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The variables are defined as follows:

procedure-name is the procedure name and subject to Oracle database object-naming restrictions.

argument1 through argumentN are optional argument declarations that consist of:

argument-name [IN | OUT] datatype [ {:= | DEFAULT} value]

local-variable-declarations are optional declarations of variables, constants, and other procedures and functions local to procedure-name.

executable-section is the PL/SQL statements that compose the procedure.

exception-section is the optional exception-handling section of the procedure.

The distinction between stored procedures and procedures that are declared and used in anonymous blocks is important. The procedures that are declared and called in anonymous blocks are temporal; when the anonymous block has completed execution, they no longer exist as far as Oracle is concerned. A stored procedure that is created with a CREATE PROCEDURE statement or contained in a package is permanent in the sense that it can be invoked by an SQL*Plus script, a PL/SQL subprogram, or a database trigger.

To illustrate this syntax, Listing 9.13 contains an example of an anonymous block that declares a procedure named Record_Patient_Temp_Deg_C. This procedure has two arguments: the patient ID and the patient's body temperature as measured in degrees Centigrade (see line 4). On line 3, the variable High_Fever is initialized to 42. On line 17, the procedure is invoked with two arguments: New_Patient_ID (which is GG9999) and High_Fever. The SELECT statement that follows the anonymous block demonstrates that the procedure did what it was supposed to—it converted 42 degrees Centigrade to 107.6 degrees Fahrenheit.

Listing 9.13. Example of a procedure.

SQL> declare
  2  New_Patient_ID  Patient.Patient_ID%type;
  3  High_Fever      constant real := 42.0;
  4  procedure Record_Patient_Temp_Deg_C (Patient_ID varchar2,
  5                                       Body_Temp_Deg_C real) is


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Listing 9.13. continued

  6  Temp_Deg_F real;
  7  begin
  8    Temp_Deg_F := (9.0/5.0)*Body_Temp_Deg_C + 32.0;
  9    insert into Patient
 10    (Patient_ID, Body_Temp_Deg_F)
 11    values
 12    (Patient_ID, Temp_Deg_F);
 13    commit;
 14  end;
 15  begin
 16  New_Patient_ID := `GG9999';
 17  Record_Patient_Temp_Deg_C (New_Patient_ID, High_Fever);
 18  end;
 19  /
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

SQL> select Patient_ID, Body_Temp_Deg_F
  2  from Patient
  3  where
  4  Patient_ID = `GG9999';
------ ---------------
GG9999           107.6

Listing 9.14 demonstrates that the variables declared within a procedure are not accessible outside of the procedure.

Listing 9.14. Example of variable scope in PL/SQL.

SQL> declare
    2  procedure Delete_Patients is
  3  Temp_Deg_F real;
  4  begin
   5    delete from Patient
  6    where
  7    Patient_ID = `GG3333';

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  8    commit;
  9  end;
 10  begin
 11  Temp_Deg_F := 100.0;
 12  end;
 13  /
Temp_Deg_F := 100.0;
ERROR at line 11:
ORA-06550: line 11, column 1:
PLS-00201: identifier `TEMP_DEG_F' must be declared
ORA-06550: line 11, column 1:
PL/SQL: Statement ignored
Listing 9.14 begins with the declaration section of an anonymous block. At line 2, a procedure, Delete_Patients, is declared; within the procedure, the variable Temp_Deg_F is declared as a REAL. However, at line 11, the anonymous block references Temp_Deg_F, which results in the PL/SQL error message PLS-00201. This listing illustrates that the scope of a local variable in a procedure or function doesn't extend to another subprogram that invokes that procedure or function.

For further information on the use of stored procedures, see the lesson on Day 11.

Declaring a Function

A PL/SQL function declaration is similar to a procedure declaration—except that the function returns a value of a predefined datatype.

The syntax for declaring a function is

FUNCTION function-name [(argument1 ... [, argumentN) ]
RETURN function-datatype IS
END [function-name];

The variables are defined as follows:

function-name is the function name and subject to Oracle database object-naming restrictions.

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argument1 through argumentN are optional argument declarations that consist of

argument-name [IN | OUT] datatype [ {:= | DEFAULT} value]

function-datatype is the datatype returned by function-name.

local-variable-declarations are optional declarations of variables, constants, and other procedures and functions local to function-name.

executable-section is the PL/SQL statements that compose the function.

exception-section is the optional exception-handling section of the function.

For instance, Listing 9.15 provides an example of the declaration and use of a function. The function, Max_Additional_Fees, has a single argument, Dept_ID (see line 3). The function returns the Course_ID that has the highest additional fees of all courses in the specified department (the SELECT statement begins on line 9). The anonymous block calls the function with Dept_ID equal to ECON (see line 24) and the function returns Course_ID 189. The query at the end of Listing 9.15 shows that 189 does indeed have the highest additional fees.

Listing 9.15. Example of a function.

SQL> declare
  2  Course_ID  Course.Course_ID%type;
  3  function Max_Additional_Fees (Dept_ID IN varchar2)
  4           return varchar2 is
  5  Additional_Fees Course.Additional_Fees%type;
  6  Units           Course.Units%type;
  7  Course_ID       Course.Course_ID%type;
  8  begin
  9  select Course_ID
 10  into   Course_ID
 11  from Course
 12  where
 13  Department_ID = Dept_ID and
 14  Additional_Fees =
 15  (select max(Additional_Fees)
 16   from Course
 17   where
 18   Department_ID = Dept_ID);
 19  return Course_ID;
 20  end;
 21  --  Beginning of executable section of anonymous block.
 22  begin

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 23  dbms_output.enable;
 24  Course_ID := Max_Additional_Fees (`ECON');
 25  dbms_output.put_line(`Course_ID: ` || Course_ID);
 26  end;
 27  /
Course_ID: 189

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

SQL> select Course_ID, Additional_Fees
  2  from Course
  3  where
  4  Department_ID = `ECON'
  5  order by Course_ID;

----- ---------------
101                25
189               750
199                 0

Procedure and Function Arguments

Each procedure and function argument can optionally be defined as one of the following:

IN The value of the argument is passed to the procedure or function, but no value is returned to the calling PL/SQL subprogram. Within a procedure or function, you can't assign a value to an argument declared as IN; you can only reference the value of this type of argument.
OUT The procedure or function doesn't use the passed value but does return a value to the calling PL/SQL subprogram. Within a procedure or function, you can't reference the value of an argument declared as OUT; you can only assign a value to this type of argument.
IN OUT The value of the argument is passed to the procedure or function and is also returned to the calling PL/SQL subprogram. An argument declared as IN OUT can be referenced and assigned a value within its procedure or function.

Listing 9.16 presents an example of how all three types of arguments are used.

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