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Listing 9.16. Use of different argument types—IN, OUT, and IN OUT.

SQL> declare
  2  This_Arg1 number;
  3  This_Arg2 number;
  4  This_Arg3 number;
  5  procedure Different_Arguments
  6            (arg1 IN     number,
  7             arg2 OUT    number,
  8             arg3 IN OUT number) is
  9  begin
 10  arg2 := arg1;
 11  arg3 := arg3 + 1;
 12  end;
 13  --  Beginning of executable section of anonymous block.
 14  begin
 15  This_Arg1 := 3.14159;
 16  Different_Arguments (This_Arg1, This_Arg2, This_Arg3);
 17  end;
 18  /
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.


This lesson discussed these basic features of PL/SQL:

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DO use PL/SQL for enforcing business rules in the Oracle database.
DO use PL/SQL to construct packages that can be invoked by applications written in Oracle Forms, Reports, and Graphics.
DON'T construct PL/SQL subprograms to handle user input directly; instead, use an application development tool that provides the end-user with a graphical user interface (GUI).

What Comes Next?

On Day 10, you learn much more about the declaration and use of procedures, functions, and packages.


Q Can a function call other procedures and functions and can a procedure call other procedures and functions?

A Yes, this is supported by PL/SQL. In fact, PL/SQL also supports recursion.


The purpose of the Workshop is to allow you to test your knowledge of the material discussed in the lesson. See if you can correctly answer the questions in the quiz and complete the exercise before you continue with tomorrow's lesson.


  1. Name the three sections of a PL/SQL subprogram.
  2. True or false? A PL/SQL variable that stores a column value must have the same name as the column.
  3. Why is it a good practice to use %TYPE when declaring variables?


Construct an anonymous block that declares a procedure that will set the additional fees for a course to $50 if there are no current additional fees. The procedure should have only one argument—Department_ID—and should perform this action only for the value of Department_ID supplied to the procedure.

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