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Database administration is more than adding users and granting privileges. DBAs typically maintain a directory full of SQL scripts to perform various functions like adding users and privileges to various applications. If the requirements were to add a column in the middle of an object, it was quite a bit of work. Adding the column could be error-prone, and, if not done correctly, undoing the change could easily be more work than making the change in the first place.
Bradmark Technology, Inc.s DB General Server Manager is an easy-to-use graphical interface that has quite a bit of Oracle administrative functionality. More information on this and other tools from Bradmark Technology is available from their Web site at
Embarcadero Technologies, Inc.s product, DBArtisan is a multiple database (including Oracle RDBMS) administrative graphical tool. More information on this and other tools from Embarcadero Technology is available from their Web site at
Platinum Technology, Inc.s Enterprise DBA solves all of the issues of schema management, including schema and data movement, scheduling of tasks, recoverability and undo features and is an agent based/graphical user tool. More information on this and other products from Platinum Tec3hnology is available from their Web site at
Data movement is a critical part of most any business today. Creating test environments and moving applications from a test to a production is a time-consuming and error-prone process. Once again, Platinum Technologys Enterprise DBA can help. It is an easy task for Enterprise DBA to replicate an entire schema, the entire database application, or any subset of it (useful in the creation of application test environments), including all of the data, some of the data, or none of the data.
Platinum Technology, Inc.s Fast Unload for Oracle is a direct export data extract facility, reading the Oracle data directly from data files, eliminating the overhead of using the Oracle kernel and SELECT statements, while supporting a variety of output choices. Platinum Technology also bundles this tool with some of their others, such as TSReorg and Enterprise DBA, to enhance their performance.
----------------------------------------------------------------------- Fast Unload for Oracle: Release V1.4.3 - Thu Feb 5 17:02:52 1998 Copyright" 1996-1997 PLATINUM technology, inc. All rights reserved. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Usage: fastunload -b Write RAWs in binary mode -c Row byte count -C Column byte count -d SQL*Loader Delimited format -e ORACLE Direct Export Forma/ -f { control filename } Fast Unload control file -h Shows this information -i Informix dbload format -l { log_file } Fast Unload log filename -L { maxlongsize } Max LONG/LONG RAW size -m [ n ] Odometer row count setting -n Shuts off data writing -o { filename [ filename ]...} Output file pathname(s) -r [ n1 [ n2 ] ] Range of rows to unload -s Enable checksum -t { [owner.]TableName } Table to unload -u { DBA username/password } ORACLE DBA connect string -U { username/password } ORACLE user connect string -v SQL*Loader VAR format -V SQL*Loader Fastload format -w [roundrobin|sequential][row|buffer] Writing scheme -x [ n ] Fixed Format [VARCHAR size] -Z { CacheSize OufBuffSize } Cache sizes in ORACLE Blocks
Fragmentation with the Oracle RDBMS is a known issue. Managing and correcting fragmentation can be a difficult task with Oracles referential integrity, object relationships all over the database, roles, permissions, packages, functions, triggers, and so on. Various tablespace fragmentation issues are covered in depth in Chapter 23. The market- place has several offerings in the tablespace reorganization arena.
ARIS Corporations DFRAG is one such reorganization product. DFRAG has a long history with the Oracle environment and utilizes many features available within the Oracle RDBMS. DEFRAG has many features that would be attractive to DBAs. More information on this and other tools from ARIS Corporation is available from their Web site at
TSReorg is a premiere-quality tablespace/object reorganization agent-based product for Oracle and other SQL-based databases. It comes bundled with Platinum Technologys Fast Unload product and utilizes Oracles own SQL*Loader with the direct path option, giving TSReorg superior speed. This tool handles all the complexities of todays SQL environment. More information on this and other products from Platinum Technology is available from their Web site at
Quest Software ADHawk Spacer is a graphical client-side space management and table object reorganization tool. ADHawk Spacer supports Oracle RDBMS environments back to version six. It has a variety of analytical and reporting features. More information on this and other tools from Quest Software is available from their Web site at
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