields to each table, and lines 15 through 33 will create the database triggers necessary to maintain these audit fields. Lines 35 through 38 reset the SQL*Plus environment so that all SQL commands and messages display. Line 40 then runs the SQL*Plus command file cre_dbtrg.sql (see Listing 22.18) that was just created.
Listing 22.17. Creating database triggers.
1: set ECHO OFF 2: set TERMOUT OFF 3: set FEEDBACK OFF 4: set VERIFY OFF 5: set PAGESIZE 0 6: set LINESIZE 80 7: set HEADING OFF 8: spool cre_dbtrg.sql 9: select RPAD(alter table || TNAME || null,80), 10: RPAD( add (inserted_by varchar2(10), || null,80), 11: RPAD( inserted_date date , || null,80), 12: RPAD( updated_by varchar2(10), || null,80), 13: RPAD( updated_date date ); || null,80) 14: from TAB; 15: select RPAD( create trigger trg_ || TNAME || null,80), 16: RPAD( before insert or update || null,80), 17: RPAD( on || TNAME || null,80), 18: RPAD( for each row || null,80), 19: RPAD( begin || null,80), 20: RPAD( if :old.inserted_by is null then || null,80), 21: RPAD( :new.inserted_by := USER; || null,80), 22: RPAD( :new.inserted_date := SYSDATE; || null,80), 23: RPAD( :new.updated_by := null; || null,80), 24: RPAD( :new.updated_date := null; || null,80), 25: RPAD( else || null,80), 26: RPAD( :new.inserted_by := :old.inserted_by; || null,80), 27: RPAD( :new.inserted_date := :old.inserted_date; || null,80), 28: RPAD( :new.updated_by := USER; || null,80), 29: RPAD( :new.updated_date := SYSDATE; || null,80), 30: RPAD( end if; || null,80), 31: RPAD( end; || null,80), 32: RPAD( / || null,80) 33: from TAB; 34: spool off 35: set FEEDBACK ON 36: set TERMOUT ON 37: set VERIFY ON 38: set ECHO ON 39: spool dbtrg.log 40: start cre_dbtrg.sql 41: spool off 42: exit
Listing 22.18. Creating database triggers output.
alter table EXAMPLE_TABLE add (inserted_by varchar2(10), inserted_date date , updated_by varchar2(10), updated_date date ); create trigger trg_EXAMPLE_TABLE before insert or update on for each row begin if :old.inserted_by is null then :new.inserted_by := USER; :new.inserted_date := SYSDATE; :new.updated_by := null; :new.updated_date := null; else :new.inserted_by := :old.inserted_by; :new.inserted_date := :old.inserted_date; :new.updated_by := USER; :new.updated_date := SYSDATE; end if; end; /
There are quite a number of tools available for the Oracle environment from companies other than Oracle Corporation. There are tools that assist the DBA with such tasks as tablespace reorganization, multiple types of database administration from one tool, schema management and movement, tuning, and backup and recovery. The Data Administrator uses modeling tools, SQL generators, and so on. Developers need code version control, coding environments, symbolic debuggers, and tuning aids. End users need OLAP tools.
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