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student_id = arg_student_id; return GPA; end;
Many of the examples in this lesson call a package named dbms_output. This package provides a set of procedures and functions that are useful for displaying values from within a PL/SQL block. To use the package with SQL*Plus, enter the following statement before any procedure or function calls are made to dbms_output:set serveroutput on |
If Oracle detects errors when you create a stored PL/SQL program, it issues a nondescript message indicating that errors occurredwithout providing any additional details. For example, Listing 10.3 demonstrates what happens if you try to create a stored procedure with a syntax error. To view the errors resulting from the attempted compilation of the PL/SQL code, you can use the SQL*Plus command show errors, which displays the specific PL/SQL compilation errors.
Listing 10.3. An error message returned by Oracle during compilation of a stored procedure.
SQL> create or replace procedure show_inserts IS 2 2 max_records constant int := 100; 3 i int := 1; 4 4 begin 5 5 dbms_output.enable; 6 6 for i in 1..max_records loop 7 7 if (mod(i,10) = 0) then 8 insert into test_table 9 (record_number, current_date) 10 values 11 (i, SYSDATE) 12 dbms_output.put_line(`The value of i is ` || to_char(i));
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Listing 10.3. continued
13 13 else 14 null; 15 15 end if; 16 16 end loop; 17 17 end; 18 / Warning: Procedure created with compilation errors. SQL> show errors Errors for PROCEDURE SHOW_INSERTS: LINE/COL ERROR -------- -------------------------------------------------------------- 12/5 PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "DBMS_OUTPUT" when expecting one of the following: ; ; was inserted before "DBMS_OUTPUT" to continue.
In an attempt to create or replace the procedure show_inserts, Oracle returned a warning, just after line 18, indicating that there were compilation errors. To see the specific error, you issue the command show errors. As you can see on line 11, the INSERT statement isn't terminated with a semicolon.
After a stored procedure has been created, you might want to look at the source code of a PL/SQL program. However, even if the SQL script that was used to create the stored procedure isn't available, you can still retrieve the source code of a stored procedure by querying an Oracle data dictionary view.
The Oracle data dictionary is a group of tables that contain information about the Oracle database itself. Because these data dictionary tables are somewhat cryptic in structure, Oracle defines a set of views that provide a more coherent perspective of the data dictionary (please refer to Day 8, "More Sophisticated Queries with SQL," for more information about views). One of these views is named USER_SOURCE, which provides four columns:
NAME | Contains the name of the procedure, function, package, or package body |
TYPE | Indicates whether the source code belongs to a procedure, function, package, or package body |
TEXT | Contains a line of the source code |
LINE | Contains the line number of the source code contained in TEXT |
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As an example, suppose that you created a stored procedure named DROP_CLASS. If you want to see the source code of DROP_CLASS, query the USER_SOURCE data dictionary view, as illustrated in Listing 10.4.
Listing 10.4. Retrieving the source code for a stored procedure.
SQL> select line, text 2 from user_source 3 where 4 name = `DROP_CLASS' 5 order by line; LINE TEXT ---- ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 procedure drop_class (arg_student_ID IN varchar2, 2 arg_class_ID IN varchar2, 3 status OUT number) is 4 5 counter number; 6 7 begin 8 9 status := 0; 10 11 -- Verify that this class really is part of the student's schedule. 12 13 select count(*) into counter 14 from student_schedule 15 where 16 student_id = arg_student_id and 17 class_id = arg_class_id; 18 19 if counter = 1 then 20 delete from student_schedule 21 where 22 student_id = arg_student_id and 23 class_id = arg_class_id; 24 status := -1; 25 end if; 26 27 end; 27 rows selected.
You can query USER_OBJECTS to obtain a list of stored procedures, functions, packages, and package bodies owned by the Oracle account to which you are currently connected. If
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you wanted to see all of the these objects, regardless of ownership, you would query DBA_OBJECTS rather than USER_OBJECTS. The OBJECT_TYPE column in DBA_OBJECTS indicates the type of the object: table, view, procedure, and so on.
To obtain a list of the types of database objects owned by a user, use the query shown in
Listing 10.5.
Listing 10.5. Determining the object types owned by the current user.
SQL> select distinct object_type 2 from user_objects; OBJECT_TYPE ------------- FUNCTION INDEX PACKAGE PACKAGE BODY PROCEDURE TABLE VIEW 7 rows selected.
PL/SQL requires that you declare any identifierconstant, variable, cursor, procedure, or functionusing it elsewhere in a PL/SQL subprogram. This requirement can cause a problem when two subprograms reference each other, as shown in Listing 10.6.
Listing 10.6. Function referenced before declaration.
SQL> set serveroutput on SQL> SQL> declare 2 2 function Medicare_Patient (Patient_ID IN varchar2) 3 return number is 4 4 status number; 5 Pat_ID varchar2(6); 6 6 begin
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7 7 if Insurable_Patient (Pat_ID) = 2 then 8 status := 1; 9 end if; 10 10 return status; 11 11 end Medicare_Patient; 12 12 12 function Insurable_Patient (Patient_ID IN varchar2) 13 return number is 14 14 status number; 15 Pat_ID varchar2(6); 16 16 begin 17 17 if Medicare_Patient (Pat_ID) = 2 then 18 status := 1; 19 end if; 20 20 return status; 21 21 end Insurable_Patient; 22 22 -- Executable portion of anonymous block. 23 23 begin 24 24 dbms_output.enable; 25 25 end; 26 / declare * ERROR at line 1: ORA-06550: line 7, column 4: PLS-00313: `INSURABLE_PATIENT' not declared in this scope ORA-06550: line 7, column 1: PL/SQL: Statement ignored
As you can see in Listing 10.6, PL/SQL doesn't recognize the reference to Insurable_Patient in the function Medicare_Patient (line 7) because the declaration of Insurable_Patient occurs after the declaration of Medicare_Patient (line 2). To circumvent this dilemma, you include a forward declaration of the subprogram in the declare section. The forward declaration is a declaration of the subprogram, its arguments, and return type. Listing 10.7 demonstrates how to specify a forward declaration for Insurable_Patient (line 2) for the preceding example.