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Page 23

Day 2

Selecting a
Development Tool

by Tom Luers

Oracle's PL/SQL can be used with a variety of development tools including:

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This chapter focuses primarily on the SQL*Plus development tool because you will find that to be the most useful in most cases. Later in the chapter, a few of the other development tools are described briefly. For additional information on Oracle and obtaining its products, you can visit Oracle's Web site at


In this book, most of the examples and exercises will be executed through SQL*Plus. This chapter covers the most useful SQL*Plus commands that will serve you best while working with PL/SQL.

SQL*Plus is an Oracle product that provides an open window into the Oracle database. It gives developers and end users the ability to interact directly with the database. SQL*Plus has a command-line interpreter so that users can directly submit SQL and SQL*Plus commands and PL/SQL blocks.

SQL commands and PL/SQL blocks are submitted in SQL*Plus to query, manipulate, or delete data in the Oracle databases. In fact, using SQL*Plus is the most common method of interacting with the Oracle database.

There are different groups of SQL*Plus commands that control or manipulate different aspects of your interaction with Oracle. For example, you use environment commands to set the line and page size. Likewise, you can use formatting commands to format the data returned from the database. Additionally, through SQL*Plus you can do all of the following:

Environment Commands

The SQL*Plus environment commands define the system parameters within which you work. You use the set and show commands to control these parameters. The set command has an extensive number of options that control the interaction of the user's terminal with other SQL commands. The show command displays the current setting of the various parameters that have been established by the set command.

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The Syntax for the set Command
The general syntax of the set command is

set parameter value

where parameter represents the system variable that is to be defined, and value is the state or value that you want the system variable to be set to.

The following sections go into detail on the various specific SQL*Plus parameters.

Session Commands

These parameters establish the general look and feel of your SQL*Plus session. You establish the parameter values with the set command. The following are the options to use with the session commands:

Listing 2.1 highlights a few of these parameters.

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Listing 2.1. Setting system parameters for SQL*Plus.

set pagesize 6
set pause `Press <return> to continue...'
set pause on
SELECT city_name from city_index

Press <return> to continue...

Display Controls for Headers and Footers

The following set of parameters controls the header and footer formats of the output reports:

All parameter settings remain in effect until explicitly changed or the SQL*Plus session ends. Therefore, it is always a good idea to clear the header and footer after each report. The SQL*Plus commands in Listing 2.2 will place a header and footer in the output report.

Listing 2.2. Creating a header and footer.

set pagesize 22
set linesize 60
set feedback off
ttitle `Monthly Sales|for June'
btitle `Confidential'

SELECT sales_region, sales_totals from master_sales
WHERE sales_month = `06'

Monthly Sales
For June

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------------      ------------

North East        99204
South East        72900
Mid West          921892
Plains            69916
South West        98421
West              1027653
North West        87367


ttitle off
btitle off

Display Controls for Columns

The column parameters enable you to change the headings and formats of the report columns and are as follows:

All parameter settings remain in effect until explicitly changed or the SQL*Plus session ends. Therefore, it is always a good idea to clear the column parameters after each report. Listing 2.3 is similar to Listing 2.2 except that column headers are specified.

Listing 2.3. Defining column headers.

set pagesize 22
set linesize 60
set feedback off
ttitle `Monthly Sales|for June'
btitle `Confidential'
column sales_region heading `Sales Region' format A15
column sales_totals heading `Total Sales' format $99,999,999

SELECT sales_region, sales_totals from master_sales
WHERE sales_month = `06'

Monthly Sales
For June

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