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Week 2

Day 10

Program Development with PL/SQL

During our last lesson, you learned about some of the programming constructs used in PL/SQL. In this lesson, you learn how to construct PL/SQL modules—procedures, functions, and packages—that are stored in an Oracle database. You'll also learn about the use of PL/SQL datatypes that aren't available in SQL.

A stored procedure or function is a PL/SQL program stored in an Oracle database and invoked by a user, either directly or indirectly. The benefits of using stored procedures and functions are:

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You can use different tools to create and maintain stored procedures, functions, and packages. In this lesson, you learn how to use SQL*Plus or SQL Worksheet to do this. However, there are several advantages to a tool such as Oracle Procedure Builder, a component of Developer/2000. First, Procedure Builder has a PL/SQL stored program editor that makes it easy to modify your PL/SQL code. Second, you can compile your stored program by simply pressing a button in the editor. Third, any compilation errors are conveniently displayed in a separate window. There are third-party PL/SQL editors that you also may want to evaluate before you plunge into a serious PL/SQL project.

Creating a Stored Procedure or Function

Using a text processor, such as Notepad or WordPad, to construct a stored procedure is a good idea. A better idea is to use one of the components in Oracle Developer/2000— Procedure Builder—which is discussed during the lesson on Day 16, "Developer/2000: Using Oracle Graphics and Procedure Builder." With Notepad or WordPad open, you can copy the stored procedure and paste it into SQL*Plus or SQL Worksheet for development and testing.

The syntax for creating a stored procedure is as follows:

[(argument1 ... [, argumentN) ] IS

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END [procedure-name];

The variables are defined as follows:

procedure-name is the procedure name subject to Oracle database object-naming restrictions.

argument1 through argumentN are optional argument declarations that consist of

   argument-name [IN | OUT] datatype [ {:= | DEFAULT} value]

local-variable-declarations are optional declarations of variables, constants, and other procedures and functions local to procedure-name.

executable-section are the PL/SQL statements that compose the procedure.

exception-section is the optional exception handling section of the procedure.

For example, Listing 10.1 contains a stored procedure that has a single argument used by the DELETE statement to determine which classes to remove from the Course table.

Listing 10.1. Creating a stored procedure with a single argument.

SQL> create or replace procedure Delete_Specified_Course
  2         (Description_Phrase varchar2) is
  3  begin
  4  delete from Course
  5  where
  6  upper(Description) like Description_Phrase;
  7  end;
  8  /
Procedure created.

The syntax for creating a stored function is very similar to the syntax for creating a stored procedure. Of course, a stored function also must return a value.

[(argument1 ... [, argumentN) ]
RETURN function-datatype IS
RETURN function-value
END [function-name];

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The variables are defined as follows:

function-name is the function name subject to Oracle database object-naming

argument1 through argumentN are optional argument declarations that consist of

argument-name [IN | OUT] datatype [ {:= | DEFAULT} value]

function-datatype is the datatype of the value returned by the function.

local-variable-declarations are optional declarations of variables, constants, and other procedures and functions local to function-name.

executable-section are the PL/SQL statements that compose the function.

exception-section is the optional exception-handling section of the function.

function-value is the value that the function returns to the caller.

The difference between a stored procedure and a stored function is that a stored procedure does not return a value whereas a stored function does return a value. As a result, a stored function can be called in an SQL statement in the same manner as a built-in function; a stored procedure cannot. However, stored procedures and functions can both return a modified argument value if the argument was declared as OUT or IN OUT.

Listing 10.2 illustrates how to create a stored function that obtains the grade point average of a student.

Listing 10.2. Creating a stored function with a single argument.

create or replace function student_GPA (arg_student_ID IN varchar2)
   return number is

GPA number;


select avg(decode(grade, `A+', 4.25, `A', 4, `A-', 3.75,
                         `B+', 3.25, `B', 3, `B-', 2.75,
                         `C+', 2.25, `C', 2, `C-', 1.75,
                         `D+', 1.25, `D', 1, `D-', 0.75, `F', 0))
into GPA
from student_schedule

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